Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Transfer: King Alfred Plan

Friday, September 20, 2013

King Alfred Plan

King Alfred Plan

A friend and blog member ask me, what did I know about the "King Alfred Plan"?  

The King Alfred Plan is a clandestine plan by the United States government {C.I.A. & F.B.I.} to control Black people and detain them, in the event of a uprising or riot! The plan seems to be part of a bigger international plot to control African and African descendant  people worldwide. The plot also calls for a systematically killing {genocide} of Black African people around the world to keep our numbers in check. White people produce at a lower birth- rate then Black African people. This would reduce our numbers, thus keeping smaller numbers to control us!

So I done a little history and research on King Alfred? Why was the plan named after him? Not totally sure it was. But I did find some interesting connections between King Alfred and the ideology of the King Alfred Plan!

Come to find out that King Alfred was once a King of England. He was King of Wessex 871 to 899, Wessex is a ancient English state. He is the only English King to be bestowed the title of "Great", because he defended England from the Vikings.

This all looks very simple when reading it because there are hidden words and meaning that the average read would not pick up on. Black people you do not truly understand the White man, his nature is very vile {some Whites, not all}. So why would the title of Great bestowed upon a King of England for fighting Vikings? When Europeans {British Isle} claim they are descendants of Vikings anyway, so that makes them cousins. So, why would a King be given the only title ever of "Great" to any King of England for fighting Vikings, which was a every common practice in early England, which all the Kings of this period had battles with Vikings?

The two {2} key words would be Great and Viking.

a. Great is a title only given to a King, whom defeats, pushes- back or deals a great blow to a arch enemy! Example1: King Ramesses II of Kemet, battle and destruction of the Hittites at the battle of Kadesh.

b. Hittites are a European/ Arab mix or biracial people from the Asia Minor, modern day Turkey.

c. Example2: Alexander III the Greek occupation of southern Kemet, which he bestowed himself the title of Great, for occupying Kemet.

The next key word would be Viking? When you think of Vikings you automatically think of White Europeans but that is your mistake not all Vikings where White Europeans! Remember that Black Africans conquered, settled or found the whole southern coast line{Mediterranean}of Europe along with the British Isle. These Blacks are not always called Vikings, which some where Vikings. They are better known as the Black Danes or Bla- Moors {Black- Moors}.

Scotland is named after the Egyptian Princesses Scotia! Her armies invaded modern day Scotland and Ireland. They named Scotland after her!

It is these people King Alfred pushed back out of England {Wessex}, the Black Vikings, Black Danes and Bla- Moors. He kept them away and united ancient England feudal states into one land.

The African Kings and Queens of Europe taxed the White Europeans heavily on all goods and services. Thus you get the term Black- mail! Black- mail, means a forced payment {taxed}. Now days it is associated with force payment, to withhold information, but am pretty sure some Blacks kept quite about Europe being found by Black African, for money!

love, live and learn

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