Saturday, December 6, 2014

Transfer: Fred Hampton- Black Panther

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fred Hampton- Black Panther

                                                       Fred Hampton- Black Panther
                                                               Gone but not forgotten!

Fred Hampton was a person I learned about early in my studies, he aspired me to make change for what is right!

Fred Hampton was a member of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panthers. He lived and worked in Chicago {Maywood}. He studied pre-law at Triton Junior College, to learn how to stop police brutality. One of the things the Black Panthers would go out and do is watch police officer during arrest to make sure the citizen rights were not being violated.

Fred also worked with the local NAACP branch, as leader of the youth council. When working the Black Panther he successfully negotiated a non- aggression pact with Chicago biggest gangs! He also organized multi- racial community council. It was Fred Hampton that first used the word or term "Rainbow Coalition" which later Rev. Jesse Jackson coined "Rainbow/ Push Coalition".It was Fred Hampton that started the free breakfast program for kids in Chicago!

Fred had become a rising start in the community, and had started receiving national attention which caught the eye of F.B.I. director J. Eager Hoover. Which seen the Black Panther and Fred Hampton as a thereat to national security. This is what started and lead to the raid on Fred Hampton which left him dead at age 21!

Thank you, Fred Hampton for all you did!

love, live and learn       

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