Monday, December 8, 2014

Transfer: Kemet in the Bible Section- Joseph

Friday, August 16, 2013

Kemet in the Bible Section- Joseph

Kemet in the Bible section, is to show the connections between the Bible and the Kemetic belief system. Many if not all story that are in the Bible come directly from Kemet.

When referring to the Bible in this topic, it is in reference to the Old Testament.

I will give definition of certain words to keep certain readers on pace.

Kemet- the modern day area of Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan.
Bible- referring to Holy Bible {Torah}
Vizier- adviser 
Thutmose- dedication to the Deity {God} Thoth- {Thoth bore him}
Nubia- Southern Egypt and Sudan
Hebrews- are Black African people
Jews- are White{European base or stock} people. Base or stock meaning primary, but mixed ethnically.

The Biblical Joseph is actually the Kemetic Grand Vizier Yuya!
Joseph name in Hebrew is Yosef !
There are so many correlations between the two characters, that without a doubt you will see the story was plagiarize from the Ethiopian Bible {Tewahedo- geez}.

The Ethiopian Bible is much older the Hebrew Bible which is much older than the Christian Bible. The characters of the Bible are based on the characters of the Ethiopian Bible.

Grand Vizier Yuya lived during the 18th dynastic period. This period also is known as the "Thutmose period". He was married to Tjuyu. Yuya was the father to Queen Tiye and her brother Anen. Yuya is the Grandfather of Akhenaten and Great-Grandfather of Tutankham {King Tut}.

Yuya name is spelled many different ways this suggest that he did not originate from Kemet {Egypt} but from a foreign land {unknown}. Yuya did live in a town called Akhmin, Upper Kemet.

There are some whom suggest that Yuya name when spelled in Kemetic is very similar, to the Hebrew spelling {Yosef}? His origin, based on his mummies feature are that of a Nubian. This would definitely make him Hebrew from a physical stand point! The original Hebrews are Black African people!

This information you are about to receive is historical because it directly challenges the Bible. This puts the creditability of the Bible into deep, deep jeopardy.

What am saying to you in simple and plain English is that the Hebrews for a short time ruled ancient Kemet {Egypt}. The secret linage of the Hebrew Pharaohs which is not in the Bible nor suggested in the Bible.
Why do I say secret? Read Psalm 83 in the Bible {KJV}. They tell you the plan for the other nations {Whites and Arabs} to divide and conquer the Israelite {Hebrews- Black African people}   

* *Tip
Hebrew Rulers and Pharaohs in Kemet {Egypt}
1. Queen Tiye
2. Pharaoh Akhenaten
3.Pharaoh Tutankhamen {The boy king}

This would in large make the whole story of the Israelite being bondage a big lie! How could the Israelite be in bondage if their Pharaoh {King} himself sat on the throne?

Similarities of the Yuya and Joesph

1. Both were Hebrews.
2. Both there origins are not known.
3. Both held high office in the Egyptian Royal Court
4. Both were Grand Vizier to the Pharaoh
5. Both became wealth and powerful
6. Both had their families come to Egypt or and family came into power.

Please research info for self!     

live, love and learn        

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