Monday, November 24, 2014

Transfer: Understanding of Eastern Religions/ Kemetic

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Understanding of Eastern Religions/ Kemtic

Understanding of Eastern Religions:

Preface: this is a very short and brief description of Kemetic {Eastern} belief system. It takes one full life time to understand 120 years of studying! "Read the Bible, yes God gave you a 120 years to live"
Book of Genesis ch. 6 ver: 3 

The first thing that must be understood is that in Africa {Kemet} what we call religion is known as a belief system. The belief is understood in Kemet that we are connected to God {Amen, Atum or Aten}. Religion {belief system} explains that relationship between man and God.

Religion in Eastern {African} belief is built upon a relationship that is through symbolism in nature. Nature is the major theme in Eastern beliefs.

To understand what am about to say, will go against everything you have been taught. The relation is shown through the natural state of things. Not like Charles Darwin "natural selection" a twisted ideology to prove superiority and inferiority among living things! This is totally wrong, the only superiority force in the universe is God {Amen, Atum or Aten}. All other things are simple extension of this Supreme Creator!

If God {Amen, Atum or Aten} created man in his image! The first man that he created was the African {Blackman}. Therefore the African would have direct knowledge of how God works. Like any child the first born, has a divine birth- right over all the other children {mankind}. Along with birthright the African has direct knowledge from God! {Adam in the garden of Eden}.

To understand God more clearly in a natural state of being or mind, as a pure thought of essence. This can only be done by looking at God as a scientist {Creator}. A Creator, creates and invents things {life}! The science that is used to do this is Metaphysics! The language used to explain the science is mathematics!

You were taught wrong from day one! Your religion taught you that nothing is perfect within the universe except God, this true only from a certain stand point? Christianity based from Europeans is a scheme devised to trick and control you. Never meant to free you, but to enslave your mind!

If nothing man can do is perfect than explain the development of math, is math not perfect? Does 1 + 1= 2 every time? Isn't the definition of perfection: to be precise and the same every time?

Therefore in three {3} short sentences, I have debunked the theory of man being imperfect.

Natures correlation to God:
I will use the example of animals. Man has done this since the began of time associate himself with animal characteristics. We do it every day through our sport teams Lions, Bears and Tigers etc: We do it socially through social clubs, Elks, Moose and Kiwi clubs.

But from your blind hatred for Egyptian and Ethiopians {Kemetians} taught to you from the Bible, you say they pray to animals? But lets look at that closely and see, how ignorant the Bible has made you!

We will look at the Egyptian crown there is a snake and a vulture on it.

1. The Vulture symbolically represent motherhood. In the animal kingdom the Vulture has the best vision of all animals, therefore seeing approaching danger from miles away, they are know to attack enemies miles away from the nest! So the Kings of Kemet adopted this, as they must be keen {smart} enough to see all approaching danger to the citizens of the kingdom.

The snake really has you messed up from the Bible, watch i will explain the ignorance of the Bible. The Bible totally missed interpreted the meaning of the snake, that's what happens when you steal things you mess them totally up!    

2. The snake symbolically represent the morality of mankind!!! The snake represents higher and lower self {conscious and unconsciousness}. Or from the street/ slang terminology, thinking with the little head and not the big head! The Kings of Kemet adopt the snake because of the belief in duality, what you know as the Ying and Yang. That you must always have moral balance, not letting the physical or material world over take the soul or conscious {spirit}. In science the snake has two {2}penis, which physically shows duality.

2a. That God put man and snake at odds, the snake strikes at the heels of man? No, the verse means that man is his own enemy if he does not balance his life and passions, they will overcome {addictions} him in life making him strife, at odds against himself or counter productive. In science the weakest part of a man is his heel. Better known in stolen Greek Mythology as "Achilles Heel"!

Please share with others, knowledge is KING!

love, live and learn                        

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