Friday, January 2, 2015

Transfer: The meaning of Feathers

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The meaning of Feathers

                                        The meaning of Feathers!
                                 This topic is dedicated to a blog member! 

Feathers have a universal meaning. When studying symbolism feathers mean truth!

The earliest use of feathers is by Africans. Most of these customs come from the interior of African, then spread to Ethiopia and then Egypt/ Kemet.

Some of the earliest depictions of feather use is by Ethiopians! You will see the one feather on top of the head. Many of the meanings and origins of Ancient Ethiopian culture have not been translated yet. The majority of Ancient Ethiopian culture lays at the bottom of the Aswan dam.

So many of our definitions come from Kemet, but many of the origins are not stated because they are adopted from the Ethiopian Osiris belief system.

Feathers are in heavy use in Ancient Kemetic culture. The first primary use of feathers is in the symbolism of weighting of the heart! The heart is weighted against the feather to show that it is pure in all intentions and deeds!

The next place you probably notice feathers is the crown of Osiris/ Ausar, called the Atef. This is a double feathered crown. This means he is designated to rule and has Kingship over his people as a living God/ Deity!

Isis/ Auset has a single feather in her crown. This means she is designated to rule and has Queenship over her people as a living Goddess/ Deity! Auset is dressed in feathers, it has something to do with divine? Not sure exactly?

The feather of Ma- at represents truth, justice, morality and balance. When the feather was given to the new King/ Pharaoh it represented all those things in his rule!

Horus/ Heru was given the winged solar disk by Thoth/ Tehuti to show his divine rule and defeat of the evil King Seth. Heru is also depicted with a hawk head, meaning that he soars high in sky next to the sun! In ancient Kemet, men used hawks/ falcons to hunt, like men use dogs today. So these pet hawks were consider mans best friends. Symbolizing Heru as mans best friend!

The another culture that used feathers a lot were Native Americans {Indians}.

The feather and symbolism gives away a common belief which is a lie! Of the origins of America. The belief of the Red-man, Indian or Native American were first in the Americas. {this topic is already on blog/ search archives}

The short version of the truth. African descendants the Olmecs taught and gave culture to the Mayans! The Mayan religion is based off Egyptian/ Kemetic belief system, once you learn universal symbolism. {the feathered serpent}

The Mayan then spread and gave this culture to others nations in the Americas. This why you will see mostly all Native American Nations use a feathered head dress to represent the King/ Chief. The Chief headdress is molded off of Osiris/ Ausar. That he is the truth under the divine principles of Ma-at, and can rule his people under his divine Kingship like Ausar.


Europeans also adopted the feather when they came to the Americas, only legal documents could be signed with a feather symbolizing they were the truth!

live, love and learn!       

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