Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Transfer: Understanding Stars and Self?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

understanding stars and self?

                                      Understanding Stars and Self?

This is a great topic, but for the sake of time and most people lack of understanding of Astronomy, I will make it simple and plain as possible!


Everything in the Universe works together! Some things you may think or view are bad, negative or not good are really a natural process. This is known as "birth, death and rebirth". Everything in the universe is recycled over and over to promote growth and life!


Stars are formed or are born in a nebula. This is where the universe is sort of formed at also! No one knows for sure, so I will give the short version of the birth of stars and universe.

They are form in these nebula's.

Nebula: Latin meaning- cloud. This cloud sort of speaking contains hydrogen, helium and carbon {dark matter} along with other ionized gases etc: once all this matter is clump together it becomes very heavy {gravitational collapse} and starts to heat up forming stars! The rest of the matter forms planets and whats left after that forms moons. After that asteroid. I have my own theory on asteroid belts. {another topic}

For the sake of linking our studies together, I will use The Great Orion Nebula as our example. It is also the brightest nebula to earth. There are many nebula within our universe and surrounding galaxies.

1. Orion Nebula
2. Flame Nebula
3. Horsehead Nebula

There is a lot of complex science that goes into star formation which no ones total understands yet. But to keep it simple color {ultra violet rays}, sound {sound rays} and electricity {electromagnetic fields/ gamma rays}.

Those are all the short versions of star formation it is really complicated stuff, which the average person without a love or background in science can not understand!


Now we get to the core of  "know thy self" the science of self! When all the materials that make up the universe comes together stars, planets, moons and humans being are formed! All the science that goes into making the universe, also goes into making human beings!

If you read the one a day multivitamin labels, you will see all the minerals that are in the earth, are also in you!

minerals in you: zinc, manganese, sodium, calcium, cobalt, silver etc:

This makes you, "your body, mind and soul" a microcosms of the universe, the macrocosms! Thus hints to the phrase "as it is above, it shall be below"!
The mineral and mater along with of complex science makes up the physical being, part of you!

Now the mind is the connecting pieces between the body and soul?  {the pineal gland/ third eye} There is a lot of science in this also. But i really want to touch on one important pieces of science for some African- American and African descendant people who over look or do not understand this fully!

This is your Black skin and melanin! This is the key to your spiritual connection with the universe and the Creator of the universe {God, Allah or Jehovah}.

Europeans have long known of this important ingredient for universal understanding and harmony, for hundreds maybe thousands of years!

"I know you do not believe me"?

If you study history you will easily find that White Europeans and Americans during the 1700s & 1800s ate Black African mummies {Black people} by the thousands import for Nubia {Egypt, Sudan & Ethiopia}. But the most valuable part of the mummy was the head, exclusive reserved for the rich elite! Because they wanted the pineal gland which lays in the brain between the the two (2) hemispheres of the brain which produce melanin.

The next pieces of evidence I bring you is the real story behind the infamous Tuskegee experiment! Yes, they did give Blacks syphilis without them knowing. {another topic} But the other part of the experiment unknown to many is the mutilation of Black male penis to understand how melanin is produce in the "head of the Black male penis also"!

                                     Science of self and melanin

African people you are uniquely different because of your Black skin! Which has a connection with the universe, dark matter! Also within the earth Blackness holds power and energy in everything, from the color Black to energy {black soil, oil and coal}. The biggest organ on your body is your Black skin! {integumentary system}. {another topic} This is why your skin color is always down played to keep you down spiritually and mentally!

Black people walk around and can not even read, all of us!

*** Tip
Human Being: means Black Man! origin God! The word "human being" defined!

Human Being
Hu- coming from the word Hue.
Hue: means color or tint.
Man: meaning mortal.
Mortal: subject to physical death, at some point in this life.
Being: Having a spirit/ soul
Human Being: translated, Black Man with a Soul/  a lesser version of the Creator/ God?

Wake up Black people its time to get it right and keep right!
Live, Love and Learn

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