Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Transfer: Life Principles

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Life Principles

principles are rules by which we govern ourselves and the universe we are in. these rules are truth, balance, order, law, morality, justice. by following these rules they help keep our lives from falling into chaos. lets examine each rule to unlock its full potential.

truth- a verified or indisputable fact, the fundamental base of all relationship between people, god,  etc:
balance- mental steadiness or emotional stability; a habit of calm behavior, judgment etc:
order- a condition in which each thing is properly disposed with reference to other things and to its purpose; the methodical or harmonious arrangement.
law- the system of rules by which one behaves within the universe
morality- moral instruction; a lesson, precept, discourse or utterance
justice- conformity to this principle, of having just conduct, dealing or treatment of others etc:

these principles are absorbed internally not project outwardly. they grow from within once they have rooted in ones heart and mind from there they will automatically manifest outwardly!

therefore letting your subconscious rule the conscious state of mind!

Given to us by the African goddess Ma'at
live, love and learn

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