Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fundamentals of learning

Fundamentals of Learning:

When studying be open minded, practice tolerance in all areas of study especially religion, race and gender. When studying at some point you become less angry and more humble.

The best way to reach this goal is studying the fundamentals of Ma'at. The seven {7} principles Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Reciprocity, Propriety.

1. Truth: the quality or state of being true

2. Justice: just behavior or treatment

3. Harmony: agreement and same accord

4.Balance: an even distribution of someone or something to remain upright

5. Order: an arrangement of people or things in a relation to each other

6. Reciprocity: the practice of exchanging things with others with a mutual benefits

7.  Propriety: the state or quality of conforming to conventional accepted of behavior and standards

The forty-two {42} negative confessions. Understanding the transgressions against God, people and community.


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