Saturday, August 2, 2014

Ethiopia pt1

Ethiopia: pt1

The Greatness of Ethiopia, Ethiopia is the home of royalty! The first royal seat of the world, the land of God and Goddess. Am not just saying this because am a descent of Ethiopia. But, Homer the Greek poet and historian said it first!

The core word for Ethiopia is Ethics, meaning that the most ethical people in the world are Ethiopians. This is the birth place of religion and belief systems this is where they were created.

People of Ethiopia:

The people of Ethiopia are so old no one knows how old they actually are? Ethiopian history starts eons before written and recorded history. They are the oldest people on the planet, period! They also have the record for a continues civilization without a collapse!

The only country in Africa, NOT to be colonized by Europeans.

Kings and Queens:

There are to many Kings and Queens to name. This is the birth place of royal Kings and Queens. But, I will name a few to help those understand, the power of Ethiopia.

The girl name Candace is not a name but a title meaning Queen!

King Ezana was the first Christian King in the world. Meaning he converted his Kingdom from a Jewish/ Hebrew nation to a Christian Kingdom. King Ezana was also the first King to mint gold coins as a medium for trade within his country and neighboring countries.

The last royal king of the Torah/ Bible/ Quran is Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. Bloodline goes back over 200 generations.


Western/ European ideology would like for you to think Constantine of Constantinople was the first Christian King, a lie.

Western/ European ideology would like for you to think that the Bible/ Torah and Hebrews come from Israel, a lie. Actually the Hebrew bible was translated from the Ethiopian Bible, and all the characters that are so- called Jews, are actually Black Africans, who are victims of identify theft!   

Western/ European ideology would like for you to think modern day banking {minting money, banking, savings and loans and a medium of exchange/ capitalism} was created by the Rothchilds, a lie.

The monarchies of Europe conspired to kill Haile Selassie because he was a legitimate King, unlike European Kings whom originate from warlords/ chieftains. Whom now claim they are legit and entitled to rule by God, a lie.

love, live and learn  




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