Saturday, August 2, 2014

Kemetic Youth Foundation Non- Profit

Kemetic Youth Foundation Non- Profit:

Kemetic Youth Foundation Non- Profit, is primarily a youth non- profit, but does address some other problems and issues within the community. This in turns helps the child/ children by provide a viable community in which the child/ children can be safe of all pending dangers, while being nurtured towards a full and sustainable life style!...


Kemetic Youth Foundation Non- Profit is a group effort. The group is the collective thinking of each individual with the same goal, the betterment of our community. Each individual is passionate in their respective fields of study and interest! With this passion and collective thinking of each individual all goals are within our reach for revitalize and sustaining a viable community.

The Group practices, encourages and promotes group economics with each other and the community. The Group encourages and promotes group economics by providing the community with financial and investment literature, lectures and networking.

The Group uses the first resource we have the mind, by collectively using our minds we find ways to best use the resources and natural resources within the community to sustain the community.

Kemetic use and practice teaches us to use the resource above the ground {our minds & souls} before utilizing what natural resource that are below the ground.


The principle belief of the Kemetic Youth Foundation Non- Profit is that the more you know about yourself, the more you will understand yourself, the more you understand yourself, the more you will like yourself!.. When you like yourself you treat others better!.. Know your history, culture and religion and you will be a better person and better person to everyone around you!..


The Kemetic Youth Foundation Non- Profit firmly believes the best education you will ever receive is the education of self!

Honestly, Jesus said it best "what is it to gain the whole world and lose thy soul"! Now apply that parable to the devastation seen in our communities daily.

If you educate yourself about self first then all other knowledge that is learned will be with morals, respect and integrity!

Help us to, help our children!
Support the movement for a better tomorrow!

love, live and learn


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