Monday, August 18, 2014

Transfer: Freemason Origins!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Freemason Origins!

Freemason Origins!

This topic comes from a previous topic Black Educators. In the topic Black Educators, I spoke against some of my favorite people and family members, not out of angry but with love and concern! Because, some of them do not know any better, I am very fortunate to have been able to travel to every continent in the world except Antarctica! Because of these travels, I have a different perspective and view of many ideas and concepts. This includes Europeans views on religion and philosophy, which are grossly incorrect!

I want to join hands with my brothers and sisters, because we need more unity, and less division in the Black community. I do not agree with Blacks joining Greek organizations in any shape or form, but I still love my Black people, even if they are Greek? I still will support them as long as that does not conflict with a Black Pan- African Movement of Black Conscious! Being Black is the most important over everything, even religion cause religion is a personal chose!

Because of personal reasons, I will not go to deep! But many brothers and sisters belonging to Masonic and Eastern Stars Orders are under some misguided teaching also! In the inner houses of Free Masonry, many symbols and principles are denoted to come from Greek and Roman origins? This is also the farthest thing from the truth as you can get!

Disputing Greek and Roman Origins:
Greek history is split into different sections according to time frames or eras, which cause a lot of confusion, especially for Blacks whom know little of Greek or Roman history let along anything of African history which is the real problem!

Greek history until Alexander III {Great} is in two {2} parts for Black African people for the most part. Before the conquest of ancient Egypt {Kemet} which was only partial and not the whole country, Greeks adorned Black African Culture. To the  point that Greeks did not even recognizes their own as a true scholar and philosopher unless they went to school or studied in Africa {Kemet}.

Homer the first of the Greek scholars who wrote their first books for White Greeks, said that the Greek Gods themselves were borrowed from Ethiopia! Not only was the Gods borrowed but everything else including Masonry!

Understand Greek History:
The second part comes in with Alexander III. Alexander III had conflicting views concerning Black Africans in ancient Egypt {Kemet}. He was bi-racial {White & Persian} which caused confusion from within and externally in his own kingdom. But, his love and hate relationship with Black Africans, even doe he was Greek after his military campaigns in Africa and Asia he never returned home to live in Macedonia, but made Africa his new home Alexandria {modern day Cairo}, which he partially adopted Kemetic Gods.

By Alexander III adopting some Kemetic Gods and beliefs he was able to force the initiation of himself and top ranking officers into the higher houses of the Masonic Order! This is how Greeks really learned about Masonry. Greeks were Mason before Alexander III, but not allowed in the higher houses or positions with-in the Masonic Order!

Masonic Order History:
The first Grand- Master was Imhotep the builder of  Great pyramids. This is a confirmed fact. New evidence is pointing farther back in history that masonry started in Ethiopia which is much older than Kemetic Egypt!

Greek Fraternity & Sorority:
All the Greek organizations are build off of Masonry, which was the first and oldest fraternity in the world, which comes from Africa. This is why am so confused about why Blacks call themselves Greek, when the origins of the organization come from your Black ancestors in Africa!

Masonic Order: Real History:
Now back to Prince Hall Masons, whom do not know their history either! King Solomon did NOT start the Masonic Order!

When Masonry started there was not even a God called Jehovah, no Abraham the founder of Judaism, no Hebrews, no Israelite's! Imhotep lived at-least three- thousand {3,000} years before Solomon was even born! If you think am lying, check out the symbolism in Kemet? Next, study the pyramids look at the tools they used and tell me where you seen them tools at before! Read the Kemetic manuscripts and tell me if it aint familiar to you!

Wake- up Black people you are sleep its a new age we in! Or in the street slang, "Its a New Day"!  Yall better start loving who the heck you are cause aint nobody else gon love you!

Quick question Black people?
If the White man enslaved you, raped your women, sold your children, feed you bad food, gave you the worst shelter, punished you for reading! What in Gods name would make you think he would tell you the truth about Religion and Secret Societies?

live, love and learn

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