Monday, August 18, 2014

Transfer: Hannibal the Great!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hannibal the Great!

Hannibal the Great!

I salute Hannibal for being one on of the greatest military leaders the world has ever known! I am very proud of this African man, it so sad that racism has consumed the White man to the point that he has become totally blind, that they have tried to steal or change the identity of Hannibal from a Black African to a Pale Arab or even a White man! Needless to say he was a great military genius! Today if you study or get a degree dealing with military or warfare you have to study Hannibal techniques to obtain that degree!

Barca is a noble family of Carthage {Phoenician}. The Barcid Family as they are properly known, actually comes from the word Baraq {B-R-K} Canaanite and Hebrew meaning for Lighting. These are African Hebrews, because ancient Africans did not use vowels, vowels were introduce by European Jews when they took over the religion at the Consul of Nicaea in 325 c.e. to help them decode the language and holy writings {texts}.

Barack is a Hebrew name still used today. President Barack Obama.   

Hamilcar Barca:
Hannibal Barca is the son of General Hamiclar Barca of Carthage. Before the Romans the Carthaginians controlled the Mediterranean both sides the African and European side. They were the dominate power in the region, they inherited their power from the Phoneticians whom dominated the global seas for millenniums.

Hamilcar Barca was the General of Carthage army during the First Punic Wars, which he lost to Rome. These wars lasted for about 20 years, and where fought mostly in Sicily and Southern Italy with some minor battles fought on the main land of Africa. After these wars this is when Roman comes into power in the region.

Punic is Latin for Phoenician. Actually Latin itself is a Punic language! The founders of Rome were Black Africans! {that's another topic}

Hannibal Barca:
Fought the Romans in the Second Punic Wars, which he gave them their worst defeats in their history. The the things Hannibal did have not been duplicated yet on the battle field. He is the only man to attack the city of Rome!

Hannibal was such a great leader many Whites and Arabs fought side by side with him to the death! Never have so many Europeans gave a oath to Black man, to fight other White men! Especially White German tribes along with the Black German tribes.

This did two {2} things, the first the removal of Black Germanic tribes from the region, because of a fear, they might reassemble and help the Carthaginians attack Rome again.

The second thing, this event taught White Germans how to fight a tactical battle against the Romans, which the Germanic tribes would eventually beat the Romans six- hundred {600} years later after Rome had already began to decline and fall from corruption within.

Hannibal did so much that I would have to write a book to tell his story! I just wanted to give him credit for being a Great African General, and give hope to the hopeless that we can still stand and fight a Evil Empire the 4th Reich "America"!

History holds the answers to our future!

live, love and learn 

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