Monday, September 1, 2014

African- Americans and Labor Day

African- Americans and Labor Day:

In American most of the work and inventions were done by African- Americans!.. Many of theses ideas were stolen or mis- credited by Whites due to greed and or racism {pure hatred}.

Labor Day:

Labor Day is to honor the labor movement in America. Which for the most part African- Americans are left out in all segments! Actually the labor movement would start with slavery as Blacks would try to negotiate for wages and better working conditions. This was the goal before slaves decide to fight for freedom, after seeing there was no negotiating with Whites.

Unions in America:

The history of unions in America is a big lie! Most unions were started in America during the reconstruction period after the Civil War. This was due to, many Whites had not done physical labor, because of slavery and desperately need to get some skills. The slaves had the skills and were hired by the North to do skilled work.

Companies in America:

For all those whom do not like unions that is your choice! But remember that unions were formed because of unethical treatment of employees by companies! Not so long ago there was no bathroom break, no lunch break, 8 hour work day, 5 day work week, no overtime pay, no holiday pay, sick days and etc:

Walmart is the biggest employer in America today. They have undercut and undermine working conditions in America. I am not going to go to hard on them and be a hypocrite, because I have shopped there before. But we should be mindful of what they are doing, because they could set the standard  in this country!

Enjoy your holiday, but remember all those whom fought and died, so that you could have  good working conditions.

Love, live and learn


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