Friday, August 8, 2014

Theory Section: Human Origin pt2

Theory Section: Human Origin pt2

A Theory: is a system of ideas intended to explain something based on simple and general ideas, theories are not answers at all, but someone or a group of people best attempt to explain something.

Question Human Origins:

There are some people whom read human origins pt1, but did not fully understand the gravity of the topic because I did not define enough theories! So, I will attempt to clarify the topic more to help some people get a better understanding.

Definition: Human Origins Fundamentals

Human Being define:

Human is comprised of two {2} words hue & man = Human

a. Hue- meaning to have color, tint or shade
b. Man- meaning to be adult person
c. Being- meaning to have essence, a spirit or soul

In our past history the word "human" only applied to African, African- descent people {Black People}.

Mankind define:

a. Man- meaning to be adult person
b. Kind- a group of people, who share some characteristics, {Homo- Erectus}
c. Homo Erectus- meaning a man that walks upright

The word "Mankind" basically means sub- human.
Sub- means to be less or below.

These meanings are used from Latin a {European Language}, to describe the Neanderthal Man, which is the origin of White/ Caucasian/ European people.   

Words have been condense over time to generalize meanings such as Human Being and Mankind, but they are totally different in meaning! This was done to make people of a non- scientific background except the theory "that all people come from Africa originally"?

This theory has two {2} basic fundamental flaws that makes it false!...

1. White/ Caucasian/ European people could have never evolved nor developed from Africa and remained White or with such low levels of melanin!..

1a. Whites/ Europeans do live in hot climates now in modern times, and deal which the heat and sun from a technology {sun screen/ sun blocker} stand point and not from a evolution or evolving standpoint?

2. Living in certain climates over a period of time does not change your D.N.A. composition   
 at all, period!


Mongolians are some of the oldest living people in Asia. Mongolians are also some of the darkest people based in Asia. Mongolia their homeland is located under Russia, primarily located near Serbia one of the coldest and harshest place to live on earth.

This also brings in the question of diet, can the lack of vegetables {green plants} alter a person characteristic? From this research, the answer is No? Mongolians grow every little vegetables, and eat even less! They are herders {raise animals} and nomads traveling with the animals on seasonal migration.

P.s. I hope this helps clarify some terminology and theories.

love, live and learn

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