Friday, August 8, 2014

Transfer: Black Knights Templar

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Black Knights Templar

Black Knights Templar

The founding of Knight Templar. I am not boasting the acts of the Knight Templar in any way shape or form. I am promoting the truth that a Black man found or co- found the order.

Hugues de Payne:
Hugues de Payne is the Black man that found the Knights Templar. He is from around the area of Blois and Champagne, France.

Over the years Knights Templar became a infamous group, you want really see this story told in Western culture because many powerful people still belong to the order, only if just symbolically.

Hugues de Payne was the first Grand Master of the Order along with Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Together they created the Latin Rule, which basically are the rules of conduct for the order.

Many stories may be conflicting because of the White- washing of Blacks out of European history. But if you trace his bloodline it will show how strong Black families where in France. His father is Theobald of Blois.

live, love and learn   

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