Monday, September 1, 2014

Transfer: Corruption in America: The voting process!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Corruption in America: The voting process

Corruption in America: The voting process!

I want to discuss the core of the voting problem and wide corruption, that for the most part has been hidden from the general public! This story will never make the local news channels, because they are also part of the problem. I am going to discuss election machines.

Diebold is a banking machine company that makes automatic teller machines {atm}, but they also make election machines for voting. Diebold is a international company based in Ohio.

I want to discuss one of the many problems that still plague the American voting process irregular counts. We witness this catastrophic fall out during the Presidential election between Bush and Gore in 2000. Where there was wide spread voting irregularities and practices especially in the African- American communities, where the state of Florida may have been the worst case scenario.

"I have long heard elders in the African- American communities complain about corruption. How the machines had to be fixed {corrupt} because the candidate selected, no one would have voted for"! Now, I have undisputed evidence to justify all the those elders complaints over the years.

Diebold has been at the center of controversy and corruption charges for over the last 10 years! So how is it that a corrupt company still sales election machines to over 50% of all the local, state and federal voting jurisdiction in America to this day? Because they our heavy contributors and supporters of the Republican Party and their agenda! 

Not only are there problems with voting irregularities from their election machines, but also wide spread corruption of their atm machines! Some banking corporations have Diebold in court now. But the banking problems are not just a domestic problem but international corruption charges, with a least five different countries!

Voting solutions:
We have been dumb- down so much by entertainment and news media to believing America is the best country in the world, but actually it is the most corrupt country in the world, so once you stop believing the propaganda we will be able to remedy some of our problems in America.

In other countries around the world they have went to biometrics to register to vote.

Biometrics is five- point finger printing, eye or retinal scans and face recognition.

This is already going on in other parts of the world such as Europe, South America, Asia and even Africa! So there are other solutions that can be used that the general public is not being made aware of. In some place they are still hand counting ballots in America, why?

So the next time the Republican party suggest identification to vote, tell them we do not want identification  but biometric machines to vote, but not only that, we do not want to use their buddies machines from Diebold to vote with either! 

Because of the lack of knowledge a people, shall perish! Maybe not literally but your rights will and that will make you a slave to the people in charge!

love, live and learn      

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