Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Transfer: Black Cities of Ancient Creece: Crete

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Black Cities of Ancient Greece: Crete

Black Cities of Ancient Greece: Crete

This will be a short summary of a larger and developing subject. I will name a few Black people, tribes and nations of ancient Greece. Surrounding the founding of the City- State Crete.

There are many Black cities settled and found by Black Africans. 

Remember the Gramadli/ Black Africans were the first Blacks to enter Euro/ Asia, some 70 to 35 thousand years ago! They settle the southern coast- line along the Mediterranean coast line. This means you have small pockets of gather/ hunter of Black Africans in Asia very earlier.

There are a lot of factors that must be remember, climate being the first. What is known as the Shara desert was not a desert at this time. It was a tropical and lush wet land. It also had a ancient rivers flowing though it. Europe especially in Northern mountain region was frozen. Oceanic water levels were a lot lower then now also, which helped to cross and navigate them.

Entering the Euro/ Asia:
We are not sure when Black Africans continuously enter Asia? These migration patterns are still being researched and debated. In our modern ancient recorded era about 5,000 years ago, we have some records and a lot of evidence of Africans entering the Asia Minor. This information comes from African and Greek sources!

Modern Africans:
From Greek sources and mythology they mention the earliest people in the Asian minor {Greece}being Black African, Libyco- Thracians! But this is suppose to be a Indo- European people?

Remember Ethiopians went east into modern day Arabia and India first before going north into Euro/ Asia! So these Indo people they speak of are actually a off-shoot or cousin of Black Africans? This is all word play by Europeans, to deny the African presence in Greece.

Libyco: means a person from Libya, Africa. When you do not know yourself or your people the White European man will play word games with you! But we clearly have records of Egyptians {Kemetians} founding Greece? Libyco/ Liberian or Egyptian/ Kemetian, whats the difference?

Libyco/ Liberian or Egyptian/ Kemetian:
This is basic genealogy, which can be found in the Bible.
a. Mizraim is the founding father of the Egyptian people, according to the Bible.
b. Phut/ Put is the founding father of the Liberian people, according to the Bible.
So what all this is saying is that they are cousins? Mizraim and Phut are brothers both sons of Ham in the Bible. The other two {2} brothers are Cush founder of the Ethiopians and Canaan founder of the Phoenicians, according to the Bible.

These means all the people the Greeks dealt with the Ethiopians, Egyptians/ Kemetians, Liberians and Phoenicians were all actually BLACK and were all cousins!!! Now you can see clearly the word games the White European play when you do not know yourself!

The first mention of them was in Greek historian and writer Homer Iliad. It is said by Homer that they took sides against the Greeks in the Trojan War. This is a strong clue that they were not White European looking people at all.
They lived in Thrace, which is the modern day country of Bulgaria in Eastern Europe. Not much is known of their origins. They are believed to be Celts, which was probably the Black Celts that moved to Gaul {Spain and France} which are also known as the Silures.

Which are another Liberian people. There name came up a lot also in my research, at this point am not sure which one is the oldest or first to enter the Asian Minor? At this point am going to say they are probably the same people or very closely related since there origin is the same.

Both stories end the same, this is why I, came to this conclusion in my research. The Garamentes are the founders of the Greek Island Crete! So the story seem to match up very closely as both being from Libya and being founders and the original people in the area.  

So know matter which angle you approach it, it still comes back being Black Africans!

love, live and learn       

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