Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Transfer: Black Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Black Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece

Black Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece:

This is the 3rd part of the series Blacks Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece. This subject came with great research in multiple areas of study and discipline. This is a subject that has to be address because this is the so- called cradle of Western Civilization, there is nothing to Western academia, except for lies and stealing of knowledge from the Eastern cultures of Africa.

Greek History:
Truth be told, Greeks do not even have a unified history at all! There history is a light mixing, blending and mostly adaption of surrounding cultures African, Arabs and Indus valley cultures. Actually the Greeks lost their culture from mixing and eventually being conquered by the Arabs {Persians}. This is how Greek regained their history from the Arabs, Xerxes I of Persia conquer the Greeks.

Greek lanuage and script:
This is probably the greatest of all Western civilization lies. When studying Greek etymology less then 50% of all Greek words have Greek origin? Some scholars have placed it at less than 40%! This means that their language is a adopted language.

We are told in school that our English alphabet comes from the Greeks? Actually it comes from the Africans, the Phoenicians! The Phoenicians taught the Greeks how to write, which is called written language, known as script! The first two {2} letters of the Phoenician alphabet are alpha and beta!

Evidence of the Phoenician alphabet in the English language:

1. Phonetic: meaning sound- to speak
2. Phonetic spelling: is a conventional{orthography} spelling system.
3. Phonetic speech or pronunciation: the sound of speech of words to correspond to distinctive symbols {spelling of the word} constants and vowels.
4. Phonetic symbols: are constants and vowels.
5. Phone: a machine that transfer acoustic sounds into electric vibration.

As you see nothing that has to do with speech or script have no core words dealing with Greek or Greece? They all have the core word Phoenician, denoting to where they originally came from, now that was a short lesson in etymology, word origin! 

European script:
According to Western culture if a culture does not have a script {written language} they are consider primitive and illiterate. So lets research European script and you will have some interesting finds?
There are only three {3} written scripts found in Europe? Greek, Latin and Russian.
These three {3} were spread through out the rest of Europe and modify, thence getting the Romance Languages, variants of Latin, French, Spanish, Bulgarian etc: 
a. Greek is really Phoenician {African}, spelling and language.
b. Latin is really Punic- the Latin word for Carthaginian {African}.
c. Russian is a hodge- podge language like English. Russian is close related to Greek {Macedonian} which makes its origin Africa also? Next they say comes from Cyrill? But the most interesting thing is that a Black man invented the Russian alphabet, Alexander Pushkin! {a topic on him is on the blog}.

Who the Blacks the Greeks get their culture from:
That would be the Garamentes, Libyans, Carians and Pelasgians. Also the Amazons.

Amazon define: Amazon in its simplest meaning: A society of people that are ruled, governed or worship women {matriarchal society} ! This would denote to mostly all ancient African societies especially Kemet! The interesting thing is that with Africans it does not matter if we had a male ruler or female ruler, we still all prayed and worship women. The worship of male deities only started when we adapted to Western Christianity, shortly after we stop being Kings and Queens and became slaves!!!

These Black Africans found the primary cultural centers in ancient Greece Athens, Attica and Crete.

love, live and learn                        

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