Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Transfer: The Discovery of America: pt1

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Discovery of America: pt1

The Discovery of America: pt1

This is a hidden secret of America concerning who discovered it. These facts will not be in a text book nor any college {Western}. The primary reason for this is because of entitlement, Western culture believes if they find or settle land before another European nation or people it is theirs for the taking, regardless of what people or nation was already there of non- European descendent.

To be truthful nearly all people of the world came to the Americas before Europeans every heard of the New World, thus the name "New World", if they had prior knowledge of it they would not be calling it the "New World". Remember Europeans were lost in darkness for a long time, remember the age called the "Dark Ages".

Dark Ages: is the time when there wasn't any considerable intellectual thinkers and economic regressions in Europe. This was at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire circa 475 C.E. The Dark Ages are blamed largely on the Christian Church/ Vatican Church. The Vatican Church ruled Europe with a iron fist! This is known as the Papacy States/ Church ruled countries.

Entering the Americas:
The first people in recorded history of the world are the Black Phoenician people from North- Eastern Africa {Africa & Ethiopian Arabia}. The Phoenician sail the whole world before an other people in recorded history. There are many whom came to the Americas who's story was lost to history!

Where is my proof of Africans coming to America?
Please have a seat because am about to knock your socks off again!!!

1. The super- secret of American history. The Egyptian {Kemetic} and American connection:

1a. Black African Ethiopians, Ancient Black Egyptians {Kemetians} and Black Arabs {Phoenicians} settled part of the Americas and had working peace treaties with the Native Americans!

I will explain Native American later in this topic?

The evidence is that when modern scientist go into Egypt and open {violate the tombs of the ancestors} they keep making more and more bizarre finds to them Westerns/ Europeans. They have found many mummies buried with tobacco and coca leaves? Both plants are native and cultivated in the Americas in ancient times! So how does African Kings get their hands on American plants if they haven't been to the America's to get them?

This is dated back at-least to the 3rd century before Christ/ 3rd century B.C.E

The European scientist could not believe what they had found, because they thought Christoper Columbus found the New World!

So in 1992 German forensic scientist Svelta Balabanova examines mummies and finds remnants of hashish, tobacco and coca leaves. The experiment is known as the "Balabanova Mummies".

All pain killers and aspirin are synthetic types of the active ingredients that are found in coca leaves. Hashish or hash as it is commonly called is a medicinal herb, it can be smoked or chewed. In ancient times it was mixed with tobacco and smoked!

Next evidence of proof of Africans in the Americas:

2. The Black Olemecs of modern day Mexico and Central and South America, this culture pre- dates all other cultures in the Americas including Mayans.

Mayans worshiped Black Africans?
The biggest pyramid complex in the world is in Mexico, called Teotihucan or commonly called the "Sun Pyramids". Which is incorrect the pyramids are on the same trajectory as the ones built in ancient Egypt, in alignment with the star system "Orion Belt"! The first or biggest pyramid is called the sun pyramid.
The word Teotihucan when properly translated means "where men became Gods" denoting to the homage paid to the Black Africans that built them!     

a. Mayan/ Aztec God: Tezcatlipoca is often painted Black.
b. Mayan God of War: Ekchuah is also painted Black.
c. There are many more Black painted Gods of the Mayans!

3. King Juba:

In 1982 amateur treasure hunter Robert E. Borrows finds a treasure in a Illinois cave?
The story is played down, because Mr. Borrows melted down much of the treasure or sold it on the black market?

3c. So the story goes King Juba  II was son of King Juba I, whom killed himself after being  defeated in battle by Julius Caesar in modern day Algeria {Numidia}, Africa. So Caesar takes, King Juba I son King Juba II back to Roman as a trophy of war. Juba II was raised by Caesars nephew Octavian after Julius Caesar death. Octavian made Juba II part of his royal court, because Juba II was so smart and well learned! Octavian then installed Juba II as ruler of Mauritania, Africa. Later with Octavian approval and paying the dowry for Juba II to marry Cleopatra Selena the daughter of Cleopatra VII and Marc Anthony. They had a prospers kingdom together. But during the rule of Roman Emperor Caligula the Mauritania Kingdom rebelled against the Roman Empire this angered Caligula and he wanted to persecute Juba II and his son Ptolemy, so they fled south into modern day Ghana.

From Ghana King Juba II and his son fled persecution and sailed to what is now known as North America today, taking the royal treasure and the royal library. So the rest is history as they say!                      

love, live and learn 

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