Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Transfer: The Discovery of America pt.3

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Discovery of America pt.3

The Discovery of America pt.3

I want discuss events surround the ambiguous character Christopher Columbus. He is famous in America and  Western culture, but not for reason you may think so I will give some inside information on him.

ambiguous: define. open to more than one interpretation; double meaning of something or someone.

Christopher Columbus Facts:
He help start covert operation of the African slave trade, for European Kings and Kingdoms!

Please sit down and take notes, because am not sure why all these educated Negros, with all these Western education titles {B.A, M.A & PhD} can not read or research properly to get slavery right?
Trans-Atlantic slave trade is explained total wrong!

Slavery in its purest form is a transportation business, you basically take people from one place to another to be enslaved, this is the simple definition of slavery! So now looking at slavery from the shipping side of the business, I can explain the story better.

Explanation of Slavery:
European slave catchers and sellers left Europe with some money, goods and material, but mostly liquor {some sort of spirits} to Africa. When they was not out stealing Africans to be slaves, they were brokering deals with the aid of strong liquor given to African Royal Courts and African business men for favorable deals? The Africans were drunk most times when these deals were made! After obtaining the required amount of slaves in Africa by what ever means necessary, they set sell for the New World {Americas} mostly the Caribbean Islands. When they came to colonies in the America they dropped off slaves and goods, pick up other goods and more slaves, this time Native Americans {Indians}. These Native American slaves were then sold in Europe as house servants and women to the sex slave trade in Europe, which still exist strongly in Europe today.

The reason being for Native American slaves:

1. They could not withstands many of the diseases, that Europeans had bought with them from Europe, compound by the horrific working conditions they would die very quickly. Thus making them a very bad investment from a colony standpoint, needing field works!     
2. Indians were cheaper as slaves because they were not as strong as African and other White slaves. But could handle domestic work indoors.
3. White Europeans hidden agenda they need melanin reintroduce back into their blood- line for health reasons. Brown and yellow Indians are a lot easier to White- Wash out then Black Africans!
4. When in the transportation business to be efficient and maximize profit you also want cargo when ever you are coming and leaving, This meant cargo to Africa, then cargo to the New World, then Indians taken to Europe to be sold. So the Trans-Atlantic trade is really a big triangle from Europe to Africa back to Europe and all over again.
5. One of the private financier of Columbus trip to the New World was Gabriel Sanchez {Jewish}, told him it would be wise to bring back some Indians to sell on the European slave trade market in Seville, Spain,
6. It was the pale Arabs that told White Europeans about slavery, which had been going on with the pale Arabs already since around the 8th century C.E., once Whites learned the business they took it to a whole another level!             

Columbus was Jewish {secretly}. He first sailed along the coast of Africa, before going to the New World, to secure finance and provision to pay to the kings of the New World which were Black! {1st Voyage} 

Proof of Columbus being Jewish? When he died he set-up a dowry fund for young girls, this is not a Christian practice? Columbus wanted very much for Black Muslims to leave Europe especially Jerusalem.

He was well aware of Black Africans going to and living in the New World. He learned much of this from the Portuguese whom had been trading with Africans since around 1419. He had lived in Portugal, both him and his brother Bartholomew, had both married Portuguese women.

Remember part of Portugal was owned by the Black Royal Portuguese Family!!! The house of Braganza. The house Braganza was found in 1442.

After leaving Africa he set sailed for the New World.

You must understand what is going on at this time, there is a undercurrent of issues that over ride the prevalent issues of the day! White Europeans wanted nothing more then to end Black African Rule and Kingdoms in Europe, by whatever means necessary! But you need money to fight wars, alot of money! Plus all these European countries and kingdoms were fighting each other, while fighting the Black African and Arab Kings in Europe!

New World:
The key player in Christoper Columbus coming to the New World is a important but over- looked charismatic character named Pedro Alonso Nino, or better known as Pedro the Moor {Black}. He piloted {Captain of the ship} the course of the ship Santa Marie.

Pedro Alonso Nino and his brothers where established and veteran sailors by the time Columbus made his first voyage to the New World.

The four {4} Nino brothers where close friends with the Pinzon brothers who also made up part of Columbus crew on the first voyage to the New World. It was the Pinzon brothers whom recommend Pedro Alonso Nino, because of his vast knowledge of the Atlantic Ocean and the New World! The Pinzon brothers piloted the Pinta, for Columbus.

Pedro Alonso Nino and his brothers were instrumental in Columbus career as a establish discovery and sailor! Juan Nino was the owner of  the La Nina, which was Columbus favorite ship! They sailed with Columbus on his 2nd & 3rd voyages. They also made their on voyages without Columbus to the New World, to what is now known as Venezuela!

It was Pedro Alonso whom was given the job and title "Master of the sea"{Atlantic} by the Royal Catholic Monarchy of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to be the official map- maker of the Atlantic ocean for the Spanish crown {kingdom}. He also taught their son Prince John, how to make maps.

Nino's Family:
They are from Moguer, Huelva, Andalusia, Spain. {Andalusia was a Black Moor town during these times}
 Pedro the Moor learned to sail as a boy of the coast of Africa! Pedro young brother Fernandez Nino went on to become a Mayor of a city in the New World {Puerto Cortes, Honduras}.
Cristobal Perez Nino was one of the four {4} brothers, and was master of the Caldera during Columbus 2nd voyage to the New World.

The Nino brothers and their sons accompanied Columbus on nearly all his voyages! Some how this is often missed by all scholars, Black and White?

love, live and learn!   

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