Monday, November 17, 2014

Transfer: The Importance of history along with religion!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Importance of histroy along with religion!

The Importance of history along with religion!

This story was inspired by a female member of the blog. Thank you, for your support.

Me and the member talked {text via Facebook} about religion. I wrote a blog that confused the member. I made reference towards European Christianity and Ethiopian {Africa} Christianity.

Many Black people in America, do not know anything concerning African religions. But yet, seem to be very religious?

I am claiming that Europeans had no religions in Europe ever in their history! Not one, I say not one religion was founded or originated from Europe. But yet they are the governing body of world religions {Christianity}?

I have a real problem with this, because their adoption of religions were based on a evil intention for control, power and money! So I conclude, that Western {European} Christianity is a false Christianity along with false Judaism and Islam.

The first European adoption of Christianity was at the council of Nicaea in 325 c.e. {Christ Era} by Emperor Constantine to save his empire from revolt. It worked and he stayed on the throne until his death! Which he made himself the first Pope, but did not practice nor believed in Christianity! On his death bed he made the remark "I guess, I will give Christianity a try, what do I have to lose".

At the meeting of Nicaea in 325 c.e. the most important books of Christianity were omitted and banned from what we call the Holy Bible today! Thus the Bible of today is a water down version of Christianity stemming from the Ethiopian Bible. The Hebrew Bible is also a water down version of the Ethiopian Bible, but it has more books than the Christian Bible, given it a little more strength than the Christian Bible.

Every-time Europe adopted a religion it was from war? Dirt secret of Europe, many Europeans adopted and practices Islam of their own free will and accord from 711-1492. The years the Black Moors {Africans} controlled parts of Europe.

The second European adoption of Christianity was a rallying call for the Kings of Europe and Roman Catholic Church to fill their military ranks to solve their Black Moor {African} problem. They wanted the Moors out of Europe. But life was actually better in Europe under the control of the Black Moors. So the Kings and Pope, made false lies about Islam and Muslims. To convert people to Christianity.

 Sounds familiar about the hatred towards Islam and Muslims. This is nothing new this religious war between Christian and Muslims has been going on for over 1,300 years!

The Third adoption of Christianity was by King James, the King James Bible. But what many Black {African} Christians do not know that King James was openly gay/ bi- sexual, because he was married and fathered children. So he faced a lot of opposition from others, especially the Church!

But the church faced its own battles at the time because two {2} Bibles were in circulation at the same time, The Bishops Bible and The Great Bible. So a secret meeting was held to resolve the problems of the day! The Bishops that favored King James were given power, when he commissioned a new Bible to be written comprised of the Bishop Bible and the Great Bible.

King James commissioned Shakespeare to write the new Bible. Thus much was loss concerning the esoteric meaning of the Bible, because Shakespeare wrote the Bible in poetic form because he was a poet!

Thus all problems had been solved for King James and the Church. King James got a new image from his homosexuality, although he remained gay until his death. The church was now unified and had one Bible named after the King whom had commissioned, as a problem solver and not because he was a devoted Christian and loved God! Actually he was not very religious at all! 

It is tradition that Kings and Queens be buried next to each other in death. King James is not buried next to Queen Anne of Denmark. His buried next to his male lovers?

Research King James homosexuality for self, I couldn't make a story up this good if I tried!

love, live and learn               

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