Monday, November 17, 2014

Transfer: Christianity and Slavery

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Christianity and Slavery

                                                     Christianity and Slavery

This will be a brief historical account about Christianity and Slavery!  This maybe a topic to emotional for some? Because many Black people are over zealous about a religion they do not fully understand.

1. Black people do not think the Pope or the Roman Catholic Church {Vatican} doesn't have  anything to do with your Preacher, Minister and Pastor at your neighbor church! I want be the first to tell you, that you are greatly mistaken! The Vatican has a copy right on the Bible! All Bibles before being published most have permission and be pre- read!

What am, saying in no- way is about all Black People, but it is about a great many of them!
This is not a attack on Christianity, but a understanding of mastering Black people! This is war from a religious stand point.

This is sociological warfare, Black people can not imagine anyone tampering with the Holy Bible? But what you really do not understand that some people, will do anything to win or be at the so- called top!
Now, I will explain why Black people can not unify!

*Religion as a weapon- define?

This modern version of warfare was adopted from the Romans. Actually many Roman practice are in play today in American society? These practices are so prevalent in America, that America is often known as the 4th Reich! How is this so, where is my proof? The first proof of evidence is in religion.

When the Roman Empire would conquer any people, after securing the area {land} they would immediately destroy all the conquered peoples places of worship {temples & churches}. No worshiping or praying to the conquered peoples old deities {God}. Then they immediately erected new temples to Roman Gods! If any conquered people were caught praying to old Gods after the Roman temples were erected they were put to death!

Now to put what you just read about Romans, in perspective to Black people in America today. When reviewing slavery most of the history is all wrong {I will explain later}. The most significant part of controlling Blacks {Africans} was not the terrifying beatings they received from White {Europeans}people, but the new or White version of Christianity!

Remember when Africans were brought to America, they were not allowed to talk in their native tongue or language. This allowed them not to be able to pray secretly to their old Gods! Then they where not allowed to read nor learn how to read!

So the next part is the key to the whole topic!

If they could not read nor allowed to read why was African people given a Bible? What purpose would a  Bible serve for a people whom could not read, ask yourself? The correct answer is imagery and symbolism! During those times most Bibles had a picture of a WHITE JESUS on it or some where in the Bible. This is the most concealed factor by Whites in controlling Blacks! If your deity or God looks like your oppressor and your oppressor looks like your God, then most likely you want rise up against the oppressor!

I know Black people, you do not believe me, God said yall, are a stiff- neck {hard-headed} people! So I will explain.

Black People in America suffer from what is called "Stockholm Syndrome"!
Stockholm Syndrome- means: to feel sorry and compassion for the oppressor. 
Stockholm Syndrome is the new or modern name for this disease!

Thus if you see your oppressor and deity {God} as the same or some kind of connection you will not rise up nor oppose him! This is sociological warfare using religion. {White Jesus}

There are many books and manuscripts about how to conquer Black people, in all of the books and manuscripts they refer to the use of religion on Black people! So we as a people must look at this when assessing our current situation, is there any validity to what these racist are saying?

I think it is a key factor in our downfall. We do not understand Christianity nearly enough. Not saying Christianity is bad, but the way the Roman Catholic Church uses it is bad!

Historical fact not one religion in the world has come from Europe! How can it be that Europeans are the ruling body over religions of the world? But all religions originate from Africa and African descendants people no matter where you go in the world! But no mention of that is ever made, is that racism? Especially in Christianity which Jesus is historically a Black man!   

Personally, I have a serious problem with any people who have lived for thousands of years and never established a formal religion of any kind through out their entire history? that is really strange to me!

Now lets look at edicts on slavery from the Roman Catholic Church.

The Roman Catholic Church promoted, that African were descendants of Canaan. Canaan was cursed by Noah, and this is the reason they promoted the enslavement of millions Africans!  

Holy Bible:
Ch. 9 ver: 25

a. It was not until 1890 that the Catholic Church publicly denounce slavery.
b. It was not until 1965 that the Catholic Church criticize slavery and their participation, call it "a infamy against God"!


Slavery flourished during the golden age of the Papal States {Roman Catholic Church control states/ countries}.

1452 Pope Nickolaus V wrote Alfonso V  King of Aragon {Region in Spain}, informing him that any Moors {Moors are Black people/ Africans} captured should be made a perpetual slave! {perpetual meaning in this case forever/ thus starting chattel slavery}.

Chattel Slavery is a new kind of slavery, not to be confused with indenture servitude!      
1492, Spain: The Roman Catholic Church expelled Jews and Moors{Both at the time were consider Black people}. These means that the Church set- up the legal grounds for slavery. The selling of non- Christians but primarily Black people.   

1497, The Roman Catholic Church expelled Jews and Moors from Europe.

1573, Books criticizing slavery were put on the index as forbidden books {not allowed to read} by the Roman Catholic Church, from 1573 to 1826, that's 253 years!

There are many more documents of the Church setting up the grounds for slavery, but these are just a few to get you started and for undisputed proof!

love, learn and live    

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