Monday, December 29, 2014

Transfer: Origins of Life in Africa pt1

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Origins of Life in Africa pt 1

                                                       Origins of Life in Africa

This topic was taken from our study group class, cultural awareness. We learned and discuss creation stories of the bible and Torah.

We discussed what essential, might be need to create life? Water and amino acids and abundance and variety of minerals. Food and shelter. Where would this be at in Africa? There are three (3) main theories where life may have started in Africa Southern, Eastern and Northern Africa.

The first theory is Southern Africa {Botswana, Zambia, Angola, Zambia and Zimbabwe}. Some scholars believe life started here? There is some fresh water in this area, but to many droughts occur here. There are hardly enough trees to support shelter and fire wood. These means this environment would be to hot and dry for early man, combined with no shelter from predators in the wild.

The second theory is Northern Africa {Mali, Niger, Chad, Sudan and Ethiopia}. The Sahara desert is now there but before the last ice age 10,000 years ago the Sahara was a wet and topical land. There was a river than ran through the area called Sahel. As Europe cooled off the Northern winds stop, and no rain came.

Sahel: mean. Arabic- coast or shore/ word originally came Libya!

With not enough evidence because of the desert we can not say yes or no? But a strong possibility!

The third theory is one of the more commonly excepted theories about life starting. Eastern Africa {Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya} area, it has everything  need for life in abundance. Fresh water on the Nile coming from Lake Victoria. There would be large amounts of food for eating. Trees and caves for shelter from the elements and predators!

But most of all there is a abundance of amino acids, minerals and salts to build and maintain life. These are called soda {alkaline} lakes. Due to the many volcanoes! The large lakes or inland seas could help life out.

These lakes are probably the key to life start?

In part two (2) we will discuss other important factors?

live, love and learn

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