Monday, December 29, 2014

Transfer: Origins of life in Africa pt2

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Origins of life in Africa pt2

This is a continuation from pt1 of this topic. This was part of the study group in class Saturday, January 26, 2013.

We discuss three (3) main theories where life could have started in Africa and why?
In Kemetic studies we going in deeper into African roots and history mean of us are going into Ethiopia and the interior of Africa.

With this study of interior of Africa dates are not line up correctly nor making in logical sense. The main reason is the holders of the information are liars! Europeans have lied for their own cause which has hamper and stop a progressive science move all together!

These are some reason I explained to the class that will help with the incorrect dating of humans and earth!

First Europeans were the last people on earth to develop a culture, due to being land locked by ice until the last ice age 10,000 years ago. So for the most part they know every little about human and world history!

Secondly Europeans jealousy of Africans, often "called racism" has blind them to many of the facts and clues to our origins!

I will use a example, because I do not want to become a basher of Europeans, I just want them to look at the damage that is being done to all of us, because of their racism!

If you want to know something about your personal family or your human family, you go to the oldest living member in your family and ask them what they know, and start your research from that.
European take what they learn from each other, and because that everybody else information is discredit simple because they are not European or White!

The simple fact is human and world history is much older than Europeans are admitting and release to the general public. Humans are every old, but if you go by evolution we are not at all?
In Africa in Southern Africa and in the country of South Africa in the Blombos Caves. Human remains have been found that are 75,000 to 175,000 years ago!

This blows everything apart far as dates because humans supposedly only stated culture 10,000 to 15,000 years ago? So how were these early humans in South Africa buring their dead with artifacts/ beads and jewelry if there was no culture then?

One answer I personally pose is that there are six (6) main geological time periods in the history of the world, this is caused by mass extinction and starting of a new dominant spices of life {plants, reptiles or mammals}.

During these mass extinction what if some type or form of humans or humanoid lived, but was destroyed with other life on earth expect small pockets of people like a family, group or tribe?

Now you have these small pockets of humans scattered across Africa? Each group would grow and populate do to certain factors such as water, food and shelter. Along with stable and predictable weather patterns.

This could help explain such old fossil and artifacts in the Blombos Caves in South Africa?

live, love and learn

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