Monday, March 9, 2015

Transfer: Women History Month/ Michelle Obama

Woman History Month- Michelle Obama
Know thy self11 would like to honor our first lady Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama we are all so proud of you! Mrs. Obama you are more then just a first lady to us that believe in the African way! Michelle Obama you are our Queen. We truly understand that you are the true power behind the throne, and we love you for that!

The president gets a lot of the attention which he deserves, but Mrs. Obama you mean so much to us also, because in the Africa tradition can not be a King without a Queen! Not only do young girls and women look up to Michelle Obama, but many Black men do also! We look at you for what our daughters can grow up to be! We look at you as to what type of woman we should chose for a wife!

Mrs. Obama you are very thing to us and then some, we love our beautiful Black Queen of America!

                                                  Michelle Obama, Bio

Michelle Obama is the first Black, first lady in America history! She is also a lawyer. She went to school at Princeton University and Harvard Law School. She also worked for Richard Daley the Major of Chicago. Also worked for a well established law firm in Chicago, Sidley Austin. Michelle was the Vice- President of University of Chicago Hospital.

Michelle Obama is also a mother and has two (2) daughter's Malia and Sasha. Mrs. Obama is also a very loving wife to our president!

Michelle is also know for her stylish trends in clothing. She has raised the bar in styles and tends for woman.

thank you, Michelle Obama

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