Monday, March 9, 2015

Transfer: Women History Month/ Hyptia

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Woman History Month/ Hyptia

Hyptia was a woman that lived in Ancient Egypt during Roman occupation of Egypt. This period is known as the end of the classic period of Ancient Egypt.

Classic period: is a time frame when science and arts flourish in a culture.

Hyptia was said to be Greek, but some suggest she was bi-racial of Greek and Egyptian {African} blood. Hyptia lived between 335 to 405? She was the head of the Platonist school in Egypt, were she taught philosophy and astronomy. She was noted for her works in mathematics.

She is known as the first recorded woman of mathematics in history? She was known to be active about her political views. Which at the time would have been about the Counsel of Nicaea and the Bishops of Alexandra. {The Christian Bible as we know it today}

It was said she was killed by a mob of Christian {monks}, because of her political views.

This is another tragedy, the attack of women since Greeks times.

It must be consider, it was the European Jews/ non- Hebrews and Greeks that insulted a alpha male as a God. From this point forward women have been losing rights and their value in society. If a person is consider second in life, even the value of that persons life becomes secondary!

We thank Hyptia for her beliefs and views, even if her views differ from my personal views greatly!

live, love and learn

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