Monday, July 21, 2014

Humble Servitude

Humble Servitude:

Humble Servitude: the practice of serving others humbly.

*Tip: Humble- having or showing a modest showing of one's importance.
         Servitude- being a subject to the Creator and serving the will of the Creator to do the great good of man!

Basically what this means is God picks individuals to do his will by helping people, unconditionally.
Kemetic's give us rules and guidelines which we govern ourselves by, which means less errors greater results.

**Tip: Rules and guidelines {laws} are based on the 42 negative confessions of Ma'at and the 7 universal laws.

From this you gain inner peace, from this inner peace you gain peace all around you.
This is Hotep, I 'am peace, I come in peace! 

***Tip: Blackman- have humble servitude towards your God, no matter what faith you are! Next have humble servitude towards your women and children. Then have humble servitude for your people! Do not practice humble servitude towards our oppressor, he will enslave us again, he does not respect humbleness, it is a weakness to him!

Blackman stand up and be the person God attended you to be. Serve your God, family and community!

Kemetic: Histroy

Kemetic: History

Kemetic History is the story of Black people {Africans}, from the earliest of time to present day! This story starts in the interior of Africa modern- day {Congo, Kenya, Sudan and Ethiopia}. Kemetic belief start's in the interior and move out to Mountain Kilimanjaro {moon mountain} Kenya & Ethiopia boarder.

Kemet: is located in Africa, and consist of the ancient countries along the Nile River valley region.
Kemetic: to belong, the belief and understanding of the Black conscience universe around you.
Kemetic's: the understanding of Knowing Thy Self   

In Ethiopia Kemetic Belief took hold and started to develop into the belief system we know today. The first practices start here according to the information we have today. Our {Black people} history is so old that it is older than record history, which can be problematic when learning, studying and especially explaining. But new discoveries are being made every day, to help piece together the puzzle!

Kemetic Belief traveled down the Nile to modern day Ancient Egypt, where it grows and develop into a global influence {Christianity, Judaism and  Islam}. They combine all the sciences into a ultra science, were all of them are intertwined. While refining each individual science.   

We are the melanin people! Our science, biology and diet is different from others! This is why its so important to KNOW THY SELF! Even if you don't believe in Kemetic's learn the diet and nutrient value of Kemetic's, live longer, while being health!

Kemetic History is simple another way of saying Black History. Being Black is not a race? We belong to a group of proud and ancient African people with a establish history, culture and religion way before any so- called White, Caucasian or European people existed.

Love, live and learn 


Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Ma'at Teachings:

Kemetic Knowledge is different from Western knowledge, ideology and philosophy. Kemetic or Eastern Knowledge has a place for women! Women in the Kemetic Belief System are equally to their male counterparts. When it comes to female deities in the Kemetic Belief System women are held in higher esteem than male deities.

Ma'at is known as the law giver/ lady of truth, or in western culture the blind lady of justice. Ma'at is a chief deity in the Kemetic Belief Systems. Her attributes should be study first before pursing in other knowledge of any kind. Her principles and laws the 42 negative confessions govern our universe.

She is represented by a feather which means truth in all cultures.

The feather means: is universal for truth

Ma'at is cosmic harmony within self, which is known as Hotep!

Tip 2:
Hotep is a state of being, at peace within self and the universe.

All should practice the principles and laws of Ma'at. They are fundamental to understanding the full meaning {metaphysical meaning} of the Kemetic Belief System.

Ma'at contribute to Christianity is the 10 commandments which come out of the 42 negative confessions. Christianity is a revised version of the Kemetic Belief System.

love, live and learn

Exoteric Teachings

Exoteric Teachings:

Etymology: Exo: meaning outer

Exoteric basically means the study of outer self. General information/ public. The Creator has put symbolic reminders in the universe to keep you balanced and focused.

There are many groups that control this information, churches, mosques and synagogues. They control the information by limiting what you can use and not use to balance yourself? Things that are off- limit astrology, numerology and nature- {female & male aspects}.

They control what is permissibly by edict, rule, law which is church cannon. By controlling which books can and can not be read. But within the books that are permissible there is reinforcement of exoteric teaching- external law for governing self, the 10 commandments!

The ideal practice is to have exoteric and esoteric teaching which is balance and harmony with self and the universe.

love, live and learn  

Friday, July 4, 2014

Esoteric Teachings

Esoteric Teaching:

Etymology: Eso/Iso: meaning inner

Esoteric basically means the study of inner self. "The belief is that everything you need in life, the Creator has already put in you, but you must learn how to pull it out"!

Many secret societies hold this information from the general public for their own reasons/ Freemasons, Rosicrucian and Theosophy. There are many other groups that hold this information from the general public also.

A lot of the information comes from Ancient Egypt & Ethiopia {Kemet}. Some of the information has been changed and altered over the years. Cultures that have changed the information is Greece, Romans and Europe {Americans}.

Modern religious books {Torah, Bible & Qu'ran} have little or no esoteric teachings. "Their philosophy holds that, God lives outside of you in heaven"? There is no right or wrong belief, practice the belief that best helps you to become a better person. Esoteric belief is a ancient belief and practice, Judaism is the religion that started to influence people that God lived outside of them?

There are many methodology to practice this concept, prayer and mediation. With the focus of inner self and the Creator.

love, live and learn 




The study of colors is called chromatics, chromatography and colorimetry. Colors are study on a spectrum/ a color spectrum {electromagnetic}. This measurement is study on wavelength, know as the rainbow colors in the spectrum.

When becoming conscience colors are mostly associated with feelings/ duality or 2 different feeling.

1. Red: Anger & Love
2. Orange: Shame & Pride
3. Yellow: Fear & Joy
4. Blue: Hostility & Peace
5. Purple: Disgust & Admiration

Colors are also associated with symbols. Symbols and Colors send messages and our a language unto themselves. Colors impact our subconscious, behavior and mood.

Colors are huge in the biology of life, many animals use colors for a variety of uses. Humans have different colors also?

Black people have more melanin which is carbon. This melanin/ carbon is responsible for Blackness/ hue! Melanin is the primary determinant in skin color. This Blackness gives Black people or people with melanin a different energy from non or lightly melanin people.

love, live and learn

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Symbols: A Lost Language

Symbol: A Lost Language

Semiotics/ Semiology: is the study of symbols. This is the proper name of the study of symbols and signs. 

Symbol are very important, they are a language onto themselves. Symbols are a lost language to the general public, most symbols are placed in public, without the public ever noticing.

The other side of symbols is the misunderstanding of them. Symbols are representation of power {energy}, which can be used in many ways {good & bad}. All symbol have dual meaning! Symbols come from the ancient past, so the meaning of symbols has changed and does change depending on which group is using them!

Symbols are also connected with colors, colors play a huge role in symbols. Colors are a subject onto themselves! Colors are associated with emotion, so they give a desire feeling to go along with the energy given from the symbol.

Archetype is the study of symbols, signs and behavior, and how they relate to each other. This is best seen with animals, animals as logos associated with sports.

Symbols are fundamental to study when becoming conscience!

live, love and learn   

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fundamentals of learning

Fundamentals of Learning:

When studying be open minded, practice tolerance in all areas of study especially religion, race and gender. When studying at some point you become less angry and more humble.

The best way to reach this goal is studying the fundamentals of Ma'at. The seven {7} principles Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Reciprocity, Propriety.

1. Truth: the quality or state of being true

2. Justice: just behavior or treatment

3. Harmony: agreement and same accord

4.Balance: an even distribution of someone or something to remain upright

5. Order: an arrangement of people or things in a relation to each other

6. Reciprocity: the practice of exchanging things with others with a mutual benefits

7.  Propriety: the state or quality of conforming to conventional accepted of behavior and standards

The forty-two {42} negative confessions. Understanding the transgressions against God, people and community.


Introduction Erik

Hello my name is Erik Boyd, am a native of Detroit, Michigan. I am a father, son and brother. I love my family and community. That means making my community, city and country a better place for my children.

I am, currently working in many different communities starting and joining force others in the areas of mentoring, culture awareness, urban garden and group economics. We have to re-build our communities starting with the people, the men, women and children that live in those communities! People not buildings and house are the community.

I have worked in skilled trades {construction} and the auto industry. I have attend college majoring in biology. I have worked in mentoring & tutoring programs for United Way in the Detroit Public School System. I have traveled the world Africa, China, Australia and many others.

I have studied the Abrahamic Religion, Buddhism and other Philosophy {disciplines of life}. Am a life long {over 20 years} follower of Kemetic's. Kemetic's is the origin or fundamental of all modern religion and philosophies. I would like to bring these experience to the community for the sake of bettering our community.

 So please support the movement!

live, love and learn