Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Black Moors Influence Europe

Black Moors Influence Europe:

Leonardo Da Vinci is credited as the father of European Renaissance. But that is not the truth at all, we have to examine European history closely. Lets take a look at Moorish history in Europe.

Moors invade Spain, Europe in 711 C.E., this is absolutely true. But the story is made to sound as if there where no Black Africans settled or already living in Europe before 711 C.E. The truth be told it was Black African whom found Europe!  

Moors- there are typical two {2} types of Moors. Black Moors from middle and southern Arabia {modern day Yemen}. Also Black Moors from East Africa/ Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya. Also so- called Pale/ White Arabs whom also later called themselves Moors. 

The Moors brought Islam into Europe, which was primary already Jewish and Christian. The Black Moors brought some new, technologies to Spain/ Visigoth, but there was Black Kingdoms in Europe whom already had a great culture establish in small parts of Europe.

Leonardo Da Vinci:
The person whom helped and mentored Leonardo Da Vinci was Ludovico Maria Sforza also know as the Ludovico the Moor.

European Moors, are biracial/ mulatto. But always, have some Black African blood in them.

Ludovico the Moor was from the house of Sforza. Ludovico the Moor was the Duke of Milan. The Sforza were the ruling family of Milan, Italy from 1450 - 1535 C.E. The house of Sforza is from Moorish descent. They are also related to the house of Borgia. 

Ludovico the Moor commissioned Da Vinci to paint the "Last Supper of Jesus"

Europeans practice something called immediate occupation? Immediate occupation is evicting someone and then moving right in, sometimes without even rearranging the furniture!

Moors had starting losing wars to the Christian Kingdoms in Spain, and by 1492 the Black Moors and Jews had been officially thrown out of Spain. After the Moors moved out the Europeans moved in immediately occupying the homes and shops of the Moors. Da Vinci thus takes credit for a lot of things he did not actually invent!.. If you actually study Da Vinci life and works you will see that there are many things he gets credit for but they not really sure if he done the work?

love, live and learn



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