Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Transfer: Metaphysics: in the Bible: Walls of Jericho

Monday, November 11, 2013

Metaphysics: in the Bible: Jerchico

Metaphysics: in the Bible: Jericho

I am going to go in hard and give some hard facts on metaphysics, the science of the Battle of Jericho!

Joshua: Yehoshua
Joshua is a high priest of the Israelite's. He took leadership of the Israelite's after the death of Moses. Not much is known about Joshua life. This is a common theme that you will find concerning prominent Biblical figures in the Bible. This is because they went away to study secret occult knowledge and build a relationship with the Creator!

Occult is seen as a bad thing now days. In ancient times this was a honor to be accepted and taught in the deep secrets of the universe. This is sometimes known as the Kemetic Mystery Schools, Gnostic Priesthood and Kabala/ Cabala Teachings etc:

The Battle:
Joshua went to war with the King of Jericho, but the city had a stone wall built around it. This made the city unbreakable and unable to attack. So, Joshua used the science of metaphysics to aid him in the Battle of Jericho.

Joshua had his army of soldiers march around the city walls for six {6} days! The marching of the soldiers, slowly began to synchronize the atoms of the wall. Once the atoms of the wall vibrated from differently to synchronized, this help them to start to become unstable. On the seventh {7} day when they blow the rams horn at a precious pitch and frequency this made the wall began to crack and eventually shatter and fall down!

The science of the story is that you have to know the properties of the stone that the wall is made of, because different stones have a different ratios of density. What this means is that if the atoms/ molecules are packed loosely or tightly together in the properties of the stone.

Next, the timing of how long it would take for the synchronizing of the stones to take place, and what method of science to measure the best time to blow the rams horns.

The only science still readily available to use is music frequency, we still know at what pitch and frequency materials start to become unstable.

The military still uses this technology. 

So you think, am crazy and made this all up? I know right!
Well, for your proof, I will give you a up today scenario to research and study!

In some tunnels, but most underwater tunnels it is illegal to blow your horn because the vibration cause cracking in the wall over a period of time. The sound of the horn is amplified in a tunnel.

Walls are also installed to deflect sound, like sound barriers on highways, but you have to follow specific instructions and codes for the wall to be effective. But, natural barriers work the best when possible to use dirt for hills, and tress because they absorbs the sounds more, rather than deflect sounds.

love, live and learn  

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