Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Transfer: International Time Line

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Greenwich: International Time line

Greenwich: International Time Line

This is a introductory topic for later topic. I have not really talk about reference points yet. I want to talk about time lines briefly on earth.

Time lines History:
Greenwich, England outside of London is the prime meridian line for time zones. This means, this is where time starts. This is not accurate nor necessarily true at all. England had the largest navy in the world at the time when the international time was being established so since England had a large influence on the new committee they simple adapted the timeline in England, since it was already being used and therefore made it the new international timeline. 

Time zones:
The earth is divide into 2 halves Eastern hemisphere and Western hemisphere. There are 24 time zones on earth representing each hour of the day as sun rays shine on the earth, equivalent to the 24 hours of the day. They are divide up into 12 in the Western hemisphere and 12 and the Eastern hemisphere.

The Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England:
This is where they study stars and keep track of time, also synchronizing time. This is where the decision to set your clock back and up is made.

Time is important to study in Kemetics, because our bodies have eternal clocks with align with the universal time clock. This is also key to good health and bio- rhythms.

love, live and learn      

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