Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Transfer: Black Africans in Ancient Europe pt1

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Black Africans in Ancient Europe pt1

Black Africans in Ancient Europe pt1

Black Africans have a very rich, but secret history in Europe. The first known Black Africans in Europe were the Grimaldi. Some believe they entered Europe around 30,000 to 50,000 years ago.

This is secret because it smashes all European ideology about Africans, that they are primitive and dumb witted. They carried their culture with them over a long distance. We have to really stop here and look closely at what is being said and proposed.

The Grimaldi are closely related to the so- called pygmy {Khoisan} people in Central Africa. They are most likely are the Khoisan and or San people of Central Africa.

The Khoisan and San people are the oldest or one of the oldest people on the face of the earth. They started and lay the foundation for civilization being started in Ethiopia.

Before we go into Europe we have to track the Grimaldi through Central Africa into Europe to see their remarkable trek! This will help a lot, to help understand and put into perspective the early development of civilization and culture in Africa.

Before we start traveling with the Grimaldi people, you must understand clearly the modern day boards of the African countries are not set by African people! These boards were set up based on the conference of Berlin in 1885, when the European countries decide in unity to conquer Africa and crave it up amongst themselves. 

For convenience we will place the Grimaldi near very large bodies of fresh water in Central Africa near the lake region. This would be modern day Uganda, Sudan and Ethiopia. There are five {5} principle lakes in the region Lake Kivu, Lake Edward, Lake Albert, Lake Kyoga and the largest, Lake Victoria Falls.

Lake Victoria Falls is the sister lake to Niagara Falls in Canada. But is much larger.

By living in this region life was easy to start and carry on because everything would be plentiful in this area of the world. Mostly likely the best place on earth to start life!   

Grimaldi trek:

They started out some where probably in what is modern day Uganda. Then started traveling north into modern day Sudan, Kenya and Ethiopia. They are following the Nile River system, north. The Nile runs south and north, with three {3} tributaries.

The Niles is the longest river in the world. It has three {3} river heads white, yellow and blue. It's water runs up hill, for this reason it was deemed Holy!

They continue traveling north along the Nile into modern day Sudan, Libya and Egypt. The key to understanding this trek is during this time 50,000 to 30,000 years ago. This area is a green land, wet and lush with vegetation!

*6. Tip
When you become a true researcher you will learn to research all subjects and study all sciences! The clue to the Sahara being wet is that the Spinx statue in Egypt has erosion marks made from water not wind! This spring a great debate in the science world. Not until advance technology was brung into the debate, could the debate be solved with satellite imaging, which proved that the Sahara was wet until about 5,000 years ago! There was also a dried up river discovered. {another topic}

So the Grimaldi trek would not have been terribly difficult at all. They were surround in a lush vegetative oasis. With the Red Sea to east of the Nile and to the North, the Mediterranean Sea.
This area was so plentiful it was describe in the Holy Bible as the garden of Eden.

*7 Tip
Gensis ch.2 ver: 13. The river Gihon goes around the land of Cush. In Biblical terms the land of Cush means and refers to Ethiopia.

They continue through the so- called Garden of Eden which is Ethiopia. History with religion is key to solving Biblical riddles and misunderstandings, the lands of Ethiopia once was the whole continent of Africa and the African peninsula modern day Saudi Arabia!

*8 Tip
Saudi Arabia from a scientific and geography terminology is a peninsula of Africa. Which is correctly called The North- East peninsula of Africa. The Suez Canal is the divider between the two {2} lands but the trick is that the Suez Canal, is a man- made structure and cannot be listed as scientific, as a natural waterway and the same for the Panama Canal, both man- made and not by God.

Once you cross over into the north- east peninsula of Africa {Saudi Arabia} you have a straight path into Eastern Europe in any direction!

So do your research, and get your map out or and Google all info before we start pt.2

love, live and learn                   

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