Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Transfer: Black Africans in Ancient Europe pt2

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Black Africans in Ancient Europe pt.2

Black Africans in Ancient Europe pt.2

Preface: Before I start am not a racist in no way, shape or form! What I am, is a Black African man whom is for the liberation of Black African people and their descendants, worldwide/ Pan- African Movement. Next to the Black man there will be no liberation for you, until you raise your woman up to her proper status "Queen"! Finally, I say to Jews, Whites and Europeans most of you already know this, but for thus who do not, your leaders, politicians, scholars and clergymen have all lied to you about a great deal of many things! They have promoted lies and deception to get to the top and stay at the top! They divide Whites and Blacks through racism. Then divide Whites against Whites through class-ism until they have a few remaining an oligarchy which they rule all the others! This is fact and history! These topics are not meant to promote hostile feelings of any kind. But to bring Blacks up to speed due to their  mis- education and for Jews, Whites and Europeans to open their eyes to many different faces of racism. I ask the Jews, Whites and Europeans if your people was treated like mine what would you do? Many of my readers and friends are Jewish, White and European I deeply thank them for their support!  

Blacks in Europe

The history am about to give you, you were not taught in school, nor will you find it in any text book. But there are books on the subject. I do not like giving book titles over the internet, because we are starting to notice certain books are becoming very hard to find. {inbox me on facebook}. There is a facebook page link on the blog!  

Now we have the Grimaldi entering Eastern Europe/ Asia Minor/ Anatolia. They traveled through what is now Greece. Greece was settled by Black Africans! They traveled along the Mediterranean Coast along Albania, Bosnia, Croatia and into Italy.

We stop in Italy for a few reason, first the name Grimaldi? Grimaldi is a town found in the Provence of Cosenza, Italy. This is where the bones of Black Africans where first found in Europe. So the name Grimaldi sort of stuck to the Black Africa people of Europe?

Next look closely at Italian people and their dark skin it is darker than some of the other Europeans especially to the north. They say it is because they live in the southern part of Europe and the sun has made them dark? The climates of southern Europe and northern Africa are very similar. So why don't the Italian people look like the historical people of northern Africa, Black people sense the sun has made them dark? Now look close at their very dark {jet black} hair, and notice the coarseness and kinky hair of the Italians. This is due largely to the large population of Africans that settled the area, and remained there until now! It is probably safe to say that out of all European people, Italians have been infused with African people and culture more than any other European people, maybe with the exception of the Spanish.

Now to deeply uproot you high school and college education! If you paid for college, you got robbed!

Understanding Ancient Europe

The estimates of the Grimaldi's reaching Europe range 70,000 to 50,000 years ago? Some goes as high as 100,000 years ago. But you have to factor climate into the equation, to get a semi- correct answer. When studying ancient climate charts they vary, first of all, especially of ancient Europe!

But the best time to enter Europe would be what is called or known as the "in- between time". This is about 35,000 to 20,000 years ago. For most of Europe history it has been frozen mostly. What actually happen is it has lots of freezing and thawing periods in history. Sometimes they happen very quickly.

Remember early man traveled on foot, no cars, bicycles or horse none of that only walking.
So many early people became trapped in Europe due to harsh climates, extremely cold weather year round. But, the most important factor Europeans and Whites do not like to talk about is the fact that there are hardly any natural resource in Europe! So without the proper provisions {enough food and water} this makes traveling nearly impossible to do.

Its a known fact today poor people do not travel much do to the lack of provisions {money}. Money was not around back then but money simply buys provisions today.

Ancient people of Europe:

So this bring my research and teachings to a head with Western schools of thought. Because we have to discuss, the people that lived in ancient Europe. Blacks did settle southern Europe, but they did meet different people in the northern regions. They meet the Neanderthal man and the Cro- Magnon man or people!

Who and What are Neanderthal and Cro- Magnon people?
This is what my research concluded, am not being mean or a racist, please look information up for yourself to concur!

Neanderthal man: a extinct species or sub- species of the genus homo. Only to be found in Euro- Asia from 120,000 years ago to 35,000 years ago. 

Sub- species: meaning in biology. a species that rank is lower or below, another species.

Homo: is the genus of great apes, that some humans are related to?

The word Cro- Magnon comes from the Cro- Magnon Caves in France. 

Cro: meaning cave
Magnon: {Latin}. large, great or big

So basically what this is saying first that Cro- Magnon is not actually human or a modern man, but a sub- spices closer to Great Apes?  That means a lesser spices than man, but closer to apes lived in the caves of Europe? But, this is where European and White people come from?

I feel it is something more or missing to this puzzles, of European history of origin!

So, if Europeans and Whites know they come from a lesser spices of hominid, why and how come they said Africans came from monkeys and apes when it is them that actually comes from monkey and apes!

I think we have to stop here for now before we get into pt 3. because we have rethink and challenge what we were taught before we move on to new information.

love, live and learn      

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