Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Transfer: Blacks Africans in Ancient Europe pt3

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Black Africans in Ancient Europe pt3

Black Africans in Ancient Europe pt3

We pick up the trek of the Grimaldi in ancient Europe. I am referring to around 50,000 to 30,000 years ago. The Grimaldi {Africans} meet up with the Cro- Magnon {Europeans}, what happens next was never told to the public?

When the Grimaldi people met with the Cro- Magnon man they clashed and fought wars!

Wars are not like what you think of today? Ancient wars are like raiding parties, when the invader comes in by force or by stealing need provisions {food, weapons, clothing and livestock}.

These wars went on for thousands of years between the two groups. The Grimaldi {Africans} eventually overcame the Cro- Magnon {Europeans}. This in turn was one of the many cause that led to the extinction of the Cro- Magnon man in Ancient Europe.

This theory/ story never hits the table in scientific debate concerning the extinction of the Cro- Magnon man! Based on Western thought and ideology fueled by racism's, makes Western scientist blind to the facts concerning early man all over the world! 

So now you see the first wave of Africans into Europe which you can trace down the time line to get a better perspective of Black Africans in Europe. So now we can move into other Blacks African groups and their contributions to early European culture and civilization.

This would now give a bases to the idea of Black Vikings?
I know you do not believe me, because who should know European history better than a  White man!

But, you forget it was the Black African that give the White man his culture and history! Many of you are under the idea that Whites know all, but actually they know every little especial concerning themselves with I will show in this topic! This is one of the main reasons history is so messed up the White man has no true history until contact with Black Africans! Which he finds unacceptable, which is at the root of his racism. So with the lack of history and blinded by racism you have incorrect information coming from Europeans and White men!

The farther you go back in time the Blacker the planet becomes with Black civilizations. Am going to be generous and say 3,500 years ago, you will not find a White monument or statue of a White person any where in the world! If you do inform me so I can research, and make the proper changes to my blog!!!

What am going to do now is make it easy for all to learn, am going to give names and contributes or titles of noted Blacks in European culture!

The first religion introduce into Europe was carried with the Grimadli from Africa. This is the occult of Venus/ or Goddess Venus.

Venus worship is a umbrella term for the worship of WOMEN! Before the Greeks/ Europe Greeks there was no male centered {Zeus} religion, or belief system in the world! research for self! All African religions are dominated by women as a central or the primary central character!   

The Venus figurines are clearly depicted as a Black African Women! With her over-sizes hips and breast is clear who and what she was, typical what we see today{thick sistas}!

The worship of Venus is most popular in Eastern Europe, following the trek of the Grimaldi it spreading all over Europe! Some figurines have been dated far back as 40,000 years ago!

please sit down, cause this next one is going to knock your socks off your feet when I hit you with it!

All are lives we have a been hearing about Stonehenge located in England. So the Europeans claim they do not know who, or why it was built. I will tell you both!

Stonehenge was built by a Black man named Morien {Black Egyptian}. Stonehenge is a solar dial {a solar clock} or sun dial! Everyone knows the ancient Egyptians/ Kemetians worship the SUN as a representation of the Creator as the purest form of energy known to mankind and as for giving life to us here on earth!

Stonehenge is a place of worship to pre- Druids, pre- Christians and pre- Arians!

When I say the word pre in the paragraph before, am referring to the originators of these groups Black people!     

I am going to jump head of the chronological time line to stay on Stonehenge. Morien the Kemetian built Stonehenge with the help of the Druids! The first Druids where of course Black Africans!

First, evidence is that no, i repeat NO religion as ever started, founded created nor originated in Europe. Ever last one was introduce by Black Africans! Period the end, cause this not even debatable.

The Druids are a priesthood, one of the main deities is Thoth {Tehuti}. Tehuti is the ancient Egyptian/ Kemetian Ibis- headed deity of mathematics, alchemy {the sciences} and writing!

Secondly, why would White people in Europe be practicing and praying to a Black deity/ Tehuti if they did not learn it from Black African people!

*Understand the switches and games played, because of denial!

Biracial Kings and Queens
Sometimes of mixed ancestry, Black and White, if the person looks White, European scholars will say they are White, even if they are mixed, as long as they look more White than Black?

The main thing Black and White scholars miss about Blacks in Europe, is that especially in the case of the Moors, these where all men expeditions. So when they got to Europe they took women wives, girlfriends and concubines from the native population, which were White women!

The next problem is huge because it goes into religion and belief systems, the changing and stealing the identity of Blacks, the most famous is of Jesus!

Blacks who had influence and power in Europe: 

Egyptian/ Kemetian King Senwosret colonizes Greece and establishes the city of Athens! This establishment set up exploration of Europe, especially Eastern Europe and Russia, along what is known as the "Black Sea" today!  

Princess Andromeda of Greece. She is well known in popular culture, in such movies as "Clash of the Titans" 1981 & 2010 movies. She is portrayed White, when actually she is Black! She is the princess of a Ethiopian King. King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia of Ethiopia, which is also proof that the original Greeks where Black Africans. If its only myth and not true, why is there a constellation named after her in the heavens {stars}? There is also a 6th- century B.C.E. {before the christian era/ BCE} Corinthian vase in the Berlin, Germany museum depicting her as a Black woman!

Homer: Greek historian and writer said all the Greek Gods come from Ethiopia. He is supposedly had lived and study in Africa for seven {7} years?

Scotland is named after the Egyptian/ Kemetian princess Scotia. Scotia is a derivative of the Egyptian word Sophia/ Seba or Sheba.

Scotland and Ireland along with other areas of the British Isle were outpost for the Phoenician sailors who picked up tin, copper and other minerals from these lands to take back to the Black Egyptian/ Kemetian Kings!

Phoenician are actually a Black African people, also known as Canaanites. From Biblical Canaan.     

The Romans called Scotland, Scotia Magna! When the Romans came to conquer the British Isle it is well documented that the people of these lands where Black as ink and had curly hair!   

King Arthur "Black Knight" was the strongest and best knight! Actually Knight- hood began with Black skinned knights. Because in the untold history of European "DARK AGES" there where many Black Kings and Kingdoms which fought many wars against White Europeans!       

Black Mary and Jesus being changed from their natural color of ebony{Black} to White by the catholic church!  

Kenneth the Niger: was a Black King in Scotland. He ruled over three {3} providences.

Black Queen Charlotte Sophie of England. She probably the most famous of all the Black Royalty in Europe. She is from the house of Hanover in Mecklenburg- Sterlitz, Germany. She was also Elect over the Holy Roman Empire. She also prominent in America, the city of Charlotte, North Carolina is named after here and sits in Mecklenburg county.

King Gormund ruled Ireland during the Angelo- Saxon times.

*6 Tip
Angelo and Saxons are originally one people? Angelo are British Isle people, Saxons are a Germanic tribe people, who were hired mercenaries by the British Isle Angelo to fight against the Vikings probably the Black Vikings? But after the Saxons won the war, they refused to leave and stayed and occupied the land for themselves. This how you get Anglo- Saxons.

Halfdan the Black: King of Norway and unified the kingdom.

King Thorhall of the Black Vikings and Black Celts {Silures}. He was Earl of Thorfinn.

*7 Tip
Remember the great Norse God, Thor. He also has the same core name Thor!

*8 Tip
Silures: Black Africans that lived in modern day Wales, Ireland and England. They are one the more popular Black groups, because of documentation of them from many Roman source in the 2nd century.

 There is a lot more history than I posted on this blog! If you research this info it will lead you to another world and chapter about Black people!

love, live and learn               

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