Monday, October 20, 2014

Transfer: Black Tribes of the British Isle: The Picts. pt2

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Black Tribes of the British Isle: Picts

The Picts are one of the largest Black Tribes or Nations that lived in the British Isle. The are a pre- Roman people, meaning that when the Romans invade the British Isle these people were already there!

I have to keep repeating that when the Romans came they where there, Black people, tribes and nations of them where in the British Isle! Because White European are obsessed with the idea that when you think of African people they must have been slaves! No slavery for us in our ancient past, this is a new thing for us about 1,200 years of the Arab slave trade and then the European slave trade. It was White Europeans that was the slaves to the Black Africans!!! {another topic} So, the answers is NO, there were no, African slaves in the British Isles during these time. 

Picts are define as: a people of pre- Roman times in ancient Scotland. They remained undefeated by the Romans and in the 9th century C.E., they united with the other Scottish clans for the unification of Scotland!

Scotland is named after the Egyptian Princess Scotia/ Seba/ Sheba, her army captured these lands for her, and they named it after her to honor her!

Etymology of Pict: Latin {Picti}. meaning painted ones. Black and Brown hue/ color people!

If you watch any movie about the ancient warrior tribes of the British Isles {Scots} the men will fight naked and always paint themselves blue, to look like the purest blood- line of African people the Blue- Black- Purplish people of Africa! {Braveheart 1995}. 

The Picts lived in mostly east and northern modern day Scotland. There Kingdom was Caledonia.
Caledonia is a proto/ pre- Celtic word. Roman historian and generals refer to these lands Pictland name after the Black people that lived there.

Pictish people spoke their on language which is now extinct. The Pictish language evolved into the Brythonic language, which is Old British, before the Anglo- Saxon era!

The Picts are believed to be originally from modern day Spain/ Gaul.

Gaul is being refereed to as northern Spain, parts of France and Germany/ Austria and westward! Remember these tribal people of Europe fought, back & forth with wins and loses against the Roman Empire for almost a thousands years. So these territory lines and areas always changed because of all the wars. Not only the tribes fight against the Romans but against each other.

After being pushed westwards by the Romans and other tribes the Picts made Northern Scotland their strong- hold it was named Caledonia later. This area of Northern Scotland was known as the nation of the Caledonian Confederacy of Tribes. The other tribes that made up Caledonian Confederacy were the Vacomagi, Taexali and Venicones. These are a mixture of people Black and White, that banned together against a common enemy the Romans.

Biology lesson: Understand color/ hue of people especially Black African people. Mixing of races makes new races. All races are consider hue race except White European. Color of skin is largely based on melanin! When mixing Black and White you get a Arab or Middle Eastern look person if the Black genes are stronger! Now the hidden secret, if you mix Black and White and the White genes are equal or stronger than the Black genes you get a Red colored hue person! Wait!!!, If  you began to wash- out the Black blood by continuing to keep breeding with Whites only, the person will become Reddish color also! Thus hinting to the red hair, freckle face people of Europe whom still have large amounts of Black African blood in them! That's real science {biology} you not going to get that in school or college!     

A list of Picts, cities, Kings and Kingdoms:

The founder of the Picts is said to be Cruithne and his seven {7} sons which he divide his Kingdom up and gave each son a part. The Picts where a matrilineal people!

*6 Tip
Matrilineal: Kingship meaning Queenship and also Kinship and for certain ownership comes from the mother and or  mother- side of the family. This is a every African practice from Kemet {ancient Egypt & Ethiopia}. This stems from our women and women Goddess being held in very high regards as equals at the very least, but most of time in greater regards then the men and male Gods especially.

The main Deity/ Goddess of worship was a fertility Goddess! {Brigid- and her 2 sisters, the triple goddess} {another topic}

Cruithne and his descendants are thought to be the original natives of Alba. They are pre- Gaelic also!     

Kingdom of Cait/ Cat in Pictland. Is modern day Caithness in Sutherland county in northern Scotland. Also referring to Shetland Islands, Shetland meaning: cat/ cat people, thus the name Cait/ Cat.

King Ce and the kingdom of Ce. Ce is modern day cities of Marr & Buchan. Ce came after the division of Alba. Alba is a old Gaelic name for Scotland.

Fife/ Fib, Fib is what the Picts called the city. It was a principle city in the Picts Kingdom, it is still called the Kingdom of Fife in Scotland!

*7 Tip
The Picts Empire was divide into 7 Kingdoms which Fife/ Fib is one of the 7 Kingdoms of Pictland.
It was not until Malcolm III King of Scotland 1058 to 1093, started moving power and principle cities away from Northern Scotland, the strong- hold of the Scottish people to Central and Southern Scotland.

Fortriu is also a foreign name giving to the Kingdom of Pictland.

love, live and learn 

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