Monday, October 20, 2014

Transfer: Black Tribes of the British Isles pt3

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Black Tribes of the British Isles pt3

Black Tribes of the British Isle: Black Vikings/ Black Danes

Black Viking is a rather odd term? Even for me reading and studying Vikings, the only thing that really help me was my name is Erik which is the proper way to spell it or Erick, so I, had some prior knowledge of Norse language and Norse belief because, I researched my name, plus as a child I like Thor, the cartoon. Norse is the language Viking spoke. But never thought they might look like me in a million years.

This is a hard topic to research because there are so many myth about Vikings, especially Black Vikings. But, I think all the myth are to lead researchers on a cold trail? Am, going to give you, what my research found, but I highly advise you double check my work on this topic, because the information mostly comes from myths!

I have to go back a little before going into the Black Vikings to establish Black people in Europe from the start to debunk all ideas and notions that Blacks came much later or as slaves which is the total opposite of what really happened. Greeks and Africans had a working relationship for over 500 years? {recorded history}

European History:
European/ White Europeans have little or no history outside of the Greeks and Romans? But, this to is not true White European history because it comes from Black Europeans? Some of the first Greeks where Black Europeans, which taught the White Greeks! 

Then all the early great White Greek scholar came to Africa to study Deodorise Siculus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Thales and Homer.

History define: the study of past events, of human affairs.

Aristotle is believed to have raided the library of Alexandria, Egypt?

Fact and Fiction:
Greeks did eventually conquer part of ancient Egypt {Kemet}. But, the truth of the matter is that Greeks and Kemetians had a very prosperous relationship for a very long time. This was in part due to Black Greeks living in Greece. They were trading partners. They also traveled back and forth to each others countries often! Which would place Black Africans in Europe at the onset of Western culture, which means at the very least there would be pockets, bands, tribes and nations of Black African people leaving in ancient Europe!!! These people would also become part of the Germanic tribes that gave raise to Black Vikings.

This relationship can best be understood by our current relationship or standing with China 2013. China and America are trading partners in world commerce, but absolutely do not like each other at all!
 Black Vikings:

Black Vikings come from Germany like all other Vikings, the Germanic tribes that where pushed westward by the Romans. Black Viking would also be known as or part of the Norseman, which where later called the Normans, from Normandy!

Dates are important if they really mean anything? {most scholars cant agree on dates during this period} Most of these events take place after the fall of the Roman Empire around the 5th century C.E.

Note: Black Vikings

a. Gormund: King of Ireland

b. Halfdan the Black: King of Vestfold. His descendants go on to be Kings of Denmark. 

c. Halfdan the Fairhair: Son of Halfdan the Black, First King of unified Norway!

d. Thorhall: The Viking that showed Erik the Red, to America!

e. Thorfinn the Mighty: {Earl Thorfinn} Earl over 9 providence's in Scotland and Ireland.

There are many others that may have been, research is still being done!

love, live and learn

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