Monday, October 20, 2014

Transfer: Blacks Tribes of the British Isles pt1

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Black Tribes of the British Isle pt1

Black Tribes of the British Isle: Silures

There is recorded information, concerning the Black people that lived in the British Isles before White European people did.

In my personal opinion both Black and White scholars are talking racial sides to prove a point, but this is not about a point, this is about the truth! The truth is that neither side can honestly say who was there first! Both, Black and White Europeans where early settlers of the area. The only thing that might be on the side of Black Europeans being there first is that they had technology to create a boat to go across the English Channel?

Some of the first historical contact with Black Europeans in the British Isles is when the Romans came to invade the British Isle. They documented in their notes, that the people of the British Isle looked Ethiopian! Black with curly hair!

One of the first names for Black People, before "Africans" is Ethiopians. At one point the continent of Africa was called Ethiopia and the Atlantic Ocean was called the Ethiopian Sea!

So there is no mistaking who the Romans seen in the British Isle. Some Roman historians and generals even give trace of where the Black Europeans come from? The Romans say they look like the Silures, the Black people of Gaul.

Gaul: is modern day; France, Luxemburg and Belgium and other parts of Western Europe. Gaul is the name of these areas during Roman times. Parts of Spain are also include in Gaul.

Tacitus a general and senator for the Roman Empire, who notes are used as describe the people of the British Isle. He is one of the more creditable source used in this study. Tacitus also said that he believed that the Silures had left Spain much earlier and settled the British Isles, mainly South Wales.

So they are consider a pre- Roman people of the British Isle. Why they are so well  recorded by the Romans because of the fierce fighting they done, noted for their guerilla warfare style. The Romans could not subdue them either, which means they remained in this area and kept their culture intact for the most part!

It is believed but not proven the Romans made a peace treaty with the Black European Silures. 

love, live and learn   

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