Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Transfer: Women Section: Sophia Stewart

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Women Section: Sophia Stewart

                                     This section is dedicate to women:

This is in honor of the Queen Mother of Metaphysics, Sophia Stewart. She is the author of the book "The Third Eye"! Go buy it!

This book is historical due to the fact that the movie series Terminator and movie series Matrix are based off her book! She was robbed of her credit for the movies but is suing the movie company.

Her understanding of the metaphysical world is so profound. The movie Matrix really showcases her talent. The key to the movie Matrix is the names of the characters and the naming of the place and things in the movie. But do not for get the theme fight for Zion {Ethiopia}.

The movie is so religious based on Eastern {African} Metaphysics. This is a good beginning for anyone who wants to learn about Metaphysics & Kemetic Science. Please take notes when watching movie! Please look- up characters and places in movie!

On the blog, I have already defined important characters name. Go to the archive on blog type in "Matrix"!

Please watch, read and learn from the movies.

We honor and thank Sophia Stewart, thank you!

love, live and learn     

Monday, November 24, 2014

Transfer: Black Americans are the original Hebrews

Monday, September 9, 2013

Black Americans are the original Hebrews

Black Americans are the original Hebrews?

Black Americans do you really know who you are? Many of you do not, because of your lack of knowledge of African people and history. Hebrews are a African people/ not to be confused with European Jews!

Originally Hebrew people come from the East African region, primarily what is known as Ethiopia today. The key to tracking or following people is to study their linguistic/ language. If you study African languages you will see that Hebrew is a African language under the sub- group Semitic languages.      

Jews are primarily two{2} European groups, from the north Russia and Germany they are known as Ashkenazi Jews. The other group Khazars comes from Eastern Europe or what is known as the Asian Minor {Turkey, Albania Romania and Bulgaria}.

When you read about European history and you see the word Gypsies, this means they are referring to people from Egypt or that associated themselves with Egyptians.  

Now the tricky part before I begin, mostly all European people have some or a little African blood in them especially those that live in Southern Europe or what is known as the Mediterranean coast line, Spain, France and Italy. Also around the island countries of Europe like the British Isle countries England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Now I will do my best to explain in a short version, of what is a very long and enduring subject that is over the course of thousands of years!

Some of first Hebrews that left Ethiopia/ Egypt were after the death Akhenaten?

"I am still researching this cloudy subject, but some including myself believe the story of Moses in the Holy Bible is a copied or made- up story"? I lean towards a copied story, I know for a fact many of the stories that are in the Holy Bible are copied stories for the most part, from the Ethiopian Bible! Thus leading me to believe that the story of Moses, is really the untold story of Akhenaten and some of his followers?

Akhenaten is for certain the prototype which the "Moses Myth" is based on! The accounts of what actually happen to Akhenaten and his followers is the subject of a debate?

Akhenaten was the first person in the recorded history of the world to suggest and practice "MONOTHEISM" thus appointing himself to the position of High Priest, which all followers had to go through him.

Christianity in no way shape or form is a true MONOTHEISTIC religion!!! Christianity is based off three {3} parts God, Jesus and Holy Spirit! Judaism and Islam are monotheistic religion because they only pray to their ONE GOD! Christianity is a polytheism religion because the 3 parts are equal, if you take away one part, the religion would not be the same!

So after the death of Akhenaten some scholars are starting to believe this set- up the base for what is now known as the original Hebrew people. His followers were driven out of their holy city "Amarna" and many were exiled out of the land of Kemet {Egypt}. They became scattered all over, but held on to the belief of "one" true God!

The next migration or the largest migration is when the invading forces of Alexander III, enter Kemet many fled before his arrival fearing their way of life and belief would be strip from them! Some went to southern Africa, many went to western Africa. This is why many beliefs and religion are similar to those in Eastern Africa {Egypt & Ethiopia}. Others where exiled out of Kemet for the none compliance of rules and laws set forth by the invading Greek army!

This specific story or folklore may be one of the greatest secrets ever told! After the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ many Hebrews left East Africa and the African peninsula of Saudi Arabia.

1. Remember Jesus was a Hebrew not a Jew! Jesus was a Black man from Africa! No matter how you look at it he is Black from Ethiopian origins or from the African peninsula Arabia {Bethlehem} both places are in Africa. Next he spoke a dialect called Aramaic which is a language that comes out of Hebrew and in some places replaced Hebrew.

2. Christian were not called Christian during the life of Jesus because no such word existed? Christ comes from the Hindu God Krishna! Jesus real name was Yeshua! The disciple were first called Christians in a city called Antioch 70 years after the death of Jesus Christ!
Book of Acts ch.11 ver: 19- 26

3. The majority of Jesus/ Yeshua followers where from Kemet/ Egypt because they associated him with the second coming of Heru!

So after Jesus/ Yeshua death the three {3} Marys took up his followers and fled to Europe {France}, of fearing prosecution and death, by the {White/ Arab} Pale Jews!!!
a. His mother, Mary.
b. Lover/ Best friend, Mary Magdalene.
c. Aunt or mothers Aunt, Mary of Bethany.

This is how the occult of "The Shrine of the Black Madonna" {Mother Mary and Christ as a Child} was introduce into Europe. From the followers believing that Jesus/ Yeshua was or had been the second coming of Heru {Horus}!!!

This reinforce with other beliefs and religions similar by earlier Egyptians whom had fled prior to Jesus/ Yeshua followers coming to Europe also.

Remember the words Egyptian, Gypsy and Wander or {Wandering people} all mean the same thing.  

You have to dig deep to understand the messages in the Holy Bible! So what did Jesus/ Yeshua say about the so- called Jews around you {Pale Jews}?

Prayer and Reflection:
"Please, I beg you to stop and read your Holy Bible right now to this message by Jesus/ Yeshua".
Revelation ch.2 ver: 9 "Now tell me who in America fits that description more than Black people".
Remember Jesus said this NOT me, "Those who say they are Jews, ARE NOT JEWS"!

The next group to defect from Kemet/ Egypt came during the Counsel of Nicaea 325 c.e. After the Roman Emperor Constantine took over Christianity and insulted himself as the 1st Pope! All that disagree with him, in usual European style and format would be killed and assassinated! This would be the case and point with Arius the High Priest/ Bishop of Alexandria, Egypt, whom disagreed with Constantine and was his main rival in his decision about Christianity!

So Constantine order the assassination of Arius, but Arius and his followers the Arian brotherhood found out about the plot to have him killed and fled into what is known today as the Middle East and Eastern Europe. So now you have another wave of Egyptian entering Europe on the run from other Europeans again.

The irony of hatred towards Black Africans? So you have Hitler, during WWII promoting White supremacy during the golden age of the Nazi's. Never knowing the whole time that the "Arian Brotherhood" was started by a Black man from Libya and his followers were mostly Black men!
"Now you see how powerful knowledge of self is, to put those who challenge and oppose you so that can put them in their place, and show you are superior to their hateful ways"!

We are uncertain of how many Hebrews {Black people in the Americas} were sold into bondage by Black African non- Hebrew people {Some West African Kings} to the Europeans! They sold us off because we were foreigners in that land, and would not let go of our religion and beliefs! Plus we had started taking roots in West Africa especially in the Upper Volta, of Mali with the Dogon tribe! Spreading our beliefs to neighboring people. This endanger Kings of West Africa, because of a political coup could take place. So they sold us off to get rid of us and the possible problem we presented for them! But you are not going to find that in one history book because the Vatican Church of Rome issued a edict that all Christians must get permission before they taught anything about African people!

In the begin of the slave trade they put Christian names on the boats to trick the people to getting on them? Some boats are called Christ, the good ship Jesus, Trinity and Savior! Thus the term coined by Blacks "I am wait on my boat to come in" referring to good luck is about to happen?

Please, share and discuss with others, are 400 years of bondage been up Black Hebrews?

love, live and learn  

Transfer: Understanding of Eastern Religions/ Kemetic

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Understanding of Eastern Religions/ Kemtic

Understanding of Eastern Religions:

Preface: this is a very short and brief description of Kemetic {Eastern} belief system. It takes one full life time to understand 120 years of studying! "Read the Bible, yes God gave you a 120 years to live"
Book of Genesis ch. 6 ver: 3 

The first thing that must be understood is that in Africa {Kemet} what we call religion is known as a belief system. The belief is understood in Kemet that we are connected to God {Amen, Atum or Aten}. Religion {belief system} explains that relationship between man and God.

Religion in Eastern {African} belief is built upon a relationship that is through symbolism in nature. Nature is the major theme in Eastern beliefs.

To understand what am about to say, will go against everything you have been taught. The relation is shown through the natural state of things. Not like Charles Darwin "natural selection" a twisted ideology to prove superiority and inferiority among living things! This is totally wrong, the only superiority force in the universe is God {Amen, Atum or Aten}. All other things are simple extension of this Supreme Creator!

If God {Amen, Atum or Aten} created man in his image! The first man that he created was the African {Blackman}. Therefore the African would have direct knowledge of how God works. Like any child the first born, has a divine birth- right over all the other children {mankind}. Along with birthright the African has direct knowledge from God! {Adam in the garden of Eden}.

To understand God more clearly in a natural state of being or mind, as a pure thought of essence. This can only be done by looking at God as a scientist {Creator}. A Creator, creates and invents things {life}! The science that is used to do this is Metaphysics! The language used to explain the science is mathematics!

You were taught wrong from day one! Your religion taught you that nothing is perfect within the universe except God, this true only from a certain stand point? Christianity based from Europeans is a scheme devised to trick and control you. Never meant to free you, but to enslave your mind!

If nothing man can do is perfect than explain the development of math, is math not perfect? Does 1 + 1= 2 every time? Isn't the definition of perfection: to be precise and the same every time?

Therefore in three {3} short sentences, I have debunked the theory of man being imperfect.

Natures correlation to God:
I will use the example of animals. Man has done this since the began of time associate himself with animal characteristics. We do it every day through our sport teams Lions, Bears and Tigers etc: We do it socially through social clubs, Elks, Moose and Kiwi clubs.

But from your blind hatred for Egyptian and Ethiopians {Kemetians} taught to you from the Bible, you say they pray to animals? But lets look at that closely and see, how ignorant the Bible has made you!

We will look at the Egyptian crown there is a snake and a vulture on it.

1. The Vulture symbolically represent motherhood. In the animal kingdom the Vulture has the best vision of all animals, therefore seeing approaching danger from miles away, they are know to attack enemies miles away from the nest! So the Kings of Kemet adopted this, as they must be keen {smart} enough to see all approaching danger to the citizens of the kingdom.

The snake really has you messed up from the Bible, watch i will explain the ignorance of the Bible. The Bible totally missed interpreted the meaning of the snake, that's what happens when you steal things you mess them totally up!    

2. The snake symbolically represent the morality of mankind!!! The snake represents higher and lower self {conscious and unconsciousness}. Or from the street/ slang terminology, thinking with the little head and not the big head! The Kings of Kemet adopt the snake because of the belief in duality, what you know as the Ying and Yang. That you must always have moral balance, not letting the physical or material world over take the soul or conscious {spirit}. In science the snake has two {2}penis, which physically shows duality.

2a. That God put man and snake at odds, the snake strikes at the heels of man? No, the verse means that man is his own enemy if he does not balance his life and passions, they will overcome {addictions} him in life making him strife, at odds against himself or counter productive. In science the weakest part of a man is his heel. Better known in stolen Greek Mythology as "Achilles Heel"!

Please share with others, knowledge is KING!

love, live and learn                        

Monday, November 17, 2014

Transfer: Christianity and Slavery

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Christianity and Slavery

                                                     Christianity and Slavery

This will be a brief historical account about Christianity and Slavery!  This maybe a topic to emotional for some? Because many Black people are over zealous about a religion they do not fully understand.

1. Black people do not think the Pope or the Roman Catholic Church {Vatican} doesn't have  anything to do with your Preacher, Minister and Pastor at your neighbor church! I want be the first to tell you, that you are greatly mistaken! The Vatican has a copy right on the Bible! All Bibles before being published most have permission and be pre- read!

What am, saying in no- way is about all Black People, but it is about a great many of them!
This is not a attack on Christianity, but a understanding of mastering Black people! This is war from a religious stand point.

This is sociological warfare, Black people can not imagine anyone tampering with the Holy Bible? But what you really do not understand that some people, will do anything to win or be at the so- called top!
Now, I will explain why Black people can not unify!

*Religion as a weapon- define?

This modern version of warfare was adopted from the Romans. Actually many Roman practice are in play today in American society? These practices are so prevalent in America, that America is often known as the 4th Reich! How is this so, where is my proof? The first proof of evidence is in religion.

When the Roman Empire would conquer any people, after securing the area {land} they would immediately destroy all the conquered peoples places of worship {temples & churches}. No worshiping or praying to the conquered peoples old deities {God}. Then they immediately erected new temples to Roman Gods! If any conquered people were caught praying to old Gods after the Roman temples were erected they were put to death!

Now to put what you just read about Romans, in perspective to Black people in America today. When reviewing slavery most of the history is all wrong {I will explain later}. The most significant part of controlling Blacks {Africans} was not the terrifying beatings they received from White {Europeans}people, but the new or White version of Christianity!

Remember when Africans were brought to America, they were not allowed to talk in their native tongue or language. This allowed them not to be able to pray secretly to their old Gods! Then they where not allowed to read nor learn how to read!

So the next part is the key to the whole topic!

If they could not read nor allowed to read why was African people given a Bible? What purpose would a  Bible serve for a people whom could not read, ask yourself? The correct answer is imagery and symbolism! During those times most Bibles had a picture of a WHITE JESUS on it or some where in the Bible. This is the most concealed factor by Whites in controlling Blacks! If your deity or God looks like your oppressor and your oppressor looks like your God, then most likely you want rise up against the oppressor!

I know Black people, you do not believe me, God said yall, are a stiff- neck {hard-headed} people! So I will explain.

Black People in America suffer from what is called "Stockholm Syndrome"!
Stockholm Syndrome- means: to feel sorry and compassion for the oppressor. 
Stockholm Syndrome is the new or modern name for this disease!

Thus if you see your oppressor and deity {God} as the same or some kind of connection you will not rise up nor oppose him! This is sociological warfare using religion. {White Jesus}

There are many books and manuscripts about how to conquer Black people, in all of the books and manuscripts they refer to the use of religion on Black people! So we as a people must look at this when assessing our current situation, is there any validity to what these racist are saying?

I think it is a key factor in our downfall. We do not understand Christianity nearly enough. Not saying Christianity is bad, but the way the Roman Catholic Church uses it is bad!

Historical fact not one religion in the world has come from Europe! How can it be that Europeans are the ruling body over religions of the world? But all religions originate from Africa and African descendants people no matter where you go in the world! But no mention of that is ever made, is that racism? Especially in Christianity which Jesus is historically a Black man!   

Personally, I have a serious problem with any people who have lived for thousands of years and never established a formal religion of any kind through out their entire history? that is really strange to me!

Now lets look at edicts on slavery from the Roman Catholic Church.

The Roman Catholic Church promoted, that African were descendants of Canaan. Canaan was cursed by Noah, and this is the reason they promoted the enslavement of millions Africans!  

Holy Bible:
Ch. 9 ver: 25

a. It was not until 1890 that the Catholic Church publicly denounce slavery.
b. It was not until 1965 that the Catholic Church criticize slavery and their participation, call it "a infamy against God"!


Slavery flourished during the golden age of the Papal States {Roman Catholic Church control states/ countries}.

1452 Pope Nickolaus V wrote Alfonso V  King of Aragon {Region in Spain}, informing him that any Moors {Moors are Black people/ Africans} captured should be made a perpetual slave! {perpetual meaning in this case forever/ thus starting chattel slavery}.

Chattel Slavery is a new kind of slavery, not to be confused with indenture servitude!      
1492, Spain: The Roman Catholic Church expelled Jews and Moors{Both at the time were consider Black people}. These means that the Church set- up the legal grounds for slavery. The selling of non- Christians but primarily Black people.   

1497, The Roman Catholic Church expelled Jews and Moors from Europe.

1573, Books criticizing slavery were put on the index as forbidden books {not allowed to read} by the Roman Catholic Church, from 1573 to 1826, that's 253 years!

There are many more documents of the Church setting up the grounds for slavery, but these are just a few to get you started and for undisputed proof!

love, learn and live    

Transfer: The Importance of history along with religion!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Importance of histroy along with religion!

The Importance of history along with religion!

This story was inspired by a female member of the blog. Thank you, for your support.

Me and the member talked {text via Facebook} about religion. I wrote a blog that confused the member. I made reference towards European Christianity and Ethiopian {Africa} Christianity.

Many Black people in America, do not know anything concerning African religions. But yet, seem to be very religious?

I am claiming that Europeans had no religions in Europe ever in their history! Not one, I say not one religion was founded or originated from Europe. But yet they are the governing body of world religions {Christianity}?

I have a real problem with this, because their adoption of religions were based on a evil intention for control, power and money! So I conclude, that Western {European} Christianity is a false Christianity along with false Judaism and Islam.

The first European adoption of Christianity was at the council of Nicaea in 325 c.e. {Christ Era} by Emperor Constantine to save his empire from revolt. It worked and he stayed on the throne until his death! Which he made himself the first Pope, but did not practice nor believed in Christianity! On his death bed he made the remark "I guess, I will give Christianity a try, what do I have to lose".

At the meeting of Nicaea in 325 c.e. the most important books of Christianity were omitted and banned from what we call the Holy Bible today! Thus the Bible of today is a water down version of Christianity stemming from the Ethiopian Bible. The Hebrew Bible is also a water down version of the Ethiopian Bible, but it has more books than the Christian Bible, given it a little more strength than the Christian Bible.

Every-time Europe adopted a religion it was from war? Dirt secret of Europe, many Europeans adopted and practices Islam of their own free will and accord from 711-1492. The years the Black Moors {Africans} controlled parts of Europe.

The second European adoption of Christianity was a rallying call for the Kings of Europe and Roman Catholic Church to fill their military ranks to solve their Black Moor {African} problem. They wanted the Moors out of Europe. But life was actually better in Europe under the control of the Black Moors. So the Kings and Pope, made false lies about Islam and Muslims. To convert people to Christianity.

 Sounds familiar about the hatred towards Islam and Muslims. This is nothing new this religious war between Christian and Muslims has been going on for over 1,300 years!

The Third adoption of Christianity was by King James, the King James Bible. But what many Black {African} Christians do not know that King James was openly gay/ bi- sexual, because he was married and fathered children. So he faced a lot of opposition from others, especially the Church!

But the church faced its own battles at the time because two {2} Bibles were in circulation at the same time, The Bishops Bible and The Great Bible. So a secret meeting was held to resolve the problems of the day! The Bishops that favored King James were given power, when he commissioned a new Bible to be written comprised of the Bishop Bible and the Great Bible.

King James commissioned Shakespeare to write the new Bible. Thus much was loss concerning the esoteric meaning of the Bible, because Shakespeare wrote the Bible in poetic form because he was a poet!

Thus all problems had been solved for King James and the Church. King James got a new image from his homosexuality, although he remained gay until his death. The church was now unified and had one Bible named after the King whom had commissioned, as a problem solver and not because he was a devoted Christian and loved God! Actually he was not very religious at all! 

It is tradition that Kings and Queens be buried next to each other in death. King James is not buried next to Queen Anne of Denmark. His buried next to his male lovers?

Research King James homosexuality for self, I couldn't make a story up this good if I tried!

love, live and learn               

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Transfer: Hip Hop and the Illuminati

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hip Hop and the Illuminati

Hip Hop and Illuminati

I will discuss this in brief terms, mostly to give a general understanding! Let me say this, this is only my opinion, something I could be right about and some wrong about? The Illuminati is a secret society, therefore if you are not in it or know someone in it, we are simply speculating.

Hip Hop:

Hip Hop roots are founded in New York City in large by just a few guys that wanted change, like D.J. Kool Herc and Afrika Bambaataa. Hip Hop at its core is a outlet to get a message out? So if you look at it from that stand point only, you would see why groups like the Illuminati would be interested in controlling or influencing the music.

Music from a true African stand point {instrumental} is for medical purpose mostly? Classical music originally came from Africa! African people treated illness with music sometimes, they would tie or paste string in a specific way to the human body, and by playing certain strings this would open certain nodes to lymph in the body releasing fluids {colds, sinus pus etc:}.

Africans used music on spiritual level for healing also by playing certain instruments and certain tunes you could align your Charkas thus elevating you to a higher spiritual plane.

Illuminati means enlighten in Latin. The group comes from Germany, and founded by Adam Weishaupt. The group was designed to penetrate all other groups and influence or control them. Sort like a group within a group.

Known facts about the Illuminati:
Many of the found fathers of America {George Washington} were in the Illuminati or their offshoot group "The Deist". Many historians do not call the found fathers Illuminati members but Deist? Deist are suppose to be Christians but when you examine the belief system of Deist it close align with Illuminati beliefs and practices!

America was not founded in 1776, this is the year Illuminati was founded. America announcement of independence from Great Britain was actually July 2nd 1776 {not the 4th}, but much debate went on concerning this Declaration of Independence all the signatures were not finial until 1778!
According to American law, a government policy or law is not finial until all parties are sign- off on the document!

Illuminati followers pray or praise the "morning star or star of Venus" real name the Star of Lucifer! Illuminati use the same symbols as other good groups, like the Star of David is also known as the Devils pentagram. Because everything in the universe has a balance or opposite, which means it could be used for good or bad just depends on who is using it!

Illuminati influence in Hip- Hop!
Hip- Hop in its purest essence is a movement and represent a people who are struggling but are overcoming all obstacles set before them. Hip- Hop took such a strong hold and empower the youth to keep pushing and become conscience with the universe! One group of Blacks was very powerful behind the scene of Hip- Hop in the earlier days, was the "Five Percenters" Clarence 13-X. This was leading Black people to being African and positive again, which endanger the interest of rich Whites, so something had to be done about "Niggas" becoming positive and embracing African Culture.

Five Percent Rappers:
Big Daddy Kane, MC Lyte, Rakim, Busta Rhymes, Brand Nubian, Poor Righteous Teachers, Gang Starr and many, many more!

So the Illuminati infiltrated Hip- Hop to stop this positive movement. So you had gangster rap introduce and promoted to kill young Black men. Next Bling era music, the total indulgence into the material world, {Sex, Drugs and Music}. Which has left the youth paralyzed from the neck up {Brain Dead}.

The greatest accomplishment of  Illuminati was the total destruction of the Black woman through hip- hop! They destroyed the Black woman from every angle possible, she was exploited from every angle nothing about Hip- Hop represent a real woman!

In war to successfully destroy the woman you set a group of people back almost a 100 years! If the woman is turned against her man, that last a generation {about 25 years}. Her advice to her children against men is another 25 years. {meaning the daughter doesn't want a man, the son doesn't want be a man, because men are vilified/ boys become gay}. Her bad advice to her grandchild in dealing with men is negative, thus another 25 years lost, totaling around 75years of damage. We are currently in the second phase or second 25 years, were young men do not desire to be a man?

Hip- Hop promotes the four {4} devils of life jealousy, lust, envy and hate! Now you see the fall of the Black Family!

Hip- Hop reinforce Black Woman to have low self esteem about themselves. If mom has low self esteem this is indirectly passed to the children! They will grow up having issues also, for the most part not all, but alot of them will. She will do everything not to talk to a smart positive brother, but she looks for the Hip- Hop look alike brother who is just as lost as she is spiritually!

I take the African approach, lets look at self first, how is the Illuminati effecting you and your family. How positive are you in front of your children? Do you cuss or use profane language in front of them? Do you smoke and drink in front of them? Do you have sex with the door open in the house? Do you get high with your children?

Do you disrespect woman? Do hit woman? Do you influence women with money for sex? Do you use woman for personal and material gains? Do you help take care of your children?

Do you disrespect men? Do you call them out of their name? Do you feel its a mans job to take care of you? Do you shop for clothes before paying bills? Do your children dress equal to you?

Lets look at self because no one will admit to the questions above, but if you said no to all of them then that's means you probably do, do them?

love, live and learn                           

Transfer: Racism is Big Business

Saturday, September 7, 2013



Most Blacks in America really do not understand racism as a business? This is the real reason why it still exist, do not get me wrong at all, there are some White {European} people that just hate non- white people period, it has nothing to do with money at all!

A racists not motivate by money, this is what is known as a pure- racist!
A racist that is motivate by money is a opportunist racist!
Opportunist racist are most racist, the White guy that stab you back over a position at work or feel you should have the position or status in life you have only because your Black or non- White person!

No industry has benefited more from racism then BANKING! Bankers get what is known in urban slang {the hood} is a double- up {2 for 1}. This means they prey on White people as well as Black people, which I will explain. What this means is that racism is very lucrative business, in banking.

Example 1:
When Black people approach bankers about purchasing and financing material goods such as houses, cars, motorcycles, jewelry and major appliances etc. We typically pay more or finance those goods at a higher interest rate! A few extra interest points do not seem like a lot to you, but the higher the interest rates the more money the banker rakes in! Depending on what you are financing and how long you are financing it for you could pay 3 to 4 times the original cost? This practice is known as red- lining.

Red- lining comes from driving a motor vehicle at high rpm or the maximum. 

If you buy a home for $100,000.00 and finance the loan for 30 years, by the end of the loan you have paid $300,000.00 or more for that same $100,000.00 home! Now ask yourself do you like it that much or do really have to have it now?

Religion and interest?
I always try tie religion in my themes because Black people want be so Christian like?

Now for a little dirt secret in religion that Black people do not know anything about? Jews are not allowed to charge other Jews "neshekh" or interest on loans! This is in the Book of Ezekiel, Ezekiel was a Prophet to the Jews he condemned interest on loans, saying "interest on loans is one of the worse sins" and therefore it is forbidden by Jewish Law. Also Muslims can not charge other Muslims "riba" or interest on loans either, because they have the same prophet as the Jews do Ezekiel.

So my next question is to Christians but more so direct to Black Christians, isn't Ezekiel a Prophet in your Holy Bible also? So this law does not apply to you?
The first thing am going to say to Black people, is you all claim to be so religious and holy but when you get right down to it you know very little about what you claim to be? "That was said and meant with love, just think about"!

Book of Exodus ch.22 ver: 25- 27
Book of Leviticus ch. 25 ver: 36- 37
Book of Deuteronomy ch.23 ver: 19- 21 

Next shouldn't your pastors, preachers and ministers be telling you all this stuff? Not me a average guy off the streets of Detroit? Please go ask them why they are not telling you all this stuff?

Example 2:
The other-side of racism as a business when dealing with White people, the rich White people or bankers produce and induce a fear of being around Black people. Thus they can sell homes and business to other White people at premium price! This is done 1 of 2 ways, the 1st is called a price- out or front- end sale is where they charge a ridiculous price to own something knowing that very few non- White but especially Black people can not afford nor have accesses to that kind of money. The 2nd way is taxing at a high rate to live or own things in a certain community. They will impose or levy a high tax rate to keep certain undesirables out!

So in the end bankers make- out like a fat- rat in a cheese factor, making money from Whites on the front end with high prices and with Blacks on the back end with high interest rates!

love, live and learn           

Transfer: King Alfred Plan

Friday, September 20, 2013

King Alfred Plan

King Alfred Plan

A friend and blog member ask me, what did I know about the "King Alfred Plan"?  

The King Alfred Plan is a clandestine plan by the United States government {C.I.A. & F.B.I.} to control Black people and detain them, in the event of a uprising or riot! The plan seems to be part of a bigger international plot to control African and African descendant  people worldwide. The plot also calls for a systematically killing {genocide} of Black African people around the world to keep our numbers in check. White people produce at a lower birth- rate then Black African people. This would reduce our numbers, thus keeping smaller numbers to control us!

So I done a little history and research on King Alfred? Why was the plan named after him? Not totally sure it was. But I did find some interesting connections between King Alfred and the ideology of the King Alfred Plan!

Come to find out that King Alfred was once a King of England. He was King of Wessex 871 to 899, Wessex is a ancient English state. He is the only English King to be bestowed the title of "Great", because he defended England from the Vikings.

This all looks very simple when reading it because there are hidden words and meaning that the average read would not pick up on. Black people you do not truly understand the White man, his nature is very vile {some Whites, not all}. So why would the title of Great bestowed upon a King of England for fighting Vikings? When Europeans {British Isle} claim they are descendants of Vikings anyway, so that makes them cousins. So, why would a King be given the only title ever of "Great" to any King of England for fighting Vikings, which was a every common practice in early England, which all the Kings of this period had battles with Vikings?

The two {2} key words would be Great and Viking.

a. Great is a title only given to a King, whom defeats, pushes- back or deals a great blow to a arch enemy! Example1: King Ramesses II of Kemet, battle and destruction of the Hittites at the battle of Kadesh.

b. Hittites are a European/ Arab mix or biracial people from the Asia Minor, modern day Turkey.

c. Example2: Alexander III the Greek occupation of southern Kemet, which he bestowed himself the title of Great, for occupying Kemet.

The next key word would be Viking? When you think of Vikings you automatically think of White Europeans but that is your mistake not all Vikings where White Europeans! Remember that Black Africans conquered, settled or found the whole southern coast line{Mediterranean}of Europe along with the British Isle. These Blacks are not always called Vikings, which some where Vikings. They are better known as the Black Danes or Bla- Moors {Black- Moors}.

Scotland is named after the Egyptian Princesses Scotia! Her armies invaded modern day Scotland and Ireland. They named Scotland after her!

It is these people King Alfred pushed back out of England {Wessex}, the Black Vikings, Black Danes and Bla- Moors. He kept them away and united ancient England feudal states into one land.

The African Kings and Queens of Europe taxed the White Europeans heavily on all goods and services. Thus you get the term Black- mail! Black- mail, means a forced payment {taxed}. Now days it is associated with force payment, to withhold information, but am pretty sure some Blacks kept quite about Europe being found by Black African, for money!

love, live and learn

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Why is technology and symbolism consider evil?

Why is technology and symbolism consider evil?

Before going into the information about the topic. Lets discuss the topic a little. How does technology and symbolism go together?

First lets discuss technology, by most accounts in history all cultures from Blacks to Whites and everyone between claims that they received their technology from a extraterrestrial being, God or alien ect... But the real story is that the technology always seems to be used for bad attentions? War, power, money and greed! No one knows for sure the true attention of the purpose of the technology. By most accounts in Western Culture technology was given to man kind from the Nephilim. It was the Nephilim that taught men how to make weapons of war, and how to use them. Most of this information comes from the Abrahamic faiths Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Nephilim- a race of giant beings. The sons of Gods and the daughters of men?

From the Nephilim this is where the concept of technology being evil? Symbolism in short is just another language that uses pictures instead of words. Almost all culture have done it or are doing it. Symbolism by most accounts was the first written language of men?

I know European {White} Jews, do not admit the real reason why they do not use technology or the Sabbath? Because they feel or know that man- made technology is blasphemes. {Orthodox/ Conventional Jews}

Modern technology, symbolism being evil?

This would take us to the modern- day tech king Apple/ Apple Inc. Apple is a great company or is it? Depends on who you ask, but lets explore that question.

What does the Apple logo stand for?
The common answer is Sir Isaac Newton, the falling apple and gravity discover?
The next answer is a dedication to the guy who so-called invented the modern computer? Alan Turing. Turing committed suicide by biting into a apple laced with cyanide poison, so Apple Inc, dedicates the founding of the company on a apple, which Turing used to kill himself?

Next clue which I think is the real clue, in ancient symbolism the apple represents knowledge, but the bitten apple means to partake or indulge.

But remember in the Bible, Adam and Eve was not suppose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, this was forbidden!.. But symbolically, Apple Inc is saying yes I ate from the Tree of Knowledge also!..
I know a conspires theory? Well explain why the first Apple computer in 1977 was marketed at $666.66 is 666 not the mark of the beast? If you think am lying Google it!..

This all means that Apple technology has been given to them by a Luciferian, or that the technology will be used for a evil purpose, or both?

Lucifrian a demon or person that worships the Devil/ Satan/ Lucifer!

Warning of Wi- fi, we use it everyday and mostly all technology is transferred via the air. Symbolically, one of the names of Satan is "the prince of the power of the air"! This means they have control over the air to see what you are doing! {cellphones, wi- fi and satellites}.

All am trying to do is make you see and understand how much we all have been dumb down, to the world around us. We have to wake up people!... Stop watching television programs so much, because you are being programed, that's why its called a program!

love, live and learn