Monday, December 29, 2014

Transfer: Origins of Life in Africa pt1

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Origins of Life in Africa pt 1

                                                       Origins of Life in Africa

This topic was taken from our study group class, cultural awareness. We learned and discuss creation stories of the bible and Torah.

We discussed what essential, might be need to create life? Water and amino acids and abundance and variety of minerals. Food and shelter. Where would this be at in Africa? There are three (3) main theories where life may have started in Africa Southern, Eastern and Northern Africa.

The first theory is Southern Africa {Botswana, Zambia, Angola, Zambia and Zimbabwe}. Some scholars believe life started here? There is some fresh water in this area, but to many droughts occur here. There are hardly enough trees to support shelter and fire wood. These means this environment would be to hot and dry for early man, combined with no shelter from predators in the wild.

The second theory is Northern Africa {Mali, Niger, Chad, Sudan and Ethiopia}. The Sahara desert is now there but before the last ice age 10,000 years ago the Sahara was a wet and topical land. There was a river than ran through the area called Sahel. As Europe cooled off the Northern winds stop, and no rain came.

Sahel: mean. Arabic- coast or shore/ word originally came Libya!

With not enough evidence because of the desert we can not say yes or no? But a strong possibility!

The third theory is one of the more commonly excepted theories about life starting. Eastern Africa {Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya} area, it has everything  need for life in abundance. Fresh water on the Nile coming from Lake Victoria. There would be large amounts of food for eating. Trees and caves for shelter from the elements and predators!

But most of all there is a abundance of amino acids, minerals and salts to build and maintain life. These are called soda {alkaline} lakes. Due to the many volcanoes! The large lakes or inland seas could help life out.

These lakes are probably the key to life start?

In part two (2) we will discuss other important factors?

live, love and learn

Transfer: Origins of life in Africa pt2

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Origins of life in Africa pt2

This is a continuation from pt1 of this topic. This was part of the study group in class Saturday, January 26, 2013.

We discuss three (3) main theories where life could have started in Africa and why?
In Kemetic studies we going in deeper into African roots and history mean of us are going into Ethiopia and the interior of Africa.

With this study of interior of Africa dates are not line up correctly nor making in logical sense. The main reason is the holders of the information are liars! Europeans have lied for their own cause which has hamper and stop a progressive science move all together!

These are some reason I explained to the class that will help with the incorrect dating of humans and earth!

First Europeans were the last people on earth to develop a culture, due to being land locked by ice until the last ice age 10,000 years ago. So for the most part they know every little about human and world history!

Secondly Europeans jealousy of Africans, often "called racism" has blind them to many of the facts and clues to our origins!

I will use a example, because I do not want to become a basher of Europeans, I just want them to look at the damage that is being done to all of us, because of their racism!

If you want to know something about your personal family or your human family, you go to the oldest living member in your family and ask them what they know, and start your research from that.
European take what they learn from each other, and because that everybody else information is discredit simple because they are not European or White!

The simple fact is human and world history is much older than Europeans are admitting and release to the general public. Humans are every old, but if you go by evolution we are not at all?
In Africa in Southern Africa and in the country of South Africa in the Blombos Caves. Human remains have been found that are 75,000 to 175,000 years ago!

This blows everything apart far as dates because humans supposedly only stated culture 10,000 to 15,000 years ago? So how were these early humans in South Africa buring their dead with artifacts/ beads and jewelry if there was no culture then?

One answer I personally pose is that there are six (6) main geological time periods in the history of the world, this is caused by mass extinction and starting of a new dominant spices of life {plants, reptiles or mammals}.

During these mass extinction what if some type or form of humans or humanoid lived, but was destroyed with other life on earth expect small pockets of people like a family, group or tribe?

Now you have these small pockets of humans scattered across Africa? Each group would grow and populate do to certain factors such as water, food and shelter. Along with stable and predictable weather patterns.

This could help explain such old fossil and artifacts in the Blombos Caves in South Africa?

live, love and learn

Women Section: Hyptia

Women History Month/ Hyptia
Hyptia was a woman that lived in Ancient Egypt during Roman occupation of Egypt. This period is known as the end of the classic period of Ancient Egypt.

Classic period: is a time frame when science and arts flourish in a culture.

Hyptia was said to be Greek, but some suggest she was bi-racial of Greek and Egyptian {African} blood. Hyptia lived between 335 to 405? She was the head of the Platonist school in Egypt, were she taught philosophy and astronomy. She was noted for her works in mathematics.

She is known as the first recorded woman of mathematics in history? She was known to be active about her political views. Which at the time would have been about the Counsel of Nicaea and the Bishops of Alexandra. {The Christian Bible as we know it today}

It was said she was killed by a mob of Christian {monks}, because of her political views.

This is another tragedy, the attack of women since Greeks times.

It must be consider, it was the European Jews/ non- Hebrews and Greeks that insulted a alpha male as a God. From this point forward women have been losing rights and their value in society. If a person is consider second in life, even the value of that persons life becomes secondary!

We thank Hyptia for her beliefs and views, even if her views differ from my personal views greatly!

live, love and learn

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Detroit Section: History/ Before the Europeans

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Detroit Section/ History/ Before the Europeans

Before Europeans settle the Detroit area, there were different Native American {Indians} groups that lived in the area along the what is now called the Detroit river. One group that lived in the general area was the Algonquin Indians. Algonquin is a nation of Native American Indian tribes and groups comprised together.

The Kickapoo, Salk, Fox and Miami lived in Michigan near and around the Detroit River System. Detroit River Systems tributaries are the Ecorse river and Rouge river on the left side of the river. On the right side of the Detroit River Little river and River Canard.

There is a street name Algonquin on the East-side of Detroit. It runs north and south between Conner and Dickerson.

The word Michigan is a Algonquin it means "Big Lake".

The main group of Algonquin Native American Indians that lived near present day Detroit are the Kickapoo. Kickapoo is a Shawnee word for wanderer. Shawnee Indians live south of Detroit in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky.

The Kickapoo left the Detroit region because of the aggression of the White man {Europeans}. The Kickapoo were a peaceful people farming and living off the rivers wildlife. The Kickapoo lived what are called wickiup, a teepee style or flat brush covered lodge. The Kickapoo went south and west all the way to present day Mexico.

Not much is known about the Kickapoo people they are a quieted and private people. They are scattered throughout the United States to Mexico. 

live, love and learn

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Detroit Section/ Facts about Detroit

Friday, August 9, 2013

Detroit Section/ Facts about Detroit

Known and Unknown Facts about Detroit Michigan.

Great topic for young people as they had back to school, the question, what did you learn over the summer may come up? Here are a couple quick answer to help the youth.

1. The word Detroit is a French word, it means river in French.
1a. To be more specific Detroit actually means, "The strait of Lake Erie" {le Detroit du Lake Erie}

2. Detroit was founded by French explore and adventurer, Antoine Laumet de La Mothe in 1701.
2a. Detroit is over 300 years old, and is older then the United States of America!

3. Detroit started out as a Fort! Fort Pontchartrain.

4. Fort Pontchartrain, was around Larned and Griswold streets {downtown}.
4a. Right around where Cobo Hall, is now.

5. Fort Pontchartrain, was founded to protect Detroit from the British as they moved west from New England.
5a. Canada and Michigan, heading south to Louisiana, was part of the French Territory, called New France.

6. The name Pontchartrain comes from  King Louis XIV son full name, Jerome Phelypeaux, comte de Pontchartrain.
6a. Louisiana is name after the French King, Louis XIV.
6b. In English {Latin} commonly when you see a place with a person name in it, if "ia" is the name or at the end of the name, that means it was named after someone, etc: Virgina, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.

7. Detroit is the largest city in Michigan but not the capitol, {Lansing}.

8. Detroit sits in the county seat of Wayne.
8a. Wayne county is named after the American General "Anthony Wayne".
8b. Wayne county once was very large and extended from Detroit to all of the lower peninsula Michigan! Also the northern part Ohio and parts of Indian and Illinois.         

9. Detroit is the most frequent entrance used to enter Canada.
9a. Detroit actually sits North of Canada most south part? {Windsor}

10. As of the 2012 census Detroit is now the 18th largest city in America.
10a. Detroit was once was the 6th largest city in America!

love, live and learn  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Transfer: Detroit Section: Floating Post Office

Monday, August 12, 2013

Detroit Section/ Floating Post Office

Floating Post Office?

A fun fact about Detroit to help Detroiters learn and love their city. Detroit is the only city in the United States to have a post office on a boat, but also been assigned its own area code 48222.

The boat has been delivering mail for over 100 years! This starter in 1874 by J.W. Westcott, the boat is called the J.W. Westcott II. The boat deliverers mail along the Ambassador bridge.

J.W. Westcott II is also the only floating post office in the world that delivers to other ships that are already underway!

Love Detroit, she needs you!  

Transfer: Detroit Section/ The oldest soda

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Detroit Section/ The oldest soda

Vernors soda pop was invented in 1866 by Dr. James Vernor.

Dr. Vernors was a pharmacist in Detroit. While working in a drug store he stated experimenting with ginger ale. The story goes he left some of his ginger ale experiment in a cork barrel for 4 years, because he went off to fight in the Michigan Calvary during the Civil War. After returning and opening the cork barrel he noticed the soda had been changed by a aging processes.

So 1896 James Vernor and his son closed the drug store and opened a soda bottle company on Woodward ave south of Jefferson.

He was a leading businessman in Detroit and severed on many boards before he died in Grosse Ile at age 84.

The Vernors company  was trademarked in 1911. It is not the oldest ginger ale soda in America, but it is the oldest surviving ginger ale soda in America to this day!

Detroit and Vernors do hold the title for the oldest ice cream float in America. Long before A & W the most popular ice cream float in America. The Vernors ice cream float is sometimes called a "Boston Cooler". This is done by blending vanilla ice cream and Vernors together in a blender like a milk shake!

Hope you enjoy a Detroit invention! The "Detroit Cooler"!

love Detroit she needs you!   

Transfer: Detroit Section- Salt mines under Detroit

Friday, August 16, 2013

Detroit Section- Salt mines under Detroit

Salt mines under Detroit

One of the unknown jewels of Detroit is that there are huge reserves of salt under the city. About 1200 miles under the lays miles of mines. There is salt rock and halite in the mines.

Salt rock is really called halite, it is a mineral form of sodium chloride. It comes in many shapes and sizes called isometric crystal. It is formed by evaporation of water and other minerals. Generally white or gray, but can come in a wide range of colors.

The salt was created about 400 million years ago, when sea level withdraw and glaciers covered the salt. It is believed to enough salt to last the next 70 million years!

love Detroit, she needs you!  

Monday, December 8, 2014

Transfer: Secrets of the Black Church, held by its Clergymen!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Secrets of the Black Church, held by its Clergymen!

Secrets in the Black Church, held by its Clergymen!

This is a issues that goes all the way back to the start of Black Preachers in the fields of southern America. These Black preachers were hand picked by slave owners to be preachers over the other slaves, as long as he kept the slave owner interest first and God's interest second?

I will now bring one hot topic to the front, to be examined by all. "Please go ask your ministers about this topic to see if am truthful in what am writing about"! For along time now the Black ministers that went to a pastoral college or seminary school knew that Christianity was a adopted religion from "Kemet" Ancient Egypt?

But yet they still preached and taught that Ancient Egyptians were bad people and enslaved the Israelite? Thus promoting the Roman Catholic Church lies and propaganda scheme. Leading to generations of people hating Black Africans, even causing Black African descendants to hate their ancestors and themselves!

If you notice everything against African people by Europeans and White people they claimed it came from the Bible? How is that possible, unless the bible is gear towards making African people bad or unworthy of living, or just simply a cursed people?

Now to the Black man and his part in this? But you have to know a little church history to understand whats going on. The first Black mega church in America was started in Harlem, New York in 1930s during the depression era, by Father Divine {search the blog for more information about him/ the search box is to the right/ enter his name}. Father Divine was a millionaire of dimes and nickles when most Black families didn't even have have bread for dinner? But, after his raise to power he put together a counsel of Black Minister to set forth a agenda for Black people. One of the main topics that came up was releasing the truth to Black people concerning the Bible? Father Divine and other top ministers said "No" do not release the information it would not be in our best interest, and it would be bad for business!!!!

Now to the hero?

Now, to deal with Martin Luther King and the modern Black Church. This is a case of "The blind leading the blind?

Did Martian Luther King know about this also? "Absolutely yes". He wrote about it while attending Crozer college in 1950. The body or subject of the paper was about how Christianity was adopted from Ancient Egyptian "Mystery System Belief"!

In all his interviews, speeches and writings not once, I say again not once did he mention that he knew Christianity was a adopted African religion, from them same bad Egyptians in the Bible!

Isn't that kinda odd when you are suppose to be a unifier for your people and telling them the truth?
Well you have to decide, I just present the truth!

Please Google: MLK writes on the origins of Christianity, from the Mystery Systems.

I promised members of know thy self11, that I would ask the hard question and dig deep! No matter how deep the fall out maybe? So you all demand war, I will give you war, but you need to look no father than the nearest mirror for your enemy! The hatred of self and ones people, is primary reason why Blacks in America can not over come!

My final conclusion, in the advancement of Black people, is that we will never over come anywhere in the world as long as we hold on to Western or European Christian teachings and value system. The Western Christian teachings and value system is gear to be against African and African descendant people.

 love, live and learn      

Transfer: Kemet in the Bible Section- Joseph

Friday, August 16, 2013

Kemet in the Bible Section- Joseph

Kemet in the Bible section, is to show the connections between the Bible and the Kemetic belief system. Many if not all story that are in the Bible come directly from Kemet.

When referring to the Bible in this topic, it is in reference to the Old Testament.

I will give definition of certain words to keep certain readers on pace.

Kemet- the modern day area of Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan.
Bible- referring to Holy Bible {Torah}
Vizier- adviser 
Thutmose- dedication to the Deity {God} Thoth- {Thoth bore him}
Nubia- Southern Egypt and Sudan
Hebrews- are Black African people
Jews- are White{European base or stock} people. Base or stock meaning primary, but mixed ethnically.

The Biblical Joseph is actually the Kemetic Grand Vizier Yuya!
Joseph name in Hebrew is Yosef !
There are so many correlations between the two characters, that without a doubt you will see the story was plagiarize from the Ethiopian Bible {Tewahedo- geez}.

The Ethiopian Bible is much older the Hebrew Bible which is much older than the Christian Bible. The characters of the Bible are based on the characters of the Ethiopian Bible.

Grand Vizier Yuya lived during the 18th dynastic period. This period also is known as the "Thutmose period". He was married to Tjuyu. Yuya was the father to Queen Tiye and her brother Anen. Yuya is the Grandfather of Akhenaten and Great-Grandfather of Tutankham {King Tut}.

Yuya name is spelled many different ways this suggest that he did not originate from Kemet {Egypt} but from a foreign land {unknown}. Yuya did live in a town called Akhmin, Upper Kemet.

There are some whom suggest that Yuya name when spelled in Kemetic is very similar, to the Hebrew spelling {Yosef}? His origin, based on his mummies feature are that of a Nubian. This would definitely make him Hebrew from a physical stand point! The original Hebrews are Black African people!

This information you are about to receive is historical because it directly challenges the Bible. This puts the creditability of the Bible into deep, deep jeopardy.

What am saying to you in simple and plain English is that the Hebrews for a short time ruled ancient Kemet {Egypt}. The secret linage of the Hebrew Pharaohs which is not in the Bible nor suggested in the Bible.
Why do I say secret? Read Psalm 83 in the Bible {KJV}. They tell you the plan for the other nations {Whites and Arabs} to divide and conquer the Israelite {Hebrews- Black African people}   

* *Tip
Hebrew Rulers and Pharaohs in Kemet {Egypt}
1. Queen Tiye
2. Pharaoh Akhenaten
3.Pharaoh Tutankhamen {The boy king}

This would in large make the whole story of the Israelite being bondage a big lie! How could the Israelite be in bondage if their Pharaoh {King} himself sat on the throne?

Similarities of the Yuya and Joesph

1. Both were Hebrews.
2. Both there origins are not known.
3. Both held high office in the Egyptian Royal Court
4. Both were Grand Vizier to the Pharaoh
5. Both became wealth and powerful
6. Both had their families come to Egypt or and family came into power.

Please research info for self!     

live, love and learn        

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Transfer: March on Washingington D.C. 1963 & 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013

March on Washington D.C. 1963 & 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013 will be the 50th anniversary "March on Washington D.C."
This event is remember by Dr. Martian Luther King's "I have a Dream Speech".

The purpose of the blog is also to give the truth or little unknown facts about events in history.

I will have to give my disclaimer before, I continue. Because my personal stands is very unpopular towards MLK. Personally, I do not agree with many of his main stream views. Personally, I think the way he went about desegregation was all the way wrong. I do not feel as a man you, beg another man for anything especially a place at his table! I lean towards the Nation of Islam view on desegregation "For self by Self" meaning do for self and the other man will respect you, now lets negotiate on mutual terms.

Now 1963 March on Washington, First of all this march was not at all like it was portrayed to be! This was suppose to be a militant style protest which most protest are.

When most Black people hear the word militant associated with a Black man, they view it in a derogatory manner, how come, am not really sure? Because my thinking was "a real man stands up for his family, land and freedom"? So when a Black man does this "he becomes militant and that is negative"? The older generations have carried a lot of non- thinking and slave mentality thinking with them through out the years, this needs to change. 

In 1963 those people Marched on Washington D.C. because they were angry, I say very angry! Because the fact of the matter was President John F. Kennedy won the 1960 president election and had not delivered not one piece of legislation down to congress in the way of a Civil Rights Bill for Blacks! Not only no rights were being worked on, but now the inner cities were dealing with urban flight. Urban flight took mostly all the jobs with them to the suburbs, especially the good paying jobs.

So Black people took a bold step and they wanted to confront John F. Kennedy and his administration for their lies and betrayal to Black people who gave their vote to Kennedy based on he would pass a Civil Rights Bill for Blacks. Blacks rallied together before Kennedy would leave office in 1964 to see if he would pass a bill for Civil Rights?

The estimates are 200,000 to 300,000 people attend the March on Washington. The march was originally for Black laborers about 10,000 of them organized by Baynard Rustin and others. Baynard Rustin was originally meant to lead the March on Washington, but after the "Big Six" the 6 main organizers met with Kennedy about the protest, he warned them that any militant or violence would be met with force, from him! {President Kennedy}

This is when they {Big 6} decide to bring in a less fearful person, Dr. Martin Luther King! This is not widely discuss or shared but this caused a major division among Blacks Leader and Black people! Many did not want Dr. King to represent them, "they felt he was to soft, timid and weak" to lead the protest and get results!

A lesser known fact the Kennedy's hated Martin Luther King! JFK felt MLK was a thorn in his side, because Coretta Scott King was always calling asking the Kennedy's {John & Bobby} for federal troops to protect MLK during his protest. Also Coretta Scott King was always calling and demanding that the Kennedy's call and get MLK out of jail and to make sure no harm came to him during his stay's in jail. This put a lot of tension between JFK and his democrat base in the southern states! Which was leading towards not supporting him and no re-elect!

Kennedy understand his position, and welcome MLK as the leader of the protest as a lesser of the two evils in his eye sight, only because he knew that Baynard Rustin would be way more militant than King would be, and probably would not leave until a Civil Rights Bill for Blacks was written and submitted to congress before he left, and JFK had no plans of dealing with Black issues until his second term as President if then? So this is why in general people felt Kennedy supported the protest, but Kennedy had just dodge a huge political bullet, in the way of not having to deal with Baynard Rustin and the older more keen and militant leaders of the Civil Rights Movement.

Militant does not always mean violent, as many would have you believe!
Example: This topic you are reading could be viewed as militant, because it goes against a general consistence of some people which makes me seem like a radical!

Example.2: Jesus Christ was consider militant also? Because his views were radical for the time period in-which he lived. He spoke out against injustice and the Roman Empire.

Example.3: Early Christian explores to the New World were violent, who killed, raped and enslaved in the name of God! That is what you call violent. This blog has only hurt feelings of some people, but no physical acts have occurred nor been aspired to do so.

Many Africans and Native Americans lost their lives in the name of Christ! Why do think Blacks are so fearful when it comes to Christianity? Not so much unto God as they would have you believe, but in the culture and genetic {d.n.a.} FEAR is reinforce by death from the White MAN! {another topic/ thus explaining why Black people in America are the only people who pray to a God that does not look like them physically/ a white, blue eyed Jesus}!!!

The final conclusion, that I have many points of interest not crediting MLK as a great leader. I do love MLK still because he tried to do something he, did not sit on the side lines criticizing everyone else for their attempts to do something. Yes, I feel he was a very weak leader, and hurt us as a people moving forward!

Why, I say this because I have studied the White man intensely for over 25 years! I have study the art of war/ and political methods for over 25 years. The first thing I learned is that the White man does not give credit to any Black man unless, I say again unless that Black has benefit the cause and interest of the White man greatly! {Supreme Justice- Clarence Thompson} 

Secondly understanding war and political methods of the world, no enemy promotes a hero of the enemy unless he 1. works for them secretly! 2. Is not really a factor to them, {the enemy} 3. They want the weak leader to stay in power so that a stronger leader does not emerge and defeat them.

Why not keep promoting MLK {the enemy} if you study numbers from 1963 to 2013, Black have lost ground in every area except SELL- OUTS {the entertainment industry} this is the only area Blacks have gained any ground since 1963!!!

I said all that to say this, I will be in Washington D.C. for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington! Being together does not mean everyone does same thing or think a like its about supporting one another in the same struggle. In life there is usually more than one road to get to a destination, MLK had his road, I have mine, but I still support my Brother!

Thanks MLK!

love, live and learn                                  

Transfer: Fred Hampton- Black Panther

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fred Hampton- Black Panther

                                                       Fred Hampton- Black Panther
                                                               Gone but not forgotten!

Fred Hampton was a person I learned about early in my studies, he aspired me to make change for what is right!

Fred Hampton was a member of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panthers. He lived and worked in Chicago {Maywood}. He studied pre-law at Triton Junior College, to learn how to stop police brutality. One of the things the Black Panthers would go out and do is watch police officer during arrest to make sure the citizen rights were not being violated.

Fred also worked with the local NAACP branch, as leader of the youth council. When working the Black Panther he successfully negotiated a non- aggression pact with Chicago biggest gangs! He also organized multi- racial community council. It was Fred Hampton that first used the word or term "Rainbow Coalition" which later Rev. Jesse Jackson coined "Rainbow/ Push Coalition".It was Fred Hampton that started the free breakfast program for kids in Chicago!

Fred had become a rising start in the community, and had started receiving national attention which caught the eye of F.B.I. director J. Eager Hoover. Which seen the Black Panther and Fred Hampton as a thereat to national security. This is what started and lead to the raid on Fred Hampton which left him dead at age 21!

Thank you, Fred Hampton for all you did!

love, live and learn       

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Transfer: The Ghetto is a Goverment Policy pt1

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Ghetto is a Government Policy pt.1

The Ghetto is a Government Policy:

In this topic, I will explain the purpose of ghetto's from a government stand point.

This information is the secret within the secret of racism. Blacks in American, really do not understand racism as a business!

Racism is a huge business one of the biggest industries in America!
Let me give a brief introduction of the business of racism.

a. Slavery of course, was more about economics than anything else.
b.The Civil War wasn't about freeing the slaves, the war was about companies in the north not being able to compete, against slave wages in the south.
c. Establish a penal system that mirrored slavery, to establish a legal form of slavery.
d. The school system in America was not unified because of the win over Brown vs. Board of Topeka, but the truth of the matter it was a money issue, that most states could not afford to no long run two different schools system, one for Whites and another for Blacks! 
e.The banking industry "red lining" on interest payments on all loans to Blacks to keep payments of White customers cheaper.
f. The NON- GUARANTEE of FHA loans to Whites who lived near Blacks?
The NON- GUARANTEE of FHA loans to Whites in 1950's & 60's created ghettos! This means Whites had a good reason not to live around Blacks.

The NON- GUARANTEE of loans to Whites is what I want to really address! So if Whites have to chose where to live because its a economical decision, then what do you do with the Blacks?

Easy answer you create a community for them called the GHETTO! The ghetto would almost be a cure- all for Whites, for their problems of dealing with Blacks in the inner city. Besides keeping Blacks out of White neighborhoods, they could now control and monitor Blacks efficiently, now because they a large portion of them lived in one area.

This would be done by reassign police officer back to their original task in America, as slave catchers?

The Fraternal Order of Police Officer started out as slave catchers whom patrolled the Mason- Dixon line between the North and South on the look- out for run- away slaves to return them to their masters for a finders- fee!

So the northern & western states experienced a mass migration from the rural south, as Blacks left in record number causing a exodus of epic size as Blacks left to go on a quest for a better life in the north from the late 40s to the mid 70s.

One very effective way of dealing with Blacks, was the construction of Projects. Many Projects had been started in the 30s from the new deal {Pres. Franklin Roosevelt}. This dealt with the first wave of Blacks and it worked very successfully. Now by the 50s, project started to appear everywhere there was a large population of Blacks living there.

With this legal segregation in place, prejudice by Whites was turn into full- blown racism now! Now much like slavery many Whites seen this as a way to profit off, of Blacks whom wanted to do better in life. Remembering that the projects originally where designed for the working poor? So Whites, knew Blacks could not get loans, if they did, it was at a very high interest rate. So this made everything that Blacks need cost more, than the usual price, or going rate. This meant as long as Whites or Non- Blacks{Arabs & Asians}controlled the market place profits would remain high for shop keepers!

Segregation- means, a enforced separation.

When dealing with housing Blacks where preyed upon by White and Jewish slum lords. Remembering that poor Whites, Jews and a few Blacks where the first tenants in the project homes and neighborhoods. So as Whites and Jews left the poor neighborhoods around and near projects they still owned the homes and buildings, which they rented and lease to Blacks at ridiculous prices or had moderate prices but never fixed anything thus making their  profits high also because of no reinvestment cost into the properties.  

Ghetto- defined, the Jewish quarter of a city!

One trick the FHA done was to make affordable housing, only in the way of attracting undesirable to live in these certain zoned areas, thus creating a ghetto, which the name project or projects would arise from!

Project defined
a. a business designed created to achieve a specific  aim.
b. a science experiment designed to achieve a certain aim.

The FHA was designed in it's interception {1937} to protect and shield White neighborhoods from being infused with Black or minority people. The FHA, even went as far as to hire field scouts to watch and monitor communities of all Whites, all Blacks and mixed communities to see what outcomes where or adjustments were need.

By the time of the 1950's when President Eisenhower declares he wanted to connect America from sea to sea by highway, freeway and byway{ Federal Highway Act 1956}. All government agencies gave their input and information. But the secret information of the FHA was held in high regards to the Eisenhower administrative members. Because flourishing all Black neighbors would be relocated to make way for new highways or in the same manner for none flourishing all Black neighborhoods that sat to close to White communities, those Black communities would be disband also.

Example: In Detroit there was a very popular and flourishing street in a all Black neighborhood called Hasting Street- {Eastside of Detroit called Paradise Valley/ Black Bottom/ the new Tiger Stadium}
John Lee Hooker {blues musician} record cover had a picture of Hasting Street on it! Hasting Street community was equivalent to New York City, Harlem and Chicago's southside neighborhoods! They relocated and disband the community and put I- 75, right through the middle!

Now even with redirecting of some FHA policy to the newly created HUD {Housing and Urban Development 1965} many courts across America have ruled that HUD polices are very racists! Some say even more so than FHA, because HUD was design to deal directly with the so called "Nigger Problem" thus evidence in the name of the agency HOUSING and URBAN DEVELOPMENT. This problem has been acknowledge by past and present White House administration.

I will make a part 2, to this topic. I do not wish to make this to overwhelming, because this a emotional topic because many Blacks have had bad experience with these particular government agency in the wake of the last mortgage melt down or GREAT RECESSION!

love, live and learn           

Transfer: The Ghetto is a Government Policy pt2

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Ghetto is a Government Policy pt2.

The Ghetto is a Government Policy pt2.

We are going to pick up with HUD. But now we are going to concentrate on the development side of HUD. Starting in the 50s a plan was being devised to populate the suburbs, so that Whites would not have to live next to Blacks. This is known as suburban migration.

Suburban Migration {urban flight}- the migration of the 50s from the urban core to the suburban areas.

At this time land deals are being made between farmers and big business. This actually goes on for about 40 years from the 50s to 90s. {this is important to remember later} The auto industry becomes a major player in these land deals. At this time auto jobs are the top paying jobs for the common man.

Especially in Michigan the home of the auto industry. Factory are built in suburbs and whole communities where built around theses factories.

The Ford family are one of the largest land owners in America!
Factory were built with communities around facility Chrysler Trenton 1952.

This urban flight situation was really the underlying problem for the nation riots in 1967. The frustration of the social situations of 60s that major companies all over America had moved to the suburbs and left few or any good paying jobs in urban areas.

HUD was established in 1965, to address a urban renewal plan, but from the looks of things it was a little to late, or simply not progressive enough. As poor housing and working condition sparked the 1967 riots!

So what has HUD done towards the renewal plan for urban areas, besides create ghetto's, ask your self, you probably seen little or nothing. It was not until private industry became interest in urban area starting in the 90s did the government even look to do anything in urban areas.

Now to update you on urban areas, all across the country but especially in my hometown of Detroit, Michigan there is a hidden agenda in urban areas. A redirection of thinking on the part of the government, private industry and young White Americans. They want major cites/ urban areas back "by all means necessary"!

I will use two similar cities for a example; because their stories are well documented New Orleans and Detroit. Both cities in the 90s had very high poverty rates, but America was on record pace financial, in the boom era which lasted a record 15 years! But yet the two cities suffer from high poverty rate because of high unemployment rates, no jobs, inadequate housing, high crime rates which both cities went back and forth for the highest murder rate in the country, due to uncontrollable influx of drugs to these areas! 

Understanding the hidden hand of the government. If Ronald Regan the republican savior launch a war on drugs in the 80s, how come in the mid 90s you have a explosion of drugs in urban areas 10 to 15 years later? Drugs in the 90s were so prevalent that it changed the entire culture of America which is known as the "Bling Era"! Also sparked mineral wars all around the world especially in West Africa known as the "Blood Diamond Conflict" {the movie blood diamond was inspired by these events}. 

Then in New Orleans, hurricane Katrina hits, but reaction time was slow and noneffective by the government, why? To force the people out of prime land, wanted for development. Also falsely blaming the then Black Mayor Ray Nagin. All the land has not been taken or developed yet, because of legal entanglements. They underestimated the will of the Black community to fight for their land! 

Now to the understanding of a classic political witch hunt involving Detroit ex- mayor Kwame Kilpatrick?   

Let me state this before continuing on Kwame, am not saying he is innocent of any of his crimes! But what I am saying what he was convicted of is common practice in life as well as politics! Let me also state in matters of corruption when dealing with a industry such as politics, you correct the industry behavior with new laws and rules not laws geared to keep one individual out of a industry that is called "Black- balling" someone!

Briefing of Detroit ex- mayor Kwame conviction, perjury? On trial for murder of a stripper/ topless dancer, convicted of lying about a affair with a staff member, not the stripper? {how does that even go to together}. Giving business contracts to friends and family is common practice in politics.

Example: Needed for Black people, especially those in Detroit!
Okay he lied about an affair with staff member, but he did not lie about the murder at all, no connection ever made to this day! Next in a court of law how is the affair with a staff member prevalent to the murder? Did the ex- mayor or staff member get involved with the murder in any way? NO, NOT AT ALL! So how was this allowed and was permissible in court? They had to find him guilty on something, so that got him on a lie, about affair and not a murder!

Next government contracts, vice president Dick Cheney the {ex- chair-member of Halliburton} wins a blanket contract in Iraq, for a undisclosed amount of money, totally in the billions! Talk about helping friends {poor Kwame if he was White, he would have been a hero}.    

Now to help Black Folks remember yall had a Black President before Obama? Bill Clinton, yeah him!
He lied also about a affair he had with his staff member "Monica Lewinsky", he denied having sex with her also until she present the dress with semen on it. Then Bill recanted his statement saying he did not know "ORAL SEX, WAS SEX"? Then made a public apology and it all went away

So it is okay for a White President to have a affair, but not a Black Mayor?  Wake -up Black folks yall been tricked again! I went through all that to prove that racism exist in government, same situation totally different out come!         

Now with Kwame out of the way, Whites are buying Detroit up at a record pace! They are also moving back into Detroit at a record pace, almost as fast as they left!

HUD redirection plan move the Blacks out or to a specific side of town to control and monitor them! Now you see companies and private investors racing into Detroit, Starbucks, Tim Horton and Meijers these store never want to do business in Detroit before, why now?

love, live and learn         

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hair Weave- is it a social problem?

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hair Weave- is it a social problem?

Hair Weave - Historically

Black Women and Black Men have both worn head dressing as it is called formally. This has been going on forever in Africa. The difference from today is that the African people wore hair from real human hair/ Black hair!

This is the point, I want to make is that weave is bad of course, but why do beautiful Black women have to wear hair weave that looks European in style and texture?

So lets go hard, for a second on the Queens! No other women in the world puts on fake hair as much as Black women in America why? No other women in the world try to look like a woman from another race so much why? Plus its a multi- billion dollar industry which no Black people are major players in the business? I have written blogs before, explaining the dangers of none human hair.

SISTER'S CHEMICALLY MADE WEAVE CAUSE CANCER!!! It has been proven this is why for the most part hair weave processing and manufacturing is not done in the states, cause of probable law suits, due to the chemicals used to process the weave, even the hair glue is very toxic!

Dear sister's the whole beauty process you all are doing is toxic! They killing yall! The fake nails are toxic! Don't you see them Asians wearing mask when doing your nails? Where is your mask? Those chemicals cause cancer! {lung cancer especially} The hair glue is toxic, so toxic the ingredients are not even labeled! {the only other thing with no ingredients label is cigarettes} think about sister's!

That's the health side of the whole hair weave issue!

Now to go harder, the sociological effect it is having on our people. Black Women will always claim how strong they our, and they are strong, no doubt about that!

So lets take a look in the mirror from a sociological stand point, you have a Black woman claiming to be strong but the first thing you see or notice is she looks European?

So lets address the outward appearance of the Black Women, and see how this plays out?

1. I would say respect is sometimes, well most time given based on outward appearances, because in America we dress based upon how we feel or think, or who we think we are, we sort of wear are feeling or personalities in are clothing!

Sometime shy women cover up when dressing. Sometime confident women reveal it all. Its our culture in America rather we agree or not!

So what does it say to others when you decide to look like a person from another race, in this case White women? Now here is the irony in this whole situation, for the most part White women and Black women have a very strained relationship in general, especially on the professional level. Which I observed while attending college, I seen how White women had open arms for me, but shunned away from Black women! {Thank you, Katrina for showing me that}

Now for a little humor, sister's how would it look if Black men claimed to be strong but wore wigs looking like White men?

African men living in the colonial era of America 1500- 1700, wearing them white wigs, trying look like a Black George Washington, them brothers look crazy as hell, like straight sell outs! But truth of the matter those brothers that wore the wigs were well to do Blacks and free from slavery, but their minds where enslaved because they wanted to look like a White man! Could that same scenario exist for Black women today? I think so, but am not the judge, sister's you are! 

2. Black men are marrying White women by the droves! White Woman act just like Black Women, first of all women are women regardless of color and race, that is a myth! A Big White Lie!  Could this be because of the Black woman's pursuit to have a European appearance?

I know people fall in love for different reason, am just suggesting some unseen or not discuss factors?

3. Black boys growing up not wanting to date Black girls or women? I am yet to understand that concept? So how is it a young Black man, with a Black mother, Grand- mother, aunts and sisters turn around say I do not date Black women period! What happened in that household to produce that attitude towards Black women? Yes, culture {music & television} does play a part to degree, but this is most likely a core issue out of the home. When you say I prefer White women that's totally different from saying I NEVER DATE Black women or I want date a Black woman!


We love you Black woman, you do not have to look like nobody else, check this out, if the men you date prefer Black women who look like White women it is him with the problem not you! Love who God made you!

These were all just suggest to some alarming problems in our community, just some ideas to think about for all of us!

love, live and learn

Transfer: Hair is Conscious?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hair is Conscious?

Hair is Conscious?

This is a follow up topic to-  Hair weave is it a social problem? First let me address the old topic before going into the new topic!!!

The whole hair weave topic was not intend as a attack on sister's! Anybody that knows me, will tell you, I am very liberal when it comes to women and women rights!

I am a true African, and in belief especially! {Kemetic} This means we as Africans totally support women to the fullest. Meaning that a man doesn't fully understand life, until he has had a wife! A King can not be a King without a Queen! A God can not be a God without a Goddess! We total reject any belief system of a God without a female! {European/ Western Christianity}
In our African/ Eastern Christianity the highest royal position belongs to a woman! {The Kings- Mother}. So you see my belief system, empowers woman to the fullest!

The next thing about the topic, is that is titled as a QUESTION not a statement! Am asking people what do you think? Not telling them anything! I do SUGGEST some facts to support my opinion, but am not claiming them to be the undisputed truth! The ideas especially do not apply to every woman! So if you read the topic and felt it was not right but did not apply to you anyway? What are you really saying?

Now on to the current topic "Hair is Conscious?"

So a deep telephone debate started over the older topic of hair which lead to me showing the person the information am about to discuss now to farther and expand on the topic, now we are going hard!

Queens, I was trying to wake yall up, not upset you, but if upsetting you will wake you up, I have no problem with that either!

This whole hair topic is a spiritual level or consciousness am trying to get you to see! If you got perms and or weave/ extensions- dead hair from another human it is all the same it is a unnatural state you are in!

Unlike  Black men who are under European ideology and belief, {niggas}. The conscience Black man, under African ideology and belief {kemetic}, totally understand we can not be totally free nor liberated without the Black woman{Queen} without her being free and liberated also, from European ideology {spiritually, mental and physical}. If we can not reach our Queens then we are forced to stay here {a state of HELL} with her because we damn sure not leaving her along. If we wanted to leave, we can't leave anyway because the Black woman is the key to the Black man existing on any level life!

So we need are woman to adopt a more natural state of being on this physical plane we are on, so we can use her in-depth spirituality to talk to God. What am I saying?

1. First of all woman are way more spiritual then men are, any man!!! She poses many hidden talents unknown and not explainable to man. The Black woman can instantly go to the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions of the universe without even thinking about it! As far as men go we have to train a life time, and still not make to the 4th dimension? {we are currently in the 3rd dimension thus the abbreviation 3d}.

2. The God Factor/ melanin/ dark matter! This is where hair comes into play. Melanin is what you need to connect with God. Melanin is produce in every organ of the human body because it is so important. Now science class, in biology the skin is a organ, it is the biggest organ on your body! It is called the "Integumentary system" . Hair and nails are also part of this system! So if your skin is your biggest organ that means it would produce the largest amount of melanin! Thus if you are Blacker, then your God Factor would be greater or and stronger then most. So what is the darkest or Blackest thing on your body? your HAIR!!!

3. Now adding 1. and 2. together you see how powerful the Black woman is!!! She has a un- matched spirituality. She has a hyper- drive to jump dimensions, plus high content of melanin/ God factor element!

Now you are starting to see the importance of the Black woman and her hair! Wait, am not done.
Now to explain the whole hair issue clearly. The hair works like antenna to picking up frequency from God, to talk to God directly!

The hair works like antenna off a television when picking up reception. The hair even has electricity in it carrying a natural charge! You may have notice this when combing your hair or a person with long hair, you sometimes get shocked?               

But if you have a perm, weave/ extension or dead human hair in your head, you have no or blocked reception to talk to God! This is the social problem with weave, our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters have blocked or no reception to talk to God, about the spiritual matters of our people!

So, am crazy right! I know, but keep reading a little more?

Locks/ dreadlocks are very spiritual not only for Rastafarian {some, Jamaican people} , who believe in our true bloodline from Ethiopia! But also Jesus Christ {a Black man} wore locks also, he belong to many priesthoods, but one was very powerful with God. This group of high priest was called the Nazarites!

Nararites are not to be confused with people from the city of Nazarene, two total different groups! Nararites are all thought out the Bible, the bibles mention a few of them Jesus, Samson and Paul! John the Baptist we feel strongly, but no concrete evidence to claim?
Remember the story of Samson? They cut his HAIR and he loss his powers!  
Holy Bible:
Book of Numbers ch.6 ver: 1- 21
Book of Judges ch. 13 ver: 3- 5
Book of Acts ch. 18 ver: 18
Unfortunately the Holy Bible is bias towards women, no proof in Bible to show, only proof I have is in African {kemetic} studies.

Perm- define in short: Perm stands for permanent/ a permanent- state- of- mind! meaning once you put a perm in your hair the process can never be undone! Even if you cut the perm out of the hair, the hair- follicle is still damage and never  returns to its natural state again!!!

So as you see hair is very important to the conscience state of the Black people {Africans} this is why it must be consider a social issue?

love, live and learn 

Transfer: Revisit Hair:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Revisit Hair

Revisited Hair?

What am trying to relay to the reader is a spiritual connection! But a lot of the people am trying to reach are so unfocused that the message eludes them? They so caught up on the physical, the message about hair was totally missed, that not one, I  repeat not one address the spiritual aspect of HAIR!

So we gone revisited hair again this type from the spiritual side. This takes use into melanin!

Melanin- define: a dark brown or black pigment occurring in the HAIR, skin and the iris of the eye!

Melanin- define: {metaphysical meaning} the unseen factor in the universe, it is a molecule in everything God made! It is used for communication to talk to God directly {before the invention of modern religions Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc:}.  In the universe it is called dark matter {it is the most abundant substance in the universe}. It is pure energy, like nothing you have ever seen or known before!

Personal statement:
Sister you all are so caught- up physical appearance! That you are not even consider hair as part of a spiritual experience in your life! I had to come at you, side- ways to get you to read the blog or topic!!!

No, I do not think my sister want be European {white} looking! Absolutely not! But one thing yall are, that I feel is very true, is that  "Drama Queen" situation! So I had to bait you in, in order to read the topic! But it got to emotional and the message was missed this is why, I have to slow it down and give it to you again!

Melanin is a chemical produce in every organ of the body, mostly in the pineal glands in the brain and skin {intgumentary  system}. Melanin is visible on dark skinned people! Hue- man

explanation of the word human/ being?
Human comes from the word Hue- Man
Hue- means: having color
Man- means: man kind/ women and men
Being- a spirit or having a spirit/ soul

Thus meaning: a colored {black} man, with a spirit/ soul. Human Being
The word described Black people at one time because there where no White people on the earth at one point, or that we knew of any white people to much later in history!!!

Melanin gives you, your spirit or soul, thus connecting you directly to the Creator!
So know I will give you Holy Bible reference to people whom master their melanin or God factor!

The first lesson will be with hair. There is a scared priesthood which dedicated themselves to God called the Nazarites! Not to be confused with people from the city of Nazarene. Two total different groups of people. Some members of the Nazarite priesthood Jesus Christ, Samson, Paul and John the Baptist? Proof of this can be found in the following books of the Holy Bible:

Book of Numbers: ch.6 ver: 1- 21
Book of Judges: ch. 13 ver. 3- 5
Book of Acts: ch 18 ver 18

Melanin is so powerful, that if you master it you can overcome a physical death!!!
Meaning that you can turn your energy up {melanin}, meaning you can vibrate to high plane and leave the physical plane we currently exist on!

1. Enoch escaped a physical death?
Book of Hebrew ch. 11 ver: 5- 7

The Holy Bible is not the original Bible! The original Bible is the Ethiopian Bible! Thus the complete story of Henoch {Enoch} can be found!

2. Elijah did not die either of a physical death! He was alive {physical body} when he went to heaven
Book of 2 Kings ch.2 ver: 11 

3. Moses did die, but not because of old age? Moses did because his work or appointed task was completed. So God buried Moses, this being the reason no one knows where his grave is at!
Book of Deuteronomy ch.35 ver: 5- 8

Please read foot notes and additional information to understand better! Remember your Bible is incomplete so you must look a little farther for the truth or complete story!

know thy self, Black People the Bible is full of clues to send you on your quest for self! But, you must read!

love, live and learn

Transfer: Where did Friday 13th come from?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Where did Friday 13th come from?

Where did Friday 13th come from?
Is Friday 13, really bad luck or a unlucky day? 

Friday 13, comes from Knight Templar legend.

* Tip
Knight Templar: was the military division for the Roman Catholic Church.They fought against the Muslims in the crusades for over 1,000 years. The crusades were started by European Kings to gain control of the Holy Land {Jerusalem} from the Muslims and the wealth of the land.

The legend of Friday 13, comes from the death of the Grand Master of the Order of Knights Templar's Jacques de Molay. Jacques a Frenchman was feared by the Friar {King} of France Philip V {Philip the fair}. The Knights Templar army had become to big and to strong. This made the Friar of France fearful and threaten his power on the throne, plus the heavy debt he owed the Knights Templar. So Philip V pressured Pope Clements V that he need to disband the order of Knights Templar before they became more powerful and took total control of Europe!

So on Friday, October 13, 1307 many members of the Knight Templar and the Grand Master Jacques de Molay were round up and false accused of treason and devil worshiping among other things. Then order to be burned alive at the stake! Before the Grand Master died he cursed Pope Clement V and Philip V that they would be dead soon and join him in hell! Both Pope Clement V and Philip V died shortly after they were cursed.

The Knight Templar went underground and into many other secret societies Free- Masons, Rosicrucian and Illuminati etc. Thus keeping the story alive about the Knight Templar.

The Free- Mason influence in the America has kept the legend alive here that movies have demonized the day. Along with myths that some buildings do not have a 13th floor? Some airplanes do not have a 13th seat?

love, live and learn