Thursday, February 12, 2015

Transfer: Black History Month Icon/ Elijah Muhammad

Black History Month- Cultural Icon/ Elijah Muhammad

Elijah Muhammad is a man of vision. This is why he is being Honor on the blog because of his vision of a nation within a nation for Black people. His is a charachter of controversity I will admit!

I understand some of the things he taught and some things I do not understand. I will touch on his calling White/ European people devils and believing that they were actually devils.

My personal opinion is that in the 1930s when Elijah Muhammad started the Nation of Islam, Blacks were being very oppressed by White/ European people. During this time Blacks where stilling being lynched in America, and this was a very common practice! The lasted recorded lynching in America was in the 1980s. So from a Black mans view during these times the White/ European mans actions did seem very evil and devilish.

So in order to protect Black people we need a organization that was willing to deal with the treatment of Black people in America right then! Not later, another broken promise by Whites in America. We need a place of refuge from lynching, the rape of our women by White men, without a charge never being filed aganist them.

The greastest contribution Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam give all Blacks in America was that he help fought aganist the "house Nigga mentality" that Blacks were strongly starting to adapt to at the time. This is still a major problem among Blacks in America. We still our divide in the last hour between, the two (2) theroies of "house and field nigga"! Many of our so- called eduacted negro's side with the White man policies and adgenda aganist Black people, their own people!

The Honorable Elijah Muhammed gave us Black unity and pride. The Nation of Islam supported and started many Black business giving us a Black community! A nation with in a nation!

Thank you, Elijah Muhammad

This subject is to deal with the theories and ideaology of the educated negro, and the danger of their thinking!

Eduacted Negros will speak aganist welfare and how Black people are lazy and need to get a job!
First of all this is very true all races of people need a job, this must be understood with a great deal of understanding from the educated Negro and their Republican Party buddies. Also,welfare is not the problem with America's budget. The problem is over- spending and a unfair tax rate between the rich and the poor!

Now to deal with the subject of the educated- house nigga, and their self- hatred belief system?

First of all for the record Whites recieve way more welfare assistance then Black people!

Secondly, the drian on the system from a welfare stand point is social security {SSI} which few Blacks even get!

Thrid the major problem is a two- fold problem, roled into one is the unfair taxes system of corporate America, especially the oil industry which has made the largest profits in American history over the last 100 years is heavily subsidies by the American government!

So the question is to the educated negro is how does the most profitable industry in American history deserve a subsidides{corporate welfare}. Now to add insult to injury the people who own these companies are then taxed at a lesser rate after recvieving a subsidie on their the company's profit.

Now, I will explian the self- hatered of the educated negro in all this. So after the rich recieve a tax break on their personal and businees taxes, the middle class is left with the tab of supporting America from their taxes. This is the tax bracket most educated negros fall into upper- middle class to lower- middle class! So these educated fools agree to their personal taxes being the highest to give the rich break and excuse them for not paying their share, then turn around and blame the poor, which many of these educated negros come from!!! Talk about a mind job!

Middle class is from 100,000 to 500,000 dollars anually.

But sadly this is the theory and ideaolgy of your so- called Black Republican! I guess Herman Cain- the Black Business man who ran for President in 2012 was enough for these educated negros!

So I will tell the educated negro, what they do not understand is that Blacks are not include in the Republican parties agenda, in other words "Nigga you ain't even invited to the party" but we will take your support and money to oppress you and your people!

The educated negro is the educated fool!

My name is Erik Boyd and I proudly endorse this message!

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