Thursday, February 12, 2015

Transfer: Black History Month- Black Wall Street

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Black History Month- Black Wall Street

This is a important story of how Blacks learn to do for self and became very successful doing so! This doing for self made some Blacks very rich in return this also made some Whites very angry, and they started a race riot! This all took place in the early 1900s in the Greenwood {a Black Neighborhood} of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

                             Black History Month- Cultural Icons/ O.W. Gurley & Black Wall Street

In the early 1900s in the Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma there lived many successful and rich Black people, some where even multi- millionaires!

This was uncommon in America but not that rare for Blacks to be rich in America! Actually the truth of the matter is Blacks are poorer then ever! That's the real truth, ever since desegregation in the 1960s with  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blacks have been losing ground in home ownership, Business ownership, and overall community wealth {money in the bank as a people}. The Asian community holds the title, now of holding on and spending their money with each other, community wealth.

Black people where making so much money that this area was nicknamed Black Wall Street, after the street the stocks and exchange build sits on in New York City. This area thrive until the 1960s with the start desegregation.

This is a really important story because, until this day Blacks really do not understand what they are dealing with, it is not so much racism is the problem, as it is capitalism!!! Racism is just a tool used to keep Blacks out of certain situations "MONEY"! This is called protectionism in economics, you protect your interest. One problem for Black people is that they are a very emotional people so they want to fit in and be as one due to their African Culture! But this emotion is misguided by certain Blacks and Whites. We have the educated Blacks who really want to be White, because all the people in their world who hold power are White! This is known as the "house nigga- mentality"! The rich Whites then work on the uneducated Blacks through materialism! The Whites say to the poor Blacks "nope, its true your not smart, but do not worry we can fit you in and make you look like the smart niggas, just buy the designer clothing and cars we tell the smart niggas to promote for us!

 All at the same time they know you will never fit in because the system is not design for you to fit in, but its fun and profitable for the White man to play on your emotion, a so- called equality resulting  in a "house nigga effect"!

Now understanding Oklahoma during the early 1900s, it was booming due to the oil industry and spin- off industries! Many wealth people and families lived there including some Blacks. You have to know the real or secret American history of  America to understand it!

There are many Blacks that lived in Oklahoma due to slavery, many Blacks ran West not only North because of two (2) main reasons the first, the police force in America where slave catchers who patrolled the Mason- Dixon line, to catch run- away slaves!

This is another topic but may help Blacks understand the poor relationship between Blacks and the police,Tthe Fraternal Police order was started by a group of Ku Klux Klans members, slave catchers! They patrol, catch and return Black people to their White owners!

So the second (2nd) reason is the mixed up identity of  Native Americans! Like any other people in the world {northern hemisphere} if you live in the South, the darker you are commonly {this is the very short answer}. So Native Americans are no different light skinned in the North and dark skinned in the South. Which helps me to debunk {expose the falsehood of slavery by Native Americans}.

Many Native Americans where sent to Oklahoma on the trail of tears from the South- Eastern states {Tennessee, Georgia Alabama and Mississippi} for their valuable land. So the story goes by White American histiorains, that these Indians had so many slaves they took all the slaves with them to Oklahoma from the South- Eastern states this is how so many blacks got to Oklahoma?

I am a Black Cherokee and Black Choctaw-man and this story that White America tells is the craziest story ever told! {another topic on the trail tears}.

So you have to know all this information to help debunk the ideas of Blacks always being poor and never having nothing until the era of the minstrel 1920s until now, and all we know and did was sing and dance! The GREATEST LIE EVER TOLD!

Now the story picks up with a important man named, O. W Gurley whom found the Greenwood section of Tulsa. He bought the land forty (40) acres and developed it. He also had owned land in Arkansas where he was from. So he is what we call today a land developer!

Now listen to this part of the story, the main street on Mr. Gurley land was called Greenwood! Name after the city in Mississippi where so many of the people came from to settle, escaping the oppression of the Black Codes or Jim Crow Laws of the South! So this show a trend that Black people did not always go north but many went west to settle!

So many people came to the area where Blacks were already at the town became a rest heaven or boom town for Blacks. So Mr. Gurley open a boarding house and bought a 80 acre farm and employed Blacks at what they new best farming! So the town began to grow and Mr. Gurley built a church and other amenities to the town and this is how Greenwood "Black Wall Street" came to be!

O.W. Gurley believed again if Blacks worked together we would achieve are goals quicker and better!

Black Tulsa was destroyed and rebuild partly in 1921 after the race riots, by Whites!

Am sorry for leaving the topic so many times! But Americas especially Blacks do not have a real view of history so I feel I have to feel in the blanks to make the story complete and understandable to someone who is just learning about self and their people!

To the educated negro, all your education is useless if you do not help others {Blacks} and only concern with self and riches for self! You are more of danger than any racist White man because are a wolf-in-sheep clothing! You are a profiteer the worst type person! Remember this mark my words the world is changing quickly Black people are not dumb or fearful as you and your masters {some Whites} think! The day is coming soon of the return of the Black Wall Street!

Thank you, Cultural Icon O.W. Gurley for your vision of a wealth Black community owned and controlled by us Blacks!

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