Thursday, February 12, 2015

Transfer: Black History Month- Cultrual Icon

Black History Month- Cultrual Icon

I am a Eastern Christian {Ma-at Principles}. But, I am also obedient to Allah, and adhere to the laws of the Torah!

Some may ask how can this be? Can I be confused? How is this possible?
First I am, a Black man, of  Black African and Black Native American {Cherokee and Choctaw} descent!

Religion is a way a man chose to submit his will {humble & grateful} to the Creator! Am grateful to have secret knowledge that Christianity and Islam was here way before any White man sit foot on what would be called America {Amexem}. Religion is carried and reintroduced by Africans no matter where they go!

This topic will introduce a man who has change the modern ideology of Black people and their religions, but little is known of him?

                                                 Cultural Icon/ Duse Mohamed Ali
                                    Duse Mohamed Ali Legacy of Black Leaders in America

Duse Mohamed Ali is simply the undisputed truth! If it was not for him, am not sure what kinda of Black Movement would have taken place in America?

First before I get into him let me show the line of procession so you will see the immediate effect and how huge of a impact he made!

Duse Mohamed Ali, was a personal friend and personal mentor of Marcus Garvey. Marcus Garvey was the personal mentor of  Noble Drew Ali.

Noble Drew Ali is the founder of The Moorish Science Temple of America.

Moorish Science Temple is a Islamic based religious group. Promoting a Black nationalist movement
with a sovereign Black Nation in America. A great group for all Black youth to study. "Study does not mean join, unless you like or feel it and feel it can make you a better person".

Noble Drew Ali was mentor to Elijah Robert Pool-El. Elijah left the Moorish Science Temple and start the Nation of Islam.

Honorable Elijah Muhammad/ Elijah Pool-El found of the Nation of Islam, originally out of Detroit, Michigan, now in Chicago, Illinois.

If you study Marcus Garvey U.N.I.A./ Black Movement in America. Nation of Islam is based of the same ideas and concepts as U.N.I.A. a nation within a nation for Black people.

Elijah Muhammad was the personal mentor of Malcolm Little. Malcolm Little would join the Nation of Islam and become known as Malcolm X.

Malcolm Little was the product of Gravinism. Gravinism are followers and believers in Marcus Garvey Black Movement. Malcolm's parents Mr. and Mrs Little ran the Lansing, Michigan news paper of U.N.I.A.

Malcolm Little joined the Nation, and took the name Malcolm X. He was the personal mentor to the Nation of Islam Boston Minister Louis Farrakhan. After his return from, his Hajj to Mecca. He earned the name Malik-El Hajj Shabazz!

Malik- El Hajj Shabazz after he return from Mecca, he left the Nation of Islam and started his own organization Moslem Mosque INC. {MMI} and Organization of African- American Unity {OAAU}.

Honorable Louis Farrakhan is the leader of the Nation of Islam today {2013}.

This is over one-hundred {100} years of progress and leaders of the Black Movement in America!

                                                     Duse Mohamed Ali Bio

Duse Mohamed Ali was born in Alexandria, Egypt in 1866. He died in 1945.
His father was Egyptian and his mother Sudanese. He was educated in England. While in England, he studied writing. He was very fond of the Pan- African movement. Also well learned in Islam, being
 he was a moslem. When coming to America he befriend Marcus Garvey and mentor him in his movement. But, Duse had his on agenda and movement to incorporate Islam and the Black Nationalist movement together. In Detroit, Michigan he started his 1st chapter of the Universal Islamic Society!

Duse also found a paper called the Comet!

Duse Mohamed life is not well documented sort of? But if you look at the legacy he left behind from  leaders and groups that followed his lead, is life is well documented!

Thank you, Duse Mohammad Ali

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