Thursday, February 12, 2015

Transfer: Black History Month- Cultural Icon/ Black Wall Street Today?

Black History Month- Cultural Icon/ Black Wall Street Today?

                                      Understanding what Black Wall Street is?
                                                 Black History Month
                                                     A Cultural Icon

Black Wall Street is very important as I draw it out in detail! Think about this when you go to any major city in America you can find a diversity culture there expect Black or African? If you go to New York City you will find "Little Italy" in Manhattan. There you will find shops and restaurants that support Italian culture. If you travel to Chicago you will find "Jew Town" along Maxwell st. Its not as Jewish as it used to be when it was populated and owned mostly by Jews and Polish Jews. But the area is still known as Jew town {Maxwell st, Market}. If you travel to one of the best cities in the world Detroit you will find "Mexican Town" in Southwest Detroit near Vernor ave! Which has some of the greatest authentic Mexican food this side of the board!

But am yet to find a little Africa or Africa town in any major city I have ever been to? Yes, we have a Black Expo in Indianapolis and Africa- American festivals in mostly all major cities. These are temporary situations? There is nothing there permanently you can visit anytime of year! As a Black African- American family we can not say to our family members lets go to African village in downtown anywhere, any have dinner and visit a some shops and buy some items! Why not?

Why as Black African people we can not have our own thing? Because you are so important to the overall United States economy with the money we spend it would nearly collapse the United States economy if we "Black people" practiced community wealth!

Community wealth: is spending money with people as the same race as you!
Bull- crap: is buying things of any real value in economics, "designer clothes and rims for cars".

They know we spend more money on "Bull-crap" than any other people, which is good for business!
This is perfect for business owners you stead spend never gaining wealth, which means you and yours will always be in a endless cycle of buying and being poor, this a perfect model to what true capitalism is!

                        Let me explain: Understanding the inside story on business in America!

This is a little risky what am about to do, so let me explain some things and please read this carefully!
First, I am not defending the personal values or the decisions that the person, am about to speak on!
Secondly, I am only support a couple of great ideas this man had to empower and build a base economy for Black people!
The person am speaking about is ousted and former Detroit City Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick! During Kwame tenure as mayor of Detroit he actively investigated the idea of bring a African village or town to Detroit. But this ran into heavy problems early, the main problem was insurance for the project and affordable insurance rates for business owners once the African village/ town was open.

"As a Black business owner myself I know for a fact Black business owners especially those who operate within city limits, pay a considerable amount for insurance for business and other amenities than our other racial counterparts!" Which has nothing to do with claims? Arabs in Detroit, have more business claims than any other races of people in Detroit! But they still get good rates!

So Kwame and others in Detroit where embarking on a piece of landmark legislature, that many did not know about! "I personal feel this was the real reason/ along with some personal mistakes, that caused his downfall".

What Kwame and others was embarking on was a set of landmark legislature that would have even the playing field for Black business all over the United States and greatly helped African Americans consumer! What he was working on was reversing red-line pricing to Blacks! This would have been done by challenging the Federal Government {F.B.I.} on how they record data on crimes.

Kwame proposed that when people commit crimes or certain crimes it should be placed on where the person comes from instead of where they are at! He often complained about the huge problem he faced especially on weekends in Detroit about Whites coming to Detroit using/ buying drugs and prostitutes! Which kept officers jam-up and could not respond to more urgent calls more promptly.

Example: If you lived in a nice suburb near Detroit like maybe West Bloomfield, and came to Detroit on the weekend to score {get drugs and or a prostitute} and got caught that case should be sent back to West Bloomfield where you live at, and let that court system pay to prosecute your case!

This would automatically given accurate crime rate according to race if the suburbs would have reported it to the F.B.I. like they are suppose to but do not so their insurance rates for their citizens do not increase or sky- rocket!

This would also crippled the insurance industry as a whole, they would have less to work with in giving Whites better rates instead of Blacks! This would made alot of Black people save lots of money, I mean lots of money!

This compound by a African village/ town was a double whammy to White business owners and White America. Which they could not let happen! But since many Blacks can not read between the lines or know much about history it keeps repeating its self for them in the worst ways!!!

A clue for my Black people, especially those who are engulfed with the "Nigga News" {abc, nbc, cbs} daily and night news! They are designed and programed to get a desire effect among its viewers. If you are Black, self hatred, miss trust among each other, and promotion of White values!

Another clue, for my Black people, the next time the you see a White man having a affair while in office and all he gets is "he has to offer a public apology to the public" {President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal}. Then the Black man does basically the same thing and goes to jail, {Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and Christine Beatty} doesn't something click on in your head like maybe its more to this story then appears since the White guy basically did the same thing and nothing happened to him?

This is why we study history so we can prevent bad things from happen over again!
Tell others to read this, please post on fb/ twitter or any other public media, Blacks and Whites need to know and understand red-line and why it is bad business over all!

love, live and learn

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