Thursday, February 12, 2015

Transfer: Black History Month- Cultrual Icon/ Malcolm X

Black History Month- Cultural Icon/ Malcolm X

                                                     Understanding Malcolm X

In understanding Malcolm X, you have to understand freedom from a point that you may not know, what some Black people consider freedom is not actually freedom at all, that is another man's  definition of freedom. The freedom Malcolm X was talking and teaching was of mind, body and spirit. If you view Malcolm X whole life you start to see a full circle. At different phase in Malcolm X life you see him striving for different types of freedom. These different types of freedoms can be seen as he tries to free is mind and body from prison? Another time of freedom was a spiritual freedom, when he took his hajj to the Holy city of Mecca.

Malcolm X life story is a very dangerous story, to the powers that be rather that's politics, religion or government polices. Because their interest in our lives is control, and Malcolm fought these controls every step of the way.

Today's topic will be understanding the freedom's and truth's, Malcolm X, talk about and fought for!

Before we get into the discussion of understanding Malcolm X, we want to take a look at Malcolm's childhood and personal life! His childhood lays down a blueprint for what his life would be like or become?

When viewing Malcolm's personal life you see the values that Malcolm X, believed in and stood up for and defended.

                                                         Malcolm X childhood Bio

Malcolm X, was born Malcolm Little in 1925. He was born was in North Omaha, Nebraska. Malcolm's childhood life starts to take place in Lansing , Michigan. Malcolm father was Earl Little a Baptist minister. Malcolm mother was Louise Little a homemaker. Malcolm was the seventh (7) child out of eight (8) children of Mr & Mrs Little.

This is often over looked by many when Malcolm is studied or talked about, Malcolm parents Mr & Mrs Little were "Garveyites" they edit and published the local Lansing chapter news paper of U.N.I.A.

Garveyites: are follows of the Black leader Marcus Garvey. This movement was know as the Garveyism.

U.N.I.A. stands for Marcus Garvey, organization for Black people. The Universal Negro Improvement Association.

So Malcolm from a very young age was taught not to fear White people on any level. Malcolm did not grow- up with a inferior complex of White people like some Blacks did in his time. This would become evident in Malcolm the man as he would openly and with confidence challenge White people on many fronts and subjects!

Malcolm would have attend church often, because his father was a Baptist minister. Malcolm would have knew a great deal about the Holy Bible and Christians from growing in the church. This would  suit him very well in a dual role in his life later. By growing up, under a Baptist minister. Malcolm would become a minister for the Nation of Islam. As a minister in the Nation of Islam, he would be able to relate to many Blacks and their understand and belief because of his Baptist church background.

Malcolm childhood was not a happy one, his home in Lansing was burned down, by White supremacist. Around two (2) years later, his father was killed by White supremacist also! This greatly troubled Malcolm he would later state in life, also compound by the fact his grandmother had been raped by a White man, which made his mother half White and him a quarter White.

White Supremacist: White people, who believe they are superior to other races of people. They also practice hate tactics to achieve their purpose and interest. The also form hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan.

Malcolm's mom Louise life had also been difficult because of White people. She had been born due to her mother being raped by White man. Mr and Mrs Little left Omaha, Nebraska, when Malcolm was one (1) years old, because their house was burned down! Then to have their house burned down again in Lansing, Michigan! Then two (2) years later to have her husband killed by White men. All this was to much for Mrs. Little, plus trying to take care of eight (8) children by her self after the murder of her husband. In 1938 Mrs. Little was committed to a mental hospital.

In 1941 Malcolm was place in foster care and stayed with a White family until he was fifteen (15) when his older sister sent for him and he moved to Boston with her. It was here in Boston were he started living a life of crime and using drugs!

                           "A message to White America in its failed and hidden agenda"

Like many Black men, Malcolm faced many harsh realities of life, from the hands of White people. This is often done through some sort of racist view or political agenda! This directly cause many young Black  men to take a just get off the grid type of approach, we become distant from White American culture. As young Black men, we simple get tried of dealing with the White man inferior complex of self, which he projects out as racism to non- White people. In the minds of so many Black men this is so petty and stupid by the White man, you just try to get far away from him as you can, but soon come to the realization you still have to survive, which sends many Black men down a road of crime! Because of these many, young Black men actually do not see themselves as criminal's! But as political prisoners of a broken and corrupt system fueled by a hidden agenda of prejudices and racist White men. This is why in large the American penal system has failed in America, and will topple America probably within the next 20 years as mostly all States in America spend half or more of their budget on the department of correction!

By: Erik Boyd

                                    Understand Malcolm X search for Freedom!

While in prison Malcolm X is introduce to Islam. Islam is a natural fit for most young Black men, because of the strict discipline it gives, only to nurture and promote self growth and development. This was a natural draw for Malcolm, as prison can force you sometimes to deal with the reality of self! When dealing with self you seek answer to events, especially events in your life! This is what Malcolm did he used his prison time to ask question and seek answer pertain to his life and the world he lived in. The teach of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad hit home with Malcolm because they  reinforced the values Malcolm had been taught at home by his parents.

This sent Malcolm down the road of freedom of self! Self control of self is the bases of all freedom! Malcolm learned control his emotions and fears, then keep his focus on his inner energies of being positive.

After being released from prison in Massachusetts, Malcolm moved to Detroit, Michigan the original head- quarters for the Nation of Islam. From here he would be directed and mentored by Elijah Muhammad, and would accept the name Malcolm X. Thus freeing himself from his slave masters name, and freeing himself from a slave mentality to one of a free man!

As Malcolm X, worked with the Nation of Islam he began to study and understand America agenda and protocol against the Black man. So from here he started practice freedom from change of government polices and agenda. Malcolm quickly seen and understood to be truly free certain government polices and practices would have to be changed and corrected in order to bring about freedom of the Black man in America.

Then Malcolm X, started teaching other Blacks about the corrupt polices, agenda and practices of America which disabled Blacks to be free. This is where Malcolm X, would encounter many Whites and their puppet's the educated Negroes. Malcolm X, had no fear and was confident, this would allow him to mow right thought the racist Whites and their educated Negro puppets! This in- turn gave other Blacks hope of freedom, when seeing Malcolm X challenge and win against the White man!

This next event would change and define Malcolm X legacy. Malcolm X  would take his hajj to the Holy city of Mecca! Malcolm X would travel through Africa and Arabia learning, studying and talking with many different people! From this trip to Mecca, Malcolm X would learn the ultimate lesson in freedom forgiveness!!! He forgive Whites, but never forgot the treachery of the White man!

Forgiveness is not so much for the other person as it is for you! True forgiveness purges the mind, body and soul to cleanness it self from all pain, hurt and suffering, in this state of emptiness one becomes total free!

This is the freedom Jesus speaks of on the cross at his cruxifiction! "Forgive them Father for they no not what they do".

This is also big in Zen- Buddhism, of being at state of emptiness to achieve total inner- peace!

This is also practice in Islam as you should have  mercy and forgiveness, Allah means merciful!

Also in the African Kemetic belief system that one confess the 42 negative confession before being judged by God!

Malik-El Hajj Shabazz, we thank you for teaching us to forgive those who oppress us, but at the same time fight with all are will to be free! It is Malcolm X, legacy to be free in all ways and not have a heavy heart!

love, live and learn

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