Saturday, January 24, 2015

Transfer: Epic of Gilamesh

Epic of Gilgamesh

                                            Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh is its on complete story . I chose to introduce the readers of the blog to The Epic of Gilgamesh through the stories of Nimrod Series part 2. The reason I done this is because I want to show how the Holy Bible and other Holy Text {Torah & Qur'an} are not so exact as one may think!

This does not play down or go against in of the Holy Texts {Bible, Qur'an or Torah}. What am simply saying is that you have to use more than the Holy Text you are studying out of, to understand the Holy Text you are reading!

Having a science background I use a simple rule to help people understand things! That rule is the fastest route between point A to point B is a straight line!
I simple take you to the origin of the subject and then bring you up to date with where the subject is today!

I have to do some explaining before we get into The Epic of Gilgamesh! This may shake some people to the core of their belief? This is simple world history that maybe the church does not want you to know or in some case your minister may not know?     

                         The Epic of Gilgamesh/ The short story!

The three (3) major religion Judaism, Christianity and Islam also know as the Abrahamic religions or faiths, would have you believe that Abraham received this information directly from God? Unfortunately this is the farthest thing from the truth. Abraham actually learn of this faith from his interaction with Akkadian people in Shinar!

Abraham is known as the founder of all three religions. This is because Christianity and Islam, largely come out of Judaism.     

Now we have to really dig deep historically and dig deep into self with a open mind. Shinar history goes back at least 2,000 years or more before any of the  major charterers {Abraham} of the three (3) major religions were born. So this discredits most of the historical facts in the book of Genesis as being historically correct, far as origin and who founded what places, cities and kingdoms!

Make no mistake, I am not saying the things in the book of Genesis did not happen, because they did happen! What I am saying is that most of the stories in the book of Genesis are retold stories from a earlier period in history.

Some of these stories that are retold are what people actually wrote the Holy Bible! What people actually founded this part of the world! The belief in one God! The great flood!

To prove a point, I will use the Great Flood that Noah/ Nuh/ Noach built the ark for and repopulated the world with his three (3) sons?

This story is known in popular culture as the flood myth, the deluge myth or creation myth.

This story needs little effort to be discredited as originating with the Abrahamic religions. Every culture of people on the earth told a story or kept a written record of that time that there was a great flood and earthquake at that time!

A earthquake followed by a flood is known as a Tsunami! Depending where the earthquake starts, will result in which one you will feel or see first.

This story was first told in the story of The Epic of Gilgamesh over 2,000 years before Noah was born?

You will also find this story in Hindu, Buddhism and Jainism as the Puranuas stories {genre}. The story is also found in the Americas told by the K'iche {Mayan people} and the Muisca people in South America. Also in Greek mythology as the Deucalion.

A list of creation and flood stories for those who feel, I only had a few good guesses!

Hint: click on word below to go to external link for information!

1. Antediluvia
2. Atlantis
3. Atrahasis
4. Aztlán
5. Black Sea deluge hypothesis
6. Cantref Gwaelod
7. Finnish flood myth
8. Gilgamesh flood myth
9.Great Flood (China)
10. Immanuel Velikovsky
11. Lemuria
12. Matsya
13. Mesoamerican flood myths
14. Viracocha
15. Ys
16. Ziusudra

Live, Love and Learn     

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