Saturday, January 24, 2015

Transfer: Nimrod pt3

Nimrod pt3

                                                   Nimrod pt3

In Nimrod pt3, we look at the cites that are attributed to Nimrod and the inhabitants of those cities. There is much controversy over who these people where. The first and most famous city attributed to Nimrod was the city of Babel. Babel is often called or known as Babylon.

This infamous city is best know for the tower of Babel. The tower of Babel is not a tower at all, but a pyramid. This type of pyramid is known as a ziggurat.

This is the short version of the story about the Tower of Babel, and how God confused the inhabitants language. "The people said let us build a city and a tower {skyscraper apartment} so that we will not be scattered among the earth. This for some reason angered or upset the "Gods" as they said let "us" go down and confuse the language of the people"

If you notice when God is talking especially in the book of Genesis, he talks in plural form a lot? Meaning or suggesting that its more than one? Some say this is due to the Trinity? But the word Trinity is not mentioned one time in the bible? So how does this support monotheism? {these are only questions}

Trinity: three (3) in one. God, Son {Jesus} and Holy Spirit

Why was God or the Gods so angry or upset about men building a city and a tower to live in? Many large apartment buildings around the world have living quarters, shopping quarters and a place of worship in them especially in Islamic countries were they pray five (5) times a day!

So this is how Babel received its name from the confused language of the people babel? This is the story the Jews {European descent} tell? They say babel comes from the Hebrew word "lebelbal".

Lebelbal: {Hebrew}. meaning to confuse 

But this word brings in some confusion, because the Greeks tell another story concerning the word babel. Which is odd, since the Greek where the ones who   learned about God and the Bible from the Hebrews? Which is a bit odd seeing that the teacher and pupil have to different meanings for the same word? 

The Greeks say their version of the word comes from the Akkadian word "Bab-ilim" {Babylon}

Bab-ilim {Akkadian}. meaning Gate of God or Gateway of the Gods.

The bibles gives credit to the city of Babel and the tower to Nimrod! There are no direct indications in the bible that say Nimrod directed or order the building of the tower?

Others have contributed the city of Babel to be built by the Akkandians, and the city of Babel was part of the Akkandian kingdom of Sumeria. Sumerian records {tablets} go back 3,000 years or more. Most scholars agree the kingdom is much older maybe 6,000 years or older!

Akkadians: means. Black- Head people {Africans}
Sumeria: means. civilized people.

The Akkadians are associated with the Canaanites in the bible. Mostly all scholars believe that the Akkadians and the kingdom of Sumeria are much older than any of the major characters in the bible by at least 2,000 years.

Even in biblical times this area was mostly populated by Hamites, Cushites and Shemites {not to be confused with Semitic people}. Hamites, Cushites and Shemites are all African descent people!

Babel/ Babylonian was the first city in this discussion. We will be discussing the other cities attributed to Nimrod in other blogs!

The Bible must be used with other tools in order to understand it!         

live, love and learn!

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