Saturday, January 24, 2015

Transfer: The Deity Amen

The Deity Amen

                                               The  Deity Amen

In ancient Egypt/ Kemet each city patronized a Deity/ God. Called a center of worship for that Deity. The Deities are always worshiped in a female and male set! Wife/ Husband and Sister/ Brother. This is balance within the universe.

Then you have universal Deities/ God that were worshiped all over Kemet in every city. Sometimes these Deities are infused with other Deities because they are very similar but have different names. They are also sometimes infused because the deities work every well together.

There are also Deities that have evolved over the millennium of years, and survive to this day! The most successful Kemetic Deity to keep their original form is Auset/ Aset/ Isis/ Shine of the Black Madonna/ Mary Mother of Jesus.

The next Deity to do so is Amen/ Amun/ Amon. Amen also evolved over the millennium like Auset. He has been adopted the most by Christians. Thus after every verse the priest speaks and the congregation says Amen! Meaning that, what the priest said was the truth! But this is the lesser meaning of two (2) meanings!

                                       Understanding Amen/ Amun/ Amon

Amen: {meaning in English}. verily and truth
Verily: means. truly, actually, really and indeed

Kemetic meaning of Amen: hidden one!

Amen is infused with a lot of Deity to make one Deity. Amen was infused with the Deity Ra, after the expelling of the Hyksos Rulers! They were infused due to their many similarity's. Amen- Ra is one of the more popular Deity of ancient Kemet.

Hylsos: foreign ruler. not native to. usually associated with Kemet to mean White Rulers in Black Kemet.  

Ra: Sun Deity/ God. The sun is a symbol only of God, because it is the most powerful source of pure energy within our universe and gives life to the universe.

Even after the fall and defeat of Black African Kemet by the Greeks, they instantly adopted Amen/ Amon as their God also! Combining him with Zeus! Making the Greek/ Kemetic God, Zeus- Amon! Which Alexandar III {Great} said "Zeus- Amon was his father"! Which gave him authority to be King and rule over Kemet!

The main temple or worship center of Amen- Ra is at the temple of Karnak. This temple had addition put on by many different Pharaohs/ Kings. No other Pharaoh/ King added more addition to Karnak then Ramesses II also known as Ramesses the Great, this is where Alexander III, adopted and added Great to his name after learning about Ramesses the Great!

Karnak is the biggest Church/ Temple in the world! It is the biggest Church/ Temple ever built in history!  Its metaphysical style of building confused, European for years! Karnak has no ceiling only pillars in court yards.
Ramesses II built more temples and moments to Amen- Ra then other King of Kemet. For his great service to the only true Deity/ God ever, he was reward by history as being the greatest King to ever walk the face of the earth a Black man!       
                    Symbolic meaning of Amen- Ra, temple in Karnak! 

 This design is symbolic that the whole universe being a place worship. The pillars are symbolically supporting the sky/ heavens thus joining heaven and earth together as one! This showing the love to Amen- Ra by his followers that they reach for perfection in their lives to be closer and walk with him! 

What we call God and Holy Spirit/ Ghost today really are characteristics of Amen, especially more so the Holy Spirit part of the trinity! Amen is powerful and present in our everyday lives as the Holy Spirit is also. This is why Amen is known as the "hidden one", strong and powerful presence but unseen, similar to today's Holy Spirit!
                           Religion of Amen, practices and beliefs

The High Priest in the temples Amen, would say his name after each verse that was read, to confirm what was read was the word of Amen. This practice was kept in Christan as it evolved into the Christianity we have today, showing more proof of the origins of Christianity was taken from Black Africans in Kemet!   

Amen also is also part of a trinity, with his wife Mut and their son Khonsu!

In Kemet we strongly reject any God without a wife! Black Women hold equal rights just as Men do in the Kemetic Beief system!!! Amen has a creation story also that tells how the earth and universe where created. We also strongly reject any creation story that does not consist of Man, Woman and Child!!! Thus Love being the strongest principle in the universe is shown by the unity of the Black Family!  
1. Amen: father
2. Mut: mother
3. Khonsu: son

Reference about Amen are found in the Torah, Qur'an and Holy Bible!

Hebrew Bible in the Nevi'im Text.
Holy Bible in the book of Jeremiah ch. 46. ver. 25.
Holy Bible in the book of Nahum ch. 3 ver. 8.

Holy Bible, book of Nahum 3:8 the word "No Amon" is a city on the Nile river, in Egypt/ Kemet near the city of Thebes, or another name for Thebes?

No Amon: {means in Kemet}. City of God!

                                  Amen in Kemetic {Greek} medicine 

The Greeks with their false accreditation of medicine! They stole from Kemet when they were pupils there! This can be traced back through translation and meanings if you know what you are reading!

The regions of the brain known as the hippocampus {temporal lobe} is called cornuammonis in Greek, literally mean "Amun's Horns", because of how they look.

live, love and learn

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