Saturday, January 24, 2015

Transfer: Nimrod pt1

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Nimrod pt1


Is a man of great importance in the Holy Bible but often over looked. He is loved and hated all at the same time. So we will take a in-depth at the man called Nimrod!

Who is Nimrod? Nimrod is the son of Cush, Son of Ham, Son of Noah! Nimrod is Noah great- grandson! There is some question to his race and ethnic background. His grandfather Ham is known as the forefather of the African people. His father Cush is known as the forefather of the Ethiopians. So this makes Nimrod a Black African! He also built a second set of cities {kingdom}.

The cities Nimrod built; Babel, Erech, Accad and Calneh in the land of Shinar.
The second set of cities are Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah and Resen. {Calah being the principle or capital city}.    

Nimrod is known as a mighty hunter before the lord! The first to found a empire after the great flood {if you agree with Biblical dates}. Which he is the King of Shinar.

Shinar is a empire in the Holy Bible, located in Mesopotamia/ Sumeria. European and Western scholars try to suggest that the Nile Civilization  and Sumeria are different people! As you can see the genealogy of these people are the same! The most you can make in the way of a difference is that are cousins!

Now we have identity who Nimrod is and what he did. we will look closer at these cities, kingdoms and empires he built and the descendents of these people in pt2 of Nimrod!  

live, love and learn!

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