Saturday, January 24, 2015

Transfer: Nimrod and Emmerkar Connection

Nimrod and Enmerkar Connection

                            Nimrod and Enmererkar Connection

Nimrod and Enmererkar Connection is important to African studies. This in no way should be used or taken against the Holy Bible! The Holy Bible, Torah and Qur'an are great reference texts to unlocking African history. I do not even really fault European {White People} they simply had corrupt leadership, that used these Holy Text to wage war for riches. Thus the crusades into Arabia {middle- east} and the invasion into Africa both wars were waged with religious over and under tones!

Please new readers and knowledge seekers do not discard your Bibles and other holy texts when learning new information they must be used in conjunction together with the new knowledge!

The information, I bring is to show African {Al-Kebulan} people history is older than slavery! Even older then the Holy Bible and all other holy text. This is the point and case of the Nimrod series to introduce new information to readers from other proven and validated sources outside holy text, Torah, Qur'an and Bible.


Is a King of the Sumeria Empire. Sumeria goes by different names according to who is ruling and what time frame in history is being reference to. This area was fought and conquered by many people in history until this day. Here is a short list of names the region has went by in history.

1. Sumeria
2. Sumer
3. Mesopotamia
4. Babel
5. Babylonian
6. Shinar
7. Iraq & Iran {modern day}

These lands have un-yield untold riches throughout history until this day! America and its European coalition are still fighting with the Pale Arabs in the region over the oil fields in Arabia! So nothing has really changed?

Enmerkar life story seems to be retold through the biblical character Nimrod? When reading Enmerkar story many of the holes or gaps in Nimrod story was filled.

Enmerkar is official and his name is found on the Sumerian King List! Like in the bible the kingship it is handed down from God to man. The interesting similarity also between Enmerkar and Nimrod they were both Black African and both came from a family or bloodline of Black African leaders.

Nimrod king of Shinar {Sumeria} son of Cush, king of Ethiopia son of Ham, father of the African race of people also known as Hamites.

Enmerkar and Nimrod are both given credit for the building of the city of Uruk! But Enmerkar lived over 2,000 years before any of the major characters of the bible?

Both also brought their Kingship with them from another place!

There are some scholars who say Enmerkar names translates to hunter in the ancient Akkadian language. Nimrod was also called the mighty hunter!

This is more proof of African history and its glorious past!

live, love and learn

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