Saturday, January 24, 2015

Transfer: Ethiopian Churches

Ethiopian Churches 

                                                Ethiopian Churches

This is a very important topic about churches in Ethiopia. Because Western do not know about Africa, especially Ethiopia! Ethiopia churches are built in unconventional places.

We believe this is due to the great wisdom, understand and faith of Black people, especially Ethiopians. Ethiopians have engineered marvelous out of rock for churches. There are eleven (11) stone rock cut churches in Ethiopia.

Ethiopian: the word comes from the core word ethical.
Ethical: mean. having good morals and principles about ones self!
"Black people are a upright people of high moral standards"

As of now the Ethiopia region is the oldest known place to the Black man. This would mean all Black African people come from Ethiopia!


Lalibela is the name of a church in Ethiopia. Lalibela is also a town where the church is located. The town is named after King Lalibela of Ethiopia. The chruch is cut out of one piece stone {monolithic- rock}.

King Lalbela had these churches constructed after the Muslims took control of Jerusalem and stop Christians from entering the Holy Land. The construction dates of the churches are not known! Also all eleven (11) churches where not constructed at the same time     

When studying the history of Lalibela Church, Western {Europeans} will make it seem as if Lalibela Churches and Judeo- Christianity was copied from Jerusalem. That is the farthest thing from the truth! The Hebrew Bible comes from the Ethiopian Bible from the Amharic language and from the Amhara people of Ethiopia! Amharic should not be confused with Aramaic which is a Syrian based language of Hebrew and Arabic.

The Lalibela churches are cut down into the rock under ground level. This type of construction is not understood fully yet? This unique style of building has cause the World Heritage Site to name the churches of Lalibela the 8th wonder of the world!

The churches were built during Ethiopia's medieval period. Many of Ethiopia's castles were also built at this time from the riches made from trade on the silk roads leading out of Ethiopia! Gondar, Ethiopia has more castle in this area then any other place in the world including Europe! It was the Black Moors whom conquered and settled Southern Europe who built the first castles, and taught the Europeans the secrets of castle building!

There are many more great facts about these churches, please research for self!
Please google images of the Lalibela Churches!

live, love and learn

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