Saturday, January 24, 2015

Transfer: Nimrod pt2

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Nimrod pt2

                                                     Nimrod pt 2

In this part of Nimrod we will look at the cities and kingdom he found.
The first kingdom he built is Shinar! Shinar is mention continuously throughout the Holy Bible.

Note: These cities and kingdoms are only a credited to him by Holy Text such as the Holy Bible?

Shinar is a empire to be exact. It consist of four (4) cities Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calah.

Shinar: seems to mean in Hebrew- city of two (2) rivers? or means two (2) cities?

1. Babel was the principle/ capital city of Shinar.  Babel is best know for the tower of Babel. {another topic} Babel is believed to be later the city of Babylon. 

The tower of Babel is not a tower! This is a widely held misconception. The so- called tower of Babel is properly known as a ziggurat. A ziggurat is a type of pyramid! A pyramid complex to be exact!

This explanation in the Holy Bible is a mistranslation by non Black African  writers. Or a down play of building skills by non Black African writers? Black African do not build towers? They build pyramids! As seen in the world over.

All the pyramids on the planet, have Black African involvement in them to some degree! Children of Black Africans your ancestors left these marks all over the world to remind you that they where here! Please use your eternal maps {d.n.a./ melanin} to find your way back home!

2. Erech/ Uruk is a city of great importance about 4000 years ago or before. In later times the city is known for its ziggurat {pyramids} and Sumerian tablets. Erech seem to have been the leading city with its own capital early in Sumerian history with its own principle/ capital city of Gilgamesh! {which the Epic of Gilgamesh takes place}{another story}. Erech remained inhabited and well maintain into Greek and Roman eras. The city seems to lose its importance after this period. 

3. Accad was a city also of great importance. Accad is name after the Akkadian people. The actual location of the city is unknown. The city is only known because of the different reference made about it in Holy Text {Holy Bible} and other Sumerian writings known as cuneiform script or text.

Akkadian: means- Black head people.

4. Calah/ Kalhu/ Kalakh/ Nimrud was the principle or capital city of Nimrods kingdom as mentioned in the Holy Bible. The name Nimrud is the name the Arabs called the city. The city has many different names and spellings due to the many groups of people who conquered and occupied the area.

Much of the history of the area and city is given to the Assyrian people. This is a grey area in history, because of all the wars in the area. Most of the people lived together or in over- laping communities because there was not always a clear cut winner of all these wars. Many of the wars went on for years! This is what makes it hard to give credit to one group of people in the area? Plus you have the strong element of influence over each other in this area.

Note: many modern scholars believed so much credit was given to the Assyrian people because the rediscover of the ruins in the area in the 1800s. Is because the leading archaeologist was of Assyrian descendent!

The word Arabs does not denote if that means Black African Arabs or Pale Arabs from the Asian Minor? This is a serious problem when studying the North- East Africa Peninsula known as Arabia or the so- called Middle East.

The word "Middle East" is used during the Europeans invasion into the east by the Kings of Europe and the Roman Catholic Church with their armed militia the Knights Templar! {The Crusades} This was the middle or half point to the continent of Asia. Asia and Africa are also known as the Orient in earlier times {European definition during their invasion eastward}. Orient only means Asia in mordern times!

This is part 2 of Nimrod. As we move into other parts of the story you will hopefully see things are not what they seem to be as written or accredit as in the Holy Texts such as the Bible. As I have shown time and time again you can not only read the Bible to understand the Bible! There other tools you must use such as history accurate with the time and dates you are reading about! People move about the face of the earth especially Black African people. So you can not look at people who live in areas today and assumed they always lived there!        

Live, Love and Learn!

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